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EA/BW: As a previously paying customer, I want to know one and only one thing...


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There have only been two MMORPGs in history (that I can recall) that transitioned to a free to play/cash shop model from a subscription-based model that have allowed me to use and utilize EVERYTHING that I had achieved, unlocked or otherwise PAID FOR during my time as a subscribed customer after the transition to free-to-play without asking me to PAY AGAIN or otherwise double-dip into my own wallet.


Things I speak of are points such as:


- Characters that were created prior to the changeover, but F2P accounts have "limited" character slots thereby rendering some characters "locked" and unplayable though no choice of my own.

- Item quality/tier restrictions rendering certain characters' already-acquired gear unusable post-transition.

- Skill tier limitations* (granted SWTOR doesn't have a progressive skill/spell learning system, but I point it out anyway)

- Inventory/Bank item limits that were previously purchased being "reverted" to a F2P limit cap.

- Other functionality that was available to paying customers that was previously utilized being removed from the F2P tier (such as legacy unlocks that were previously purchased).

- Etc.


We already know you're willing to rip the heart and soul of the "MMO" out of the SWTOR experience for F2P players by completely forbidding Operations in any way, shape or form, so I figure I might as well ask directly to see what else might be taken away. Given your propensity to not talk to your community until well after it's too late, here's your chance. Or do you not even care anymore, since as your investor conference last night stated plainly anyway, Battlefield 3's success/profits offset SWTOR's failure/losses.

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