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Commando 6% Tech Damage/Heal Bonus?

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I've been doing some theory crafting with the gunnery tree lately, and I discovered something extremely surprising: Grav Round and Demo Round are doing more damage than they should be. Specifically, 6% more damage. Here's my methodology:


First of all, I grabbed the tooltip min-max damage values for each ability. These are usually quite accurate w.r.t. fly text and logs (and have been very reliable in previous trips to the spreadsheet across multiple classes), so I'm pretty confident they are correct. The tooltip min-max values for Grav Round on the commando I was working with were 1815-1952. This gives me a baseline to check my work. Now, we take a trip to torhead and pull up the effect details for Grav Round:


SpellDamage: SpellType=>Tech, StandardHealthPercentMin=>0.131, Slot=>None, Coefficient=>1.71, StandardHealthPercentMax=>0.211, DamageType=>Kinetic


This is to say that the min-max damage for Grav Round will be computed in the following way:


min = 0.131*1610 + 1.71*<tech-bonus-dmg>

max = 0.211*1610 + 1.71*<tech-bonus-dmg>


tech-bonus-dmg = 1.05 * (<aim>*0.2 + <cunning>*0.2 + <power>*0.23 + <tech-power>*0.23)


Here's the trick: with the commando I was working with, the computed values are as follows:


min = 1712.64

max = 1841.44


If you do the math, this works out to be *exactly* 6% shy of the tooltip values, which is to say, the min-max damage for Grav Round are computed as shown above, and then multiplied by 1.06. I did the same thing for Demo Round and discovered exactly the same situation. Full Auto, High Impact Bolt and Hammer Shot (all of which are ranged abilities) do not exhibit this curious coefficient.


Oddly, this also appears to be the case for my own Combat Medic commando: every single heal min-max value is multiplied by 1.06.


Does anyone have any idea what could be causing this? It looks for all the world like a talent, but I can't seem to find anything that adds exactly 6% tech damage/healing. I feel like I'm missing some base value baked into the class, but I can't seem to find it documented anywhere.

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Havoc Rounds & Field Medicine


Charged Bolts tooltip updates with HR but DR and GR don't.


Similarly FM doesn't update MP or AMPs tooltip


That would certainly explain it! Note that the tooltips were in fact updated by the talent, which is what set me on this whole quest. I just mis-read the Havoc Rounds explanation as only pertaining to Charged Bolts.

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