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Features we want to see on the Cartel Market


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Here's one I just thought of: Divorce, for those of us who married the wrong companion.


You won't be able to buy a divorce, however Bioware EA will supply in-game divorce lawyers at the low, low(!) rate of 100 Cartel Tokens per day. :D

Edited by Goretzu
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  • 1 month later...

I think I would enjoy a lot of what everyone else has said on here. a lot of customization options being able to craft items like the level 25 for 26 mods. Yeah that would be lovely... Make me feel like I can craft something useful for my guild other than color crystals no one wants.....


Thing I would love to see though and this might get some trolls after me..... Is the ability to outright buy credits. IE I pay 10 cartel coins and I have 1mil credits to spend in the auction house.


There are two reasons I want this:


1) It was brought up earlier in this thread about gold farmers and wanting to be able to ignore them. I don't like them, and they hack peoples accounts. But ultimately they exist because there is a market for them. I like to equate it that Gold farmers are the MMO version of Mexican drug cartels. People will do business with them and get what they want. Its just in peoples nature to take the easy way when you can. And because its not legal risks exist, and you might get hacked loose account stuff. Or worse you loose your actual credit card info! Because you just gave it to them.... You put it on the cartel market, and suddenly your doing business with the company running the game. EA and Bioware are making the profits from it, and gold farmers out of a job.


2) I have a full-time job, collage, and a girlfriend. I don't have the time to spend 3 hours a day doing dailies to save up the money to buy all the legacy unlocks I want. Wile also having the money to repair broken gear from an ops gone bad. Plus paying to get mods out of gear to put into the gear I want. When I have time to play star wars I wanna just play star wars. Run ops with my friends, or level up my alts without worrying about if I have enough credits to get all her skills trained. Maybe I'm just lazy but I play a game to have fun. Not to feel like I'm working an part-time job so my hobby is a bit more likeable.


As an after thought make it have a "convince feature" that allows you to share comms between all toons on a legacy. think about it how meany of us have 60 comms from a planet and really... really don't need but an alt really could. Or for us who want have a DPS alt and TANK alt we can share the comms. And small guilds get to be much more flexible when someone drops in the ops. I don't know just something I think would be great for us who like want to play all the story lines.

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I would like to see :


-revive tokens in flashpoints & operations so when the healer is out of rezzes we can still buy with our cartel points a revive. 50 cartel points for reviving at50% of health or 100 cartel points for reviving at 100% of your health.


- Stat booster packs. +10 --> +50 on desired stats for 1000 cartel points. or a combo pack for all stats for 1500 cartel points (promo!)


and so on...


ah if you think thats just rubbish? LOTRO has these in their store aswell. nice isnt it?


Yeah, I recognised the greedy ways of how they do it in LOTR. I find it adorable that people think it will be all fluff, lol, it's nice to see there are still so many gullible people that really think that the shop won't be as greedy as in other games.



Yes. Because no other game out there charges for renames. This was obviously a conspiracy by bioware that's been long in the works.


To my knowledge, and correct me if I am wrong, there is not one other game out there that FORCED you to change your name, 2 months before they started selling renames. None. Nor do I know of ANY MMO that made people rename their character TWICE.


But, sure, it can be all a coincidence. No, really, it can. Stop laughing!!

Edited by Yogol
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[*]Character recustomisation (change a characters race, name, appearance) - tiered so that you don't have to pay as much if you for example just want to change your hairstyle.

[*]Item dyes


Stuff like this should not be in the shop. Even in LOTR (which has one of the greediest shops of any big MMO) these things can be bought with in-game gold.

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Thing I would love to see though and this might get some trolls after me..... Is the ability to outright buy credits. IE I pay 10 cartel coins and I have 1mil credits to spend in the auction house.



I highly doubt you will be able to buy credits, BUT, Id be very very surprised if they don't make the cartel coins trad-able, and be able to list them on the GTN.

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In order of preference


1) New speices (Gran, Kel'dor, Mon Cal)

2) New space ships

3) New Outfits

4) New speeders


Species is by far the most important one for me as it would mean making new characters who would then want the new speeders, ships and outfits.Species is the thing I would pay for even if it was called a skin and I had only 3 or 4 possible Gran skins to buy (the ones already in game).

Edited by Izorii
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Here are some things I didnt see much of, but would like to see personally.

- Generic companions based on faction. So, if you dont like Quinn, how about a generic doctor npc to follow you around healing. Don't like Skadge? Generic bounty hunter melee tank. Just rank and file looking npc versions of the 5 companion types, to replace your companions while they are in carbonite. Maybe only useable after you finish chapter 3. (maybe with a different mix of crafting/gathering skills)

-Items that turn us into npc types, like togruta, rak ghouls, medium sized hutts, etc, for RP purposes. Just like, 1 hour potions or "Holo bands" would be amazing.

-Something that gives us access to cool areas we have seen that were part of storyline we finished and no longer have access too. Like the ice castle on Hoth, or those big underground engine rooms on Taris. But with all the npcs gone, and open to a full sized raid. Once again this is just for RP. It would be like reserving a space for RP, where you don't have random people walking in, or worse, trolls.

-An item that can turn any item, green, blue, purple into an empty slotted social item. So I buy this item with cartel coins, then apply the item ingame to like, a green sword or armor piece that I like, and it becomes an orange customizable version of itself. Or if applied to like, pvp armor, it wipes the set bonuses and crappy pvp stats and valor requirements clean, and I get a sweet new helmet.

-major recustomization- race changes, skin color changes, sex changes, name changes

-New haircut/scar/tattoo options (BODY TATTOOS)


That said, some things should just be available ingame without shop coins.

-Character recustomization minor : Haircuts, beards, even scars, eyecolor, tattoos (this is sci fi) should be available via ingame npc for ingame currency.

-Saber crystals: people build these ingame as their source of "income". It would be really mean to render artifice useless. (I am an armormech)


Furthermore, I would like to see subscribers get more than full access and a monthly allowance if these gambling crates are put in. Like say, monthly crates or keys with subscription. It would be a great way to trick non-subs into buying them, when they see subs running around with the contents of the boxes. Or hey, maybe even a way of getting more subs.

Edited by BlueRahja
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To my knowledge, and correct me if I am wrong, there is not one other game out there that FORCED you to change your name, 2 months before they started selling renames. None. Nor do I know of ANY MMO that made people rename their character TWICE.



DDO had a server consolidation before F2P launched that required some people to rename. Then when the European company that was hosting DDO closed down, all of the players there were forced to migrate again. If they didn't like the server they were transferring to they had to pay to transfer again (per character).

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Tell me... would you still ask for this if you know they would make mail between alts take an hour too, just so more people pay for this shared storage?


As long as it was like DDO and subscribers got it for free and freemium players had to pay for it, yes.

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We'll probably see a staple of the things we see in the cashshops of other f2p mmo's: Character slots, bank/inventory slots, costumes, transfers, name changes. Maybe a new race or two. Probably mounts, pets, cosmetic stuff, silly items.


Personally, I'd love to see things like new hairstyles, ship customisation and cool looking orange or social gear (empty, of course. I'll add my own mods).

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Really just cosmetic items, such as armor skins, armor dyes, hairstyles, things like tattoos, implants, or more visors, color crystals, orange weapons with nothing in the slots. Anything that would allow me to look unique compared to other players playing the same class. Also, vanity pets, spaceship skins, or color options, maybe items to put in the ship that serve some functionality and/or vanity items, and a wide variety of mounts. So basically I want tons of customization.
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  • 4 weeks later...
So now that this is a thing let's try to make the best of it and actually get some things we actually want.


I would personally like:


Character re-customizations

Character transfers

Nice looking Guardian armor that does NOT have a bubble butt for Body Type 2's.


What else do we want?


Here it comes, the list of things that should have been included in the game for Free being suggested as Real Money Store items. Please think before suggesting everything be added to the damn store. Some things should just be added to the game.


Character transfers, okay sure.

Character re-customization should be in the game already (Face Makers, Salons, etc.) and should only cost Credits.



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So now that this is a thing let's try to make the best of it and actually get some things we actually want.


I would personally like:


Character re-customizations

Character transfers

Nice looking Guardian armor that does NOT have a bubble butt for Body Type 2's.


What else do we want?


Character recustomizations should include the ability to rename your character and change their race as well. Many types of much better looking armor. ARMOR DYES and at least two areas per armor piece that are dye-able. Many more vanity pets and speeders. Many more types of orange moddable social armors. More playable races than the game currently has. Many more and different looking rifles, pistols, sabers, etc. Jedi and Sith robes that aren't terrible (almost all of them are).

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So now that this is a thing let's try to make the best of it and actually get some things we actually want.


I would personally like:


Character re-customizations

Character transfers

Nice looking Guardian armor that does NOT have a bubble butt for Body Type 2's.


What else do we want?


I would not pay for ANY of those nor most of the others that I see suggested. I pay a subscription so I won't pay for things that I think should be part of the game anyway. If those features are not currently provide as part of my sub, then why am I paying a sub in the first place? And it is not JUST to get into the servers that I pay that sub for. After all, the so-called "f2p" crowd will get that without paying a dime. So, I would say I am not paying for THAT with my sub at that point.....so what am I getting? A token number of coins and some unlimited access that I get anyway? So, I don't wish to PAY for anything extra.

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