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Do Bioware want us all to be LS ?


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It has been suggested that in all conversations with NPCs the first option (whatever it happens to be) is "canon". So, if the first option is always LS (I know this is not true, because on my smuggler I just encountered a DS option as first choice), then "canon" is LS.


That being said, I agree with the sentiment, play the characters as you see fit, don't worry about your companions' reactions. At one point, very soon after I got him on my JK, Scourge actually went negative affection by quite a bit. There are also times when your companions surprise you.


Further, DS choices are not necessarily evil. In my experience with the planet questlines, most of the choices come down to helping the innocent civilians (LS) or furthering the military cause (DS). Sacrificing innocents is not a very nice thing to do, but it is not "evil" per se (the needs of the many...)

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i've actually noticed that gender makes a difference. As a male LS SI i really enjoyed it, the story felt really well done as a sith who holds on to his own ideals despite what other sith think. Also the romance with Ashara actually made sense and provided a more in depth story as a guy who's willing to do whatever is necesary to change the Empire and keep a lasting peace. Then going back and playing as a female DS SI it was alot of fun acting like a psychopath obsessed with power who wouldn't care what all the companions thought.
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SW - first companion and LI is anti imperial and at very best light grey. Second female LI can be light or dark. Possibly the easiest character to stay DS on, unless you get tempted into an early relationship with Vette.

SI - only female LI is definitely not DS. YourcCharcters whole background as an ex-slave gives the story an anti-empire slant unless the player makes a deliberate effort otherwise and if he does then his romance option makes zero sense.

BH - Both LI are again light grey at best - Mako would work best as a Han Solo sidekick, to me it feels like she is written as a deliberate attempt to stop you being an ouright assasin, it is just a pity that this is exactly what the story forces you to be.




So is this a deliberate policy or just careless writing ?


I would say that part of it is trying to stick opposing personalities and stuff together, cause it makes a more interesting story. Also, you will come under influences from both camps always, so its pretty fifty-fifty to me, except maybe the companions. Several of the companions are also actually pretty neutral in their alignment.


I haven't played IA story much yet, but if IA is being sort of 'anti-sith' makes a whole lotta sense to me. Considering that in the Empire therers Sith and then theres everyone else. Everyone else is slightly uneasy about Sith being so unpredictable and powerful, so they like to have certain safety precautions for Sith, enter the agent. This is all very hush hush of course.


Ive liked all other stories so far with the exception of inquisitor.

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