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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Punish groupfinder rejecters


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It's really getting frustrating for me: I'm running around with my tank-spec'ed Powertech and am in queue for something over two hours now. In this time, two(!) queues popped up which I gladly accepted but which then were aborted again by someone rejecting the invitation. I have seen this happen a lot, on different characters; sometimes only one group member has not yet accepted and then simply rejects. And then I have to wait once more for an hour or so for the next a...ntisocial being doing the same. I can see no reason to queue up and then reject the invitation as everything in this game can be paused/postponed until the group content is finished. And, if you are not willing to postpone you singleplayer content, don't use groupfinder at the same time!


In my opinion it is simple: Either you want to do a flashpoint/group content and then use groupfinder -- or you don't. But sitting in queue and then constantly rejecting "because something else is now more important" is just unfair for everyone else. This is why I would suggest to punish rejecters with a groupfinder ban for 2 to 4 hours upon rejection of an invitation.


Just my 2 credits, Niko

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I think 30 minutes would be sufficient. I think 2 hours is a little extreme. Ive been getting this problem a lot lately too as well. If you arent ready to do a fp or op dont join the que. And if you dont want to play with a particular person then they should be on your ignore list anyways
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with the queue´s beeing 1 hour or longer especially for dps i think a 2 hour ban from lfg tool is a bit harsh.

imagin you have been in queue 60 min and now you need to go take a quick biobreak. when you return you have been removed from group finder and not only that, you have a 2 hour lfg ban.


i agree that it´s not optimal when people dont accept invites, but i dont see a quick fix. The time it takes for a new group to pop up seems "punishment" enough.

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I AM A GROUP FINDER REJECTOR and here is why...



Constantly if I am in a group and we both que up as 1 dps and one healer I get put as the tank!!! even though I dont have tank clicked...


I have to get the group lead passed to me and it selects. Its even worse when 2 DPS (both pyro) try to do DPS slots in a group. One of us will get put as tank and we have to keep switching the group leader to make it work.


Just my 2 cents

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I AM A GROUP FINDER REJECTOR and here is why...



Constantly if I am in a group and we both que up as 1 dps and one healer I get put as the tank!!! even though I dont have tank clicked...


I have to get the group lead passed to me and it selects. Its even worse when 2 DPS (both pyro) try to do DPS slots in a group. One of us will get put as tank and we have to keep switching the group leader to make it work.


Just my 2 cents

This is happening to me with my assassin. I keep getting put as a tank, when I am speced for DPS. I don't click on tank, and frequently check back to make sure it didn't get re-clicked. IDK why I keep getting re-rolled as a tank in que, but it is happening.



LOL just happened again!

Edited by Spikeskcd
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dont allow people to que both warzone and group finder at the same time.


I sign up for both because i want to do something, i may be in group for along time and by the time i get an invite, i am deep invovled in some hutt ball and cant abandon my team.


Punishing people would just mean less people would be available to sign up and cause even longer waits.

Edited by kirorx
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