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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

This really is Stunwars - Adjust is needed to keep the game fun


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blame WoW really. The whole mentality of 'keep the target stationary in front of you so you can press buttons' was really popularized by Wow. heaven forbid devs code skills to promote good movement and strategy other than 'keep x in front of me, can i cannot press buttons and move at same time'...


This.The Hunter CLass alone has more CC abilities then all of our classes combined...literally....Dont even get me started on Frost Mages.

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This.The Hunter CLass alone has more CC abilities then all of our classes combined...literally....Dont even get me started on Frost Mages.


I loved my 100% uptime with my 50% slow. Now that was a game that allowed kiting.

Too bad the min range was so easily abused.

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