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Space Star Wars

In swg I was able to see most if not all the major space changes, and complete all of the rebel squadren missions. In swtor I have done all available space missions from levels 16 to 50 on my trooper. I have also been able to now exparince a portion of Imperial space. What I write below is a realistic view of possible space changes to swtor in order, that we get the changes neeeded. The changes that will make this truly star wars.

The first portion is parts. In swg you had 10 levels of parts. Each level had key components, like engine, like weapons, like reactor, and so on. Each component on each level had several variations. Realisticly such a complex system will more then likely never see the light of day in a modran mmo, due to the complete lazyness of the modran population. I would think that the swtor part system should be maintained and kept. You can buy grades one through five, but its not as simple as throwing credits around. The main key components to ones ship require fleet comms, and the purple gear, that is better then the grades require drop. Or you can simply buy these items on the GTN.( Galactic Trade Network) So I do believe it would be wise for devs to maintain and keep this part system ingame and intact. The only part that needs to be added is countermeasures. On this last point I will explain later on.


The second portion of this post is on the rail system. This has been a complete fail sense its a inception. For two key reasons, that nobody in support of this system can deny, in a rail system you cannot have group or pvp missions. You can try to slice it anyway you want to, but rail is desighned for single player only. What is needed here is a overhaul that mimics swg. The current rail system space missions SHOULD remain. Any new space missions should be built upon the system I am proposing. The programing for it is already there in some aspect. What is needed for these new areas, is when a pilot jumps in he has a map, heads up display, and waypoints. These waypoints should show up on the players space map, and he/she should beable to auto pilot to these waypoints. Upon reaching these waypoints the objective whatever that may be will appear. Now one mission can have several waypoints. In between these waypoints can be enemy craft, and space obstacles to navagate around. Also these waypoints should appear visually to the pilots eye, as well as on the heads up display. In this next part I will explain the importance of a heads up display.


The HUD allows a player to see enemy craft, and tell the player where they are, and where they are firing at you from. Now with this system I am proposing the pilot has full control of his craft to move it at will, and anywhere on the map. In pvp the HUD is vital, you find some pilots, are so damn good you barely get a glimps at them. This is where the HUD comes in. It also lets you know when someone is about to seend a missile up your ships rare end.


Countermeasures, if the sip is no longer on a rail system, that means npcs/players can get behind your ship. Behind your ship means misille/proton lock. Like in swg, in swtor, these weapons do allot of damage. So a part is needed to counter the lock.


The last point on this system is simple. The player controls the craft 100 percent all the way. Also if you do go this route, it would be wise to enable use of Joystick for it.This will allow for GROUP, and PVP missions in space. By doing this you add a whole nother level to the game. Devs/EA if this does not peak your interest consider this. All mmos out there are two way. By two way I mean Flashpoints/dungeons, and pvp. Yes sto has space and ground but not in the manner I am talking about. By adding this to swtor, you will have pvp, pve, and space. Space being a massive area from which you can add loads of content. You do this by giving people that third option, something world of warcraft does not have. In sto it felt two way, in swg, it felt three way. A player could pvp, pve, or do space. Space was a game until itself. Think of this space, pve, pvp, how many complaints would that solve on the not enough content front.


My points have been made, ive tried to give a view on space in swtor. If the devs do go this route, maybe not this year, maybe not next year, but somtime in the future a addition will be needed. By addition I mean adding a whole lot more parts to the game. As I said in the first portion. Realisticly right now that is not possible, so the part system that is in place will have to do. One last closing comment, Devs you lost a good bit of subs from the lack of space in swtor. I know because a few of my friends from swg quit the game over it. Some of us, as one of my friends put it, are space monkeys. We cannot live without a complete space set up.

These are the opinions of one old Ace from swg.

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What you are asking is not going to happens. Not in years.

They've got to rebuild the whole space and there's no way to do it on top of rails. A free flight combat is way more complex, even just for a single player, than an outdated rail shooter.

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in SWG i had done all space squadrons (9) from all factions

it was a piece of art in space sim

in SWTOR is not a space sim

completely different space approach

anyway i like the SWTOR space, is single player, yes, but i like it

and need to stay as it is simply cuz are different games, SWG was sandbox with 2 char / account, SWTOR is linear game with 8 chars / account

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