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The gamer from heaven


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After reading the gamer from hell thread, i thought i would create a thread based on the opposite. I personally have had some excellent expiriences on grp finder, and i want others to post their stories of nice, awesome, helpful, skilled, or anything positive coming from puging via grp finder.


I'll start. While doing battle of ilum hm today (im a juggurnaut tank), we got to drinda and velasu. The fight was fairly eassy, until the turrets came. every other member of my group was cut down. i survived with half health, and used my cds and meds as i took out al the turrets. Then after rezing everyone else up, they all congragulating me for that, and said i was geared well. This recognition made me very happy.


Overall, I have had positive expirience with the grpfinder, and post your stories of puging greatness!:D

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I made an offhand comment about the turret bit in kaon being like "Left 4 dead 2" and the group ran with it, calling the bloated ones boomers, and even asking who startled the witch when we almost wiped at the hands of a screamer and the horde.
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I find it like this: When you play Gears of War, you have a few teams:

Teams who rush when the enemy has a mortar.

Teams who like to charge with the Retro Lancer

People who like chainsaws

Strategic, good, successful teams.

The guy who likes to be a hero.

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So you started this thread promoting positivity to toot your own "heroic" deeds and to nominate yourself as "The Gamer From Heaven"? ...I mean, uh, yeah ...there's nothing wrong with that.


I think he was talking about how nice the rest of the group was. And the other thread was called gamer from hell so this became gamer from heaven. Not meaning him personally. Simply good experiences you have had with strangers in the game.




Sometimes just little things can make me happy. Playing with my little SW today on Balmorra, she needed to push a panel and after that battle a gold droid. When I arrive at the panel there is already someone there battling the droid so I attack it just to make the fight end sooner. Afterwards the other player stayed around until my droid emerged and helped me kill it. Little things like that just makes me smile, the player could just as well have run away but I appreciated the help =)

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So you started this thread promoting positivity to toot your own "heroic" deeds and to nominate yourself as "The Gamer From Heaven"? ...I mean, uh, yeah ...there's nothing wrong with that.


I did mean what the group said afterwards was really nice

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I posted on the Gamer from Hell thread, and at the end of it I talked about how I requed with GF and got a nice group of fellows who I ran though Esseles with. I even added one of them to my friends list. We all cracked the joke about the first boss you encounter when the npcs are just yelling "Victory or nothing" like 5 times in a row. Haha it was a quite an experience. So the GF is a great tool, you'll get them good people and a few bad ones that come with it, but the good ones make it awesome :D
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I was on the imperial fleet the other night on shadowlands waiting for the GF to pop when another player said that she would be giving away money to ppl in front of the bounty hunter airlock. I was like "yeah, right" at first but then I noticed that people were thanking her so I go over there and she gives me 100K credits!!! :eek: For nothing!!! Probably the nicest thing I've seen anyone do so far in the game. I felt bad because I didn't have anything on me at the time that was even remotely close to being worth 100k so I gave her the beverages vector gives you on alderaan in the agent story missions lolz
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Nice to see some positive posts for a change. I have had some good experiences with heavenly gamers and hope to continue doing so. A simple 'hello' when entering the group, a 'grtz' to the loot winners and a 'gg' at the end of the run can make all the difference.
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Tonight I was going to be running Explosive Conflict Hard Mode with the guild, but two of our tanks had IRL problems and the third, well, he just flat out disappeared. We were a bit stuck, five minutes after start time and no tanks :(


So, a contact a tank on my Friends list - she says she'd love to, but she hasn't got the gear or experience to try Denova at that level, but she does refer to another tank. The other tank happens to be a guy who I've run with before, so I'm quite pleased :) He says he'd love to come, if he can bring along a healer and a DPS. Oh noes, thinks I, we're only missing two tanks. I don't want to prevent everyone from going, so I volunteer to drop for the third healer and my husband volunteers to drop for the DPS.


Meanwhile one of my guildies has spotted a lone tank on the Fleet. Hurray, says I, you pester that lone tank. This lone tank says yes, so we end up with two tanks and an extra healer milling around the raid frames. The extra DPS wasn't as keen on Denova as he'd first let on, so my husband gets to stay on for the raid.


They downed Toth and Zorn tonight, the first time ever :)


So yes, Gamers from Heaven, right there.

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Generically speaking, the gamer for heaven is the one who is polite and courteous. It's so refreshing to find people who wait their turn for objectives or simply ask if you are waiting on something. Random buffs and heals also make me smile.


As far as groups go, it's the people who are patient and don't treat the game like someone is going to die in real life if somebody does something wrong. They'll politely tell people if something was done wrong and explain the preferred way to do it. On the flip side of that, it's the person who doesn't take criticism personally, but tries to learn and does his or her best to follow directions.


The gamer from heaven realizes that nobody is perfect (including themselves) and is mainly interesting in having fun, which is the point of a game, after all.

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Almost every time I run in the finder I have a great time. A few of them resulted in me recruiting the people I met into my guild, who are now part of our raid group. Always awesome meeting new people and enjoying the game together. I love how the finder only looks in the server you're on, makes it easier to meet people worth a /friend or a guild invite. Hope they keep it like this for good, awesome way to build up the community!
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