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Is Cloaking Screen bugged?


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I can activate it and then run far away, to a different room. But as soon as I decloak to heal up, my companion will run right back to the mob, as we're suddenly in combat again, killing us all.


Is this intended or is it a bug?

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Took me the longest time to work this out on my Imp Agent, and it appears that the same thing happens on my Smuggler too. In short, are you putting a debuff on them?


There's an option about halfway up the healing tree that grants a 10-20% decrease in target's accuracy after recovering from tranquilizer dart. Placing that debuff on a target aggros them. So, you sneak in, tranq, go to next room...but 60 seconds later, they wake up and you place a debuff on them, pulling agro.


Super annoying--I've been killed by blaster fire several rooms and several floors away at times, and other times I get a mob running through aggroing everything on the way. Maybe working as intended, though? I mean, it does place a debuff on them when they wake... I don't like it, though :)


Alternately--are *they* putting a debuff on your companion?

Edited by Journeyer
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I can activate it and then run far away, to a different room. But as soon as I decloak to heal up, my companion will run right back to the mob, as we're suddenly in combat again, killing us all.


Is this intended or is it a bug?


What i've found is that if your companion has a DoT on them, you will remain in combat when you hit cloaking screen. I believe evasion will clear a DoT that is on you, but it won't clear a DoT on your companion.


So if you really need to exit combat it's best to wait for your companion to die, then hit evasion and then cloaking screen. you will enter stealth and be out of combat, as you expected to be.


Alternatively, you can hit cloaking screen before your companion dies, and you will enter stealth. leave your companion to fight the mobs while you get some distance and hide behind a wall or object. remain stealthed and wait out your cloaking screen timer, then when it's off coodown, unstealth and then hit cloaking screen again. now you are out of combat and your companion is dead. dismiss your companion and re-summon and now you are reset.

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I've had this happen as well. And yeah, thinking about it it might be dot-related. Personally I find it lame. I mean, if an ability is supposed to drag you out of combat it should do just this, regardless of how many dots are present on either you, your companion or your oponents. Edited by Negranit
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I have 3 stealth characters so far and each of them experiences issues with cloaking in combat so I have developed two habits before using Cloaking Screen or similar combat cloaking abilities:

1. Switch companion to follow mode and wait 2-3 secs (I forgot skill name but it is 2nd from the left usualy, armorlike icon).

2. Check if both companion and You have any DoTs running.

if You fail to do one of those two above You might decloak right after using Cloaking Screen etc and probably die right after it:)

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