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Empire and Light Side


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Before I answer...




Are you referring to the clones in the film or some part of the game I don't know?


The movies, though there is a part in the Corescant missions where I aid someone who wants to make slavery an official practice in The Republic.


Which Jedi aare you referring to? Those from the SW story?


Again, it's a Corescant quest, not a jedi one, but you are supposed to disgrace a senator who wants to make peace with The Sith on the grounds that it's evil to make peace with them...

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Empire is not all about Sith just like the Republic is not all about Jedi. There are individuals that are not either Sith such as the imperial agent, bounty hunters, citizens. Just because they belong to the empire or live in the empire does not make them evil or dark. They may believe that the empire is doing the best job. Sure they may disagree with some of the decisions the empire has made but then again what government is perfect.


An imperial agent may want to make the empire a better place for everyone. The agent or anyone could have a code of honor or integrity that will help someone even if they disagree on other things. No one will always agree on everything.


So yes I can see lightside existing in the empire. They coudl be trying to work from inside to change things they don't like. How do you change things you don't like? The easiest way is work within the system to change it not by outside the system.

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The movies, though there is a part in the Corescant missions where I aid someone who wants to make slavery an official practice in The Republic.


Yeah, I'll give you the clone army. Of course you could say that most clones are happy as troopers and I also think they get payed. There are different kinds of slavery and some are worse then others. But that's more what an LS Sith who treats his slaves well could say, not a Jedi.


Concerning the quest on Coruscant: Is it the senator you can bring the collected slave collars to? Because for this quest the light side choice is to bring them to the police instead.



Again, it's a Corescant quest, not a jedi one, but you are supposed to disgrace a senator who wants to make peace with The Sith on the grounds that it's evil to make peace with them...


Yeah, a group calling themselfs the "True Republic" wants that. But helping them is a dark side choice.

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Sorry, but that isn't what I observe when I see the Jedi. Was Yoda Borg-like? He was not even like Spock (or other Vulcans).


The Jedi code is not: "There is no emotion, there is logic." It is: "There is no emotion, there is peace."


And from what I see about the Jedi, it is more likely that this line of the code refers to unbalaced, strong, chaotic emotions. Anger, hatered etc. and maybe over-excitement.

Jedi feel happy or sad, but in a more calm, passive, patient way.


I was taking the Jedi code to the worst and most fanatical extreme possible when I compared them disfavorably with the Borg. I was not trying to imply the Jedi we see in the game are like that, nor that other Jedi are like that from the films. My point was that while it is certainly easier for the Sith Code to produce some truly horrendous results the Jedi Code could as well, it is fortunately just far less likely to happen.

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If the Republic made slavery illegal then that makes they do care about it.


So if you outlaw slavery, but don't actually do anything to stop it, it proves you care?


So if your house is burning down and I glare really strongly at it, it proves I really care about putting it out.

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The reason there is a light side vender on the imp fleet is this is a game and they wanted to give players choices. If you could not be good or light side on the imp side there would be no reason for me to have an imp alt. Of course his name might give his true feelings away (the Sith killed his wife who he loved and he will send his daughter to the Jedi to escape the situation he is experiencing). I loved the fact that I only killed a dozen or so balmorran freedom fighters and republic troops while on Balmorra. I can't wait to try to help the republic on the other planets as a SI.

The game would be boring if one had no choices (imp = dark, rep = light). There seem to be many players who want to play to serial killers and sick twisted characters which I find sick and twisted myself because I feel bad when I do evil even in the game and yes I know it is a game.

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I was taking the Jedi code to the worst and most fanatical extreme possible when I compared them disfavorably with the Borg. I was not trying to imply the Jedi we see in the game are like that, nor that other Jedi are like that from the films. My point was that while it is certainly easier for the Sith Code to produce some truly horrendous results the Jedi Code could as well, it is fortunately just far less likely to happen.


Okay, you might be right on that. But when I wrote a very cold, rational dark side Jedi consular, in character he would change the Jedi code to fit his principles better:


There is no emotion, if it isovercome by reason.

There is no ignorance, if it is overcome by knowledge.

There is no passion, if it is overcome by serenety.

There is no chaos, if it is overcome by order.

There is no death, if it is overcome by force.


The original Jedi code still advocates peace, harmony and some sort of excepting death as becoming one with the force. That really goes against them becoming Borg like.


I would also say that the lable: "guardians of peace and justice" is far more important in defining the Jedi (teachings and actions), thsn the code. And the Sith seem to put most emphasis on the "through strength, I gain power" line of the code.



Here, just for comparison, how a redeemed Sith might twist the Sith code:


Peace was a lie, there was only passion.

Through passion, I gained strength.

Through strength, I gained power.

Through power, I even gained victory.

But every foe I conquered, was replaced by a new.

Every chain I broke, was replaced by a new.

Only the Force can set me free.

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So if you outlaw slavery, but don't actually do anything to stop it, it proves you care?


So if your house is burning down and I glare really strongly at it, it proves I really care about putting it out.


If they didn't do anything to stop it, slavery would be as prevalent as it is in the Sith Empire. It isn't. If they didn't do anything to stop it there wouldn't even be an option to turn in the senator's slave collars to the authorities.

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My light sided Inquisitor is more Lawful than Good. He believes that unnecessary killing is a waste of resources, i.e., a slave/prisoner is more valuable than a corpse. He is very loyal to the Empire and act of mercy can only serve it well, consider fear can drive people to do anything, including betrayal. He consider fellow Imps ally and possible friends, and enemies a plague to be cleansed.
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As far as the Jedi code is concerned...


The Jedi code exists for one reason, out of fear of what 'might ' happen 'if' a force user happens to fall to the darkside.


I don't agree. What about the line: "There is no ignorance, there is knowledge." Is ignorance dark side and knowledge light side?


"There is no chaos, there is harmony" on the other hand is clearly about the light side somehow, but it is not out of fear falling to the dark side.


"There is no death, there is the Force" is what the Jedi believe and why they can accept death. It is kind of light side, but it is not about the fear falling to the dark side.


"There is no emotion, there is peace." and "There is no passion, there is serenety" are the parts that fit your description. Still peace and serenety are noble goals and have a value on their own, even if you are not in danger to fall to the dark side.


It's a pity that "There is no emotion,..." is placed at the very beginning. This line is only a very small part of the code, but sometimes it sticks the most to the mind.



My opinion concerning the codes:


If you want to know what defines the Jedi (especially in the films), cut the code vertically and take the right half:

Peace, knowledge, serenety, harmony, the Force.


If you want to know what defines the Sith, take the lines:

"Through passion, I gain strength. // Through strength, I gain power."


(That's not the underlying philosophy, but that's how most of them act.)

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