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Another Prediction thread...


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So yeah title says it all. I'm not deeming this game as bad, or good. I'm not going to say its going to be P2W because it won't be. But we can expect...


1.) A lot of younger kids screaming and spamming chat and a lot of banning because some people can't watch their mouths & a lot of spoilers.


2.) A lot of chat spam saying "WTS" because limited access to the GTN.


3.) A rise in population due to all the new people wanting to play because of F2P. Also que times! Oh joy!


4.) Possible new servers.


5.) Less updates on CONTENT because cash shop updates. I have to see any games thats f2p and gives a huge amount of content in updates. If you know one then please comment one. I'd love to see it. (Not sarcasm.)

- What have we honestly got from the content updates? What? Stuff that should have been there since launch and 2 warzones? Over 7 months? Plus 2 operations. Hmmm.


This game was good because the voice overs & out standing storys. But minus that & lightsabers its just WoW.


Me? I know you don't care but I'm going to GW2 because it appeals to me. I'll still be playing Swtor but lost my sub. Why pay for something when others can play for free.


I remember being excited for this game back in november... Now. Eh.


I hope it really succeeds.

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So you're going to GW2? Another FTP game? With a cash shop?


That's like hating on shooters while purchasing Halo 4.


I'm not leaving because this game is going F2P. I enjoy F2P. I'm leaving because it gets boring doing the same stuff over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. The choices don't even affect your story dramatically. No new major content updates and probably will be forever till one comes up.

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I'm not leaving because this game is going F2P. I enjoy F2P. I'm leaving because it gets boring doing the same stuff over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. The choices don't even affect your story dramatically. No new major content updates and probably will be forever till one comes up.


Except for the fact that many MMO's that went with a FTP model actually increased the rate at which content came out.


You don't think you'll have repetitive things in GW2?

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