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Annihilation vs Carnage spec


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A lot of players in the SWTOR (Starwars the Old Republic) have speculated quite a bit about two skill trees, Sith Marauders in particular and whether or not the Annihilation spec or the Carnage spec does more dps (damage per second) I personally use the Annihilation and I think that it works quite well. What the Annihilation spec which is a bleed spec this allows you to do continuous damage to your target over time, as opposed to burst damage where your attacks do higher amounts of damage but the dps is not continuous. Also doing burst damage can pull threat off of a tank which is a bad thing for players who like to do pve (player versus environment) content. Not to mention being able to use bleed abilities allows you to move around your target while maintaining dps, which will also help you take less damage in group and this ultimately helps out the healers in your group as well. Speaking of healers the ability to selfheal and heal others is also yours every time one of your critical bleeds ticks it heals you for a small amount of you maximum health based on a percentage. So, within the Annihilation spec you have a spec that allows you to keep a constant dps, while keeping threat off tanks (keeping you mobile in fights to take less damage) so really in reality you’re not just doing dps you are also taking some responsibilities off the rest of the group and this is why I choose to use this dps spec.

When I first began to play this game I did use the Carnage skill tree and I enjoyed it quite a bit. There are a few things that make the carnage skill tree an effective form of dps. For instance, increased movement speed at all times is effective especially in pvp combat (player versus player.) Carnage is quite capable of being a good skill tree in pve combat as well (I used it for months with no big problems.) Also, the Carnage spec allows a free attack every few seconds, and this with the burst dps the carnage spec can be a force to reckoned with in SWTOR as well. Be careful as I said before doing too much bursts damage can pull threat off on your tanks and onto you (which is going to cause you to take extra damage) and throw the entire group off causing complications so be careful.

All and all, both Annihilation and Carnage are respectable skill sets and they both have their ups and down. In the end I personally choose the Annihilation spec due to its ability to inflict plenty of dps and still remain mobile, but in the end it’s up to you and whatever works best for you and the style you like to play. Please let me know what you think!

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Please let me know what you think!


I think that you were lazy in looking at the threads before starting this one, or you would've seen at least 3 Annihilation vs Carnage threads(in the first two pages even) that you could've unleashed that wall of text on.

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