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I'm a full tank, non DPS, how'd I get Demo and Annhi Medal in one hit?


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Got the Demolisher and Annihilator medals.


I have never received these before, especially at the same time. What did I do?


I have been trying to recreate the scenario by having all my damage buffs on, than I use Force in Balance with at least 6 enemies around ( to increase my chance of hitting 3 if it works like that...).


I'm assuming someone else buffed me too...what do you think?

Edited by NoaFlux
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I heard that sometimes Force in Balance / Death Field counts everyone that you hit as one big hit.



So if you hit three targets at 2000 each, sometimes it will count that as a 6k hit, awarding you medals.

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I heard that sometimes Force in Balance / Death Field counts everyone that you hit as one big hit.



So if you hit three targets at 2000 each, sometimes it will count that as a 6k hit, awarding you medals.


I have never had this with my sorc where I hit 3 @ 2.5k each I only get the 2.5k medal

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My PT tank hit 6017 the other day, I was wondering how'd I did that big of a hit.



I heard that sometimes Force in Balance / Death Field counts everyone that you hit as one big hit.



So if you hit three targets at 2000 each, sometimes it will count that as a 6k hit, awarding you medals.

Nope it's not that, I do it all the time on my madness assassin, never seen that.

Edited by Sookster
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My PT tank hit 6017 the other day, I was wondering how'd I did that big of a hit.




Nope it's not that, I do it all the time on my madness assassin, never seen that.


Yeah I do this all the time too, without much luck. Though when it first happened I thought FIB is what I did to get both medals...

My assumptions is that all 3 people (can't be more) that it hit where very weak players, that all my damage buffs were on, and that maybe I was also buffed by someone else. If in fact FIB does hit almost 2000 per character this would make sense.

Edited by NoaFlux
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Sometimes it bugs. I've done 5500 hit few times and I'm absolutely sure I couldn't do such a damage when mostly struggling to get even 2500 and 3000+ are exeptions; or sage with 6200 dmg in healer spec. Nothing really interesting is going there anyway, just rare bugs.
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