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I don't understand BioWare


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I see multiple possible things in play:


1. They don't want to promise anything else they can't deliver.

2. Bioware in general is in fiscal trouble.

3. They've run into a programming snag concerning the new content and between that and the layoffs they can't figure out how to impliment it.



I could go on and on.


If Bioware and EA want things to improve, the first thing is to fire the incompetitent idiots in the marketing department and hire people with some background gaming knowledge. Second thing is that they should stop laying off the development team. Third thing is that they need to be more honest and open about what is going on, I understand the need to be able to surprise people with new content, but if you guys are running into snags, admit it. I think people are a lot more understanding when they know what is going on and that you are actually looking at the feedback you are getting.


One thing I will note, a lot of the patches seem to be attempts at bug fixes, and in all honesty, I think that is a good thing. The last thing they need to do is throw in a bunch of new content with bugs on top of pre-existing bugs.

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They are demoralized by the layoffs and are busy polishing their resumes and putting our feelers for alternate employment options. Seen it too many times after major staff reductions at companies I have worked at.
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How can they just sit and watch and not comment on anything that's been said on these forums.
Because they are intelligent enough to avoid direct conflict with community marauders, which is what would happen if they lived here like the marauders do. Contributions they make would get buried under water army spam. They do post to comment, or rectify some misnomers or clarify issues. But for the most part, folks who would abuse constant & direct communication the most are the ones being the most vocal about this. Would more than what we are getting be better? Yes. Are they just sitting and watching and not commenting on anything? No. Edited by GalacticKegger
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Because they are intelligent enough to avoid direct conflict with community marauders, which is what would happen if they lived here like the marauders do. Contributions they make would get buried under water army spam.


Water army? I don't think people who work the Chinese government are the problem here. People with short attention spans and unrealistically high expectations are.

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They've always had minimal communications tbh.. the most you can hope for are mods locking your threads and copy and pasting an auto response. So much doom and gloom here and some of this could be be quelled by some better communication and reassurances.
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damned if you do , damned if you dont...its like this in every game ive played, forums are full of vitriol and hate from fanboys/nonfanboys , and if devs talk to much, the words get used against them, if they dont talk , people complain (they were already complaining, its just something more to the complain list) but you save yourself the headache and give yourself some breathing room


so if i were them....i wouldnt reveal much either, we all know what happens when you do, then you get people whining to get it out faster only to have people whining about bugs and how it should have had more polish, ad nauseaum, best way to deal with todays gaming community is silence , period, the impatient ones will leave anyways so why piss off the rest to try to keep those?

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I do think some of the arguments in here get a little out of hand, i've taken place in a couple of them. These same arguments could easily be settled by bioware intervention. That'd be cool for some clarity.
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Sadly, IMO the reason has less to do with answering player questions and more to do with having the time and resources to answer the players questions or comments. It has nothing to do with strategy. Right now they are scrambling to maintain the game. Hopefully soon they will get their personnel issues worked out and get back on track. I've been through similar situations due to layoffs. Quite frankly, they have to choose and prioritize what they can accomplish right now with the resources they have. Edited by Rafaman
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Because of the sh**storm that would ensue. Do you have any idea how much crud MMO developers get for promising something and then that goes unfulfilled?


I think this entire game is a perfect example of that :rolleyes: one massive unfulfilled promise.

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You can look back at the marketing people as part of the reason we have a vast cone of silence over the game. Plus, they've now gone through two community leads, and laid-off much of the staff, if reports are accurate.


Look at how tightly they control the staff, in terms of public statements, since about two years back. Bloggers, the forums, had started to leak into Wall Street Analysts reports, and like a bolt, there was a period where they basically locked down people talking. Everything suddenly became renditions of the party line.


The EA way is to hype and "market" your way around shortcomings and unhappy people. They treat these games like just any other product any other company would make.


Take the standardized responses to various hot-button questions last year.....


Q: "How about real space combat?" or "Space doesn't look so good."

A: "We are providing a great space experience."


Q: "Am I going to be able to customize my character?" or "Will there be cosmetic outfits/slots/options?"

A: "We've create many gear paths so you can make your character look great!"


Q: "Will we be able to explore?"

A: "We have great stories that take you many places."


Q: "Endgame?"

A: "There are eight story lines to experience!"


Q: "Player housing?"

A: "You can store things in your ship!"


Their answers were canned. And they remain so. The Dev. Q&A that actually tells you something in most other games, is laughable here. Nobody at Bioware is allowed to say anything is wrong with SWTOR. I'm sure, if the goose stepping marketing types could have their way, they would shut down the forums entirely.


It is true, you are often darned if you do, darned if you don't with MMORPG forums. But all-told, they didn't manage to establish a report with the community. There are too few known personalities at Bioware left. Those that are, now as before, are so obviously unable to really get "real," and engage the community, nobody here puts much into what they say. The marketing people seem to think that just going through the motions of listening to the community, interacting with it, is equal to truly doing it. What they are offering us are feedback on rails. Interviews on rails.

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