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Suggestion for Arsenal Change (Take a peek)


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There have been numerous suggestions made on how to give arsenal either more mobility or to adjust the ammount of utility the class has. One of the most common suggestions is to give us an interupt, or to give us a snare. I understand the developers point of view when they crunch numbers that because we have cleanse, and heals, and concussion grenade, stun, potential of 2 knocks backs, they feel there is enough to work with already for the class.


We all feel differently, especially when a sentinal/marauder or op/scound or most any class that is a close range (10m and under) get's in on us and interupts we have little hope. So here is my suggestion, that does'nt mess with the utility numbers, does'nt give us some new all together seperate ability. I am new to the merc AC, I just hit 48 so I hope this was'nt a feature in the game and removed some patches ago.


How about a certain percentage chance on damage to get get an instant TM proc (something like 30% chance). If anyone recalls destro Locks getting incinerate procs in WoW, it would operate the same way. It could have a - won't happen more than once every 3 seconds- or something (longer if deemed nessesary after testing). This would give us the ability to land our most needed skill in PvP and not effect PvE because in raiding a merc is'nt tanking so should'nt be hit with much DPS anyhow.


We would be able to between power surge (if I remember the name right) and this proc get 4 HS to set up our RS and HSM and would be able to damage a bit more on the fly, and just give us a hope against 10m classes. It seems our class was built for stronged ranged DPS and I think this would compliment us.


I apologize if someone else suggested this already, or if it was in the game at some point. But I thought this would be a solid adjustment to give us a fighting chance against melee range characters. Let me know if you think it's good or garbage.

Edited by MyDominion
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No. What you are implying is redic. OP. So you are saying I would be able to rapid shots someone and have a 30% chance of proccing TM? And massive damage tweaking abilities will just break us for PVE anyway.


Please see my thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=511133


These 10m classes you talk about would have a harder time killing us if we were unable to be interrupted/knocked down for 8 secs. This solution would also not affect our raid dps in the slightest. Fix PVP without preaking PVE.

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There was an idea someone mentioned in here a few weeks ago, that i really thought was interesting. How about making TM an instant cast, but on a 3 second cooldown. This way a merc can gain some mobility by being able to build TM stacks while being mobile. PvE wise this wouldn't change much as it would take a simillar amount of time to max ur TM stacks. What do you guys think? Edited by deetox
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There was an idea someone mentioned in here a few weeks ago, that i really thought was interesting. How about making TM an instant cast, but on a 3 second cooldown. This way a merc can gain some mobility by being able to build TM stacks while being mobile. PvE wise this wouldn't change much as it would take a simillar amount of time to max ur TM stacks. What do you guys think?


Giveing TM a 3 sec cd would affect pve a fair bit considering My main dmg ability in pve is TM granted its no were near what it used to be like but its still up there. the way to fix pvp in genrle is mutch more simpler imo. Fix deminishing returns IE u stun some one for 8 secs the next time there stuned in ### secs there stuned for 4 secs then for 2 till ammune, I think it was like this in wow or something close and it made pvp mutch more fun. Granted thats just my opinyon ;)


Ps. sorry for grammer and spelling etc

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There was an idea someone mentioned in here a few weeks ago, that i really thought was interesting. How about making TM an instant cast, but on a 3 second cooldown. This way a merc can gain some mobility by being able to build TM stacks while being mobile. PvE wise this wouldn't change much as it would take a simillar amount of time to max ur TM stacks. What do you guys think?


I think this is a good idea, it would fix our mobility issues. Another option i thought of was changing jet boost so it roots for 5 seconds instead of snares if you put 2 points in Jet Escape, basically mirror the sorc ability or modify Afterburners so that rocket punch roots for 2 seconds with 2 points in the talent.


I honestly dont get why it is taking them so long to fix mercs when there are so many really good suggestions going around the forums. I have 4 classes @ level 50 and my merc is by far my favourite, i just wish they would fix it.

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I think this is a good idea, it would fix our mobility issues. Another option i thought of was changing jet boost so it roots for 5 seconds instead of snares if you put 2 points in Jet Escape, basically mirror the sorc ability or modify Afterburners so that rocket punch roots for 2 seconds with 2 points in the talent.


I honestly dont get why it is taking them so long to fix mercs when there are so many really good suggestions going around the forums. I have 4 classes @ level 50 and my merc is by far my favourite, i just wish they would fix it.


Lol no. That would ruin PVE dps.

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