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why all the complaining about no open world PvP


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PvP in SWG? You can't even begin to compare SWG with this railway game...


In SWG you could actually explore planets, build houses, set up shops and cities etc etc - there was MUCH more incentive for players to move around in the open - unlike here where i cant even remember the last time i left Fleet...


Also: We could actually talk with the opposing faction, make arrangements of locations to pvp, guildwars, tournaments etc - while here BW made a freakin effort to make sure that wont happen in game.


In SWG we had several areas that where flagged pvp zones in the open world, and in those zones there where quests and missions that gave desirable rewards. Also the GCW points you got per kill in the open advanced your rank each week, granting you vital buffs, weapons, armor, vehicles etc.


In SWG we had Battlefields, simular to WZ's - and these had their own uniqe set of rewards. These 3-4 BF's were the ONLY controlled pvp we had in SWG, and they were not very popular due to a seriously bad queuing system along with a nice set of exploits and bugs.


So yeah, open world pvp was much bigger and better in SWG, but dont try to come here and say that it wasnt promoted! -The only kind of pvp they promoted at all in SWG was open world, and there were many rewards for participating. (Later they also installed City invasions which was kinda PvP meets PvE type of gameplay - again completly new set of rewards)


There is much BW should and could do to promote open world pvp, and they do nothing. You cant blame the players if there is no incentive, simple as that. And dont point at SWG, there was plenty of incentive there.


i was talking about Pre-CU where most of the stuff you talking about wasn't there such as battlefileds and rankings you could get promoted but you where never demoted, it was so unbalanced the imps had AT-AT's and the rebs had nothing and AT-AT's would **** **** up. plus what does having houses exploring and having shops got to do with PvP


the armour you got for trading in faction points meant nothing since its protection stats where crap if you PvP'ed in SWG you wore comp armour with high stun


who used the PvP zones miles away from anywhere all the best fights happened in the citys that sprang out of no where. nothing beat mos esliy cantina or theed starport turning into a war zone in the blink of a eye.


one point though is i never understood why they divided the community into to different factions is beyond me

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You left off the part about BW needing to fix their game engine so it can handle more than 16 people PvPing at the same time in your description of what's needed. I agree with you about the rewards, but when the game slows to a crawl it's no fun any more. So, for myself and several others I know, open world PvP has always sucked on this game, even when there were rewards for it.

And before anyone attempts to make comments about my system needing upgrades to play the game, my system is solid and stomps the recommended specs for this game into the ground. BW's engine bogs down to the point there is a posted RAM partition solution for it.


Edit: And in reference to your later post OP, firstly it doesn't matter how much you lower your graphics settings when you PvP in this game. Past 16 people it slows down to a slide show. Secondly, this is the year 2012, SWG released in 2003. In a new game you shouldn't have to completely gut your graphics to have a prayer of double digit FPS when playing. In point of fact, you shouldn't have to adjust your graphics settings at all.


sorry i have never had the chance to do world PvP in this game thats why am begging for it :p so i didn't know it was that bad you see people having so many unfounded complaints in here that you don't believe half the stuff you read

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i was talking about Pre-CU where most of the stuff you talking about wasn't there such as battlefileds and rankings you could get promoted but you where never demoted, it was so unbalanced the imps had AT-AT's and the rebs had nothing and AT-AT's would **** **** up. plus what does having houses exploring and having shops got to do with PvP


the armour you got for trading in faction points meant nothing since its protection stats where crap if you PvP'ed in SWG you wore comp armour with high stun


who used the PvP zones miles away from anywhere all the best fights happened in the citys that sprang out of no where. nothing beat mos esliy cantina or theed starport turning into a war zone in the blink of a eye.


one point though is i never understood why they divided the community into to different factions is beyond me


Yeah, i know what pre-cu was about...but if you were there, you would know that things eventually did change to the better in the NGE. It wasnt allways the chaos that followed directly after the NGE hit...and imo, It was a complete tradegy when they shut SWG down.


Houses, player cities and general exploration has alot to do with open world pvp - since all those things (And many many more i havent mentioned) gave ppl incentive to actually move around the world. Resources is another example - it would have ppl moving across the entire world in search for spawns and while the resource diggers didnt pvp overall, all these players contributed to make the world come alive.


I cant tell you how many awesome pvp fights we had in player cities or scenarios built by dedicated decorators (We could actually build bases and place NPCs and everything the last years of SWG).


Thing is, BW doesnt make 1 single move towards promoting or litting a flame of interest to move out in the world -At all!


There are so many things they could do to make OW pvp happen, tiny stuff to bigger stuff and none of them has to be all that hard to do....well except for the fact that the game engine probably cant handle it ofc....which is kinda funny since the only positive thing i thought about swg shutting down in favor for SWTOR was: Well, at least i wont have insane lag in mass pvp anymore...



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^that's my suggestion.


totally. the black hole is an undiscovered open world pvp mecca. we see little skirmishes here and there right now, but it is a great venue for pvp events cause of the close proximity of faction areas.

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Come on seriously?? Now people are blaming faction imbalances on Bioware too? Do you people think there's something in the coding that forces seventy-five percent of the players to choose Empire characters? Come on.. out of all the complaining I see on the forums that has to be the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen.


If you've been paying attention to MMO's for the last 15 years anyone and everyone knows if you do absolutely nothing to balance (whether that is incentives like XP bonuses for the weaker side) or provide for multiple factions (3-4 instead of just 2) and there's no way to have a one way "side switch" then you're going to have severe imbalances. This was pointed out during beta. It was pointed out by any commentator who talked about the game at launch. It wasn't shocking to anyone.

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Because people want some support, some content for world pvp maybe.


All you need for pve is some mobs- so I guess if pve in this game was just a bunch of battle droids standing around you'd be happy to say to the complainers 'well that is more than enough to have pve!'. Because that's the level of care that's been put into world pvp- as in, nothing at all.

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Not sure this is opening a can of worms, but as one in this thread has mentioned, the Black Hole provides open PVP. I actually camped the Pubs entrance outside of that above ground covered walk way that connects the IMP side to the Pub side, yesterday, next to the treasure chest. And I kept engaging the Pubs that came out solo from that instance they have near that area, they did not expect me there, that was obvious. Was one on one in all cases, until they got wind of me and came in force to remove me. I came back and did it again, had about 6 to 8 solo encounters, and was most challenging. Probably not for everyone, but was certainly a PVP option that I was not aware of prior to my coming across it. Perhaps the IMPS should get a PUG together and raid that side, that might be interesting, if its not already being done.;)




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