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Healer Imbalance in PvP (armor class)


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I realize it's hard to tell this with cross-healing, guarding and personal skillset, but...


Based on my observations, plate healers are significantly more survivable in PvP scenarios vs a cloth healer. The end result of this that a plate healer will survive longer to not only heal himself, but his group, and win the day.


Am I seeing this wrong?


As a sorcerer, I know that Revivification was once an 8sec recast, instant group heal. Not a HoT. That would have made the difference in the armor class distinction, IMO.


Im seeing horribly geared plate tanks that are extremely difficult to kill, whereas I'm in near full WH and am particularly squishy. If that's the case, I'm supposed to be able to make up for that somehow. Right?

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Speaking as one of those plate armor healers (who also has a 50 sorc specced corruption):


As a sorc you have:


Knockback, 4 sec. stun, 8 sec. mez, bubble, force speed, interrupt (!) and a slow (multiple depending on talents)


Mercs have:


Knockback, 4 sec. stun, 8 sec. mez, 25% DR shield


I think the interrupt alone makes up for the armor difference, but you also have a 100% DR shield (for somewhere in the neighborhood of 3800 damage depending on gear) that is on a MUCH shorter cooldown (17 secs with PvP set bonus vs. 2 min cooldown) and can be cast on any ally, plus force speed to move out of range of stuff much more quickly. And then you have a base ability to throw a slow on someone (and if talented, have your DoT also apply a slow) and, also if talented, get a speed boost from using the bubble.

Edited by metaldragen
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Speaking as one of those plate armor healers (who also has a 50 sorc specced corruption):


As a sorc you have:


Knockback, 4 sec. stun, 8 sec. mez, bubble, force speed, interrupt (!) and a slow (multiple depending on talents)


Mercs have:


Knockback, 4 sec. stun, 8 sec. mez, 25% DR shield


I think the interrupt alone makes up for the armor difference, but you also have a 100% DR shield (for somewhere in the neighborhood of 3800 damage depending on gear) that is on a MUCH shorter cooldown (17 secs with PvP set bonus vs. 2 min cooldown) and can be cast on any ally, plus force speed to move out of range of stuff much more quickly. And then you have a base ability to throw a slow on someone (and if talented, have your DoT also apply a slow) and, also if talented, get a speed boost from using the bubble.


Don't forget that if specced our bubble can have a cd reduction to that of the GCD allowing us to shield spam teamates. Big fan of this one.

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Force speed is a big one for me in PvP. I tend to stay as far back as possible to heal but when I get ganked I try to throw a bubble on myself (if not already present) and speed the **** on out of there. Hey it's not my job to kill people or tank, if I die then other's just die faster.
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