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3 Viable trees thank you bioware!


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(i will sound like a fanboy i do apoligise this is just my 2 cents)


since game creation the only class i ve really clicked with is the marauder (much too my surprise as i thought i'd prefer assassin or juggernaut for the versatility of having a tank choice)


this i can attribute to the constant improvements and modifications made to the class. well i some points annhilation was the only real option for serious pvp now i feel all are.


im in full wh gear atm the mo with power augs and i rotate through the 3 trees each week as i like to keep my hand in with them all. not one of them stands out as far superior to the others. i have been able to win 2 on 1s with all the specs although it is noticably easier with rage (obviously! smash and cleaveing through people!) and well i dont doubt that these foes are prolly in recruit gear with a couple at most of bm pieces i still feel i have a good understanding of the mara class.


my opinions on the individual trees

Rage - very powerful pvp 6k aoe auto crits are probably a bit good ;-) the worst of the 3 for duelling though!


Carnage - probably the weakest of the 3 but still very viable and my favourite to play! can u say GLASS CANNON?! :-D the weakest but the most fun! who da thunkit(for me)!


Annhilation - extremely tough class great for 1 on 1s and self healing well 99% immune to damage has won me more than one fight! very much more stable damage than the others.


so id just like to say THANK YOU BIOWARE please keep up the good work! need more content! and i need MORE CHOICES FOR MY WARDROBE!(im currently rocking a white scoundrel trenchcoat! lol love the modding system atm!)


NB most of my experience is in pvp i dont do too much pve. and the droid respec anywhere option is AWESOME!

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i honestly think maras are where they should be. rage aoe could possibly be toned down slightly maybe reduce the effect of smash by 10 or 20 % (remove that booster talent may solve it) or maybe make it so extra damage is only done to targets who are slowed? that would rework the skill quite a lot though and probably mean the tree would need to be rebalanced.


the other two specs are fine.


if other classes are currently not full 3 spec viable then they should be improved. leave us maras alone :p

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Marauders are where they should be, they should bring all the other classes up. Stop the nerfs, start the buffs. With that said I think that the Powertechs are also where they should be, but could maybe get a little better. Just a little. Edited by JGames
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  • 4 weeks later...
I love rage fore duelling personally, the force crush, scream, smash combo+bloodthirst is usually good for half my opponents health. Follow that with choke, (insert rage builders), ravage, obliterate and another smash and the person is either dead or one hit away.
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i dont know what it is, but i just find rage my least favourite to play :-/ personal choice! ive certainly been beaten by a rage when im in the other specs one on one but it just seems so centered around smash. if your opponent is sharp enough they can mitigate the damage or sometimes i just seem to miss them despite being pretty much on top of them?! at other times i seem to catch people i shouldnt! is the radius(or hitbox as i ve heard it referred too) a funny shape? like a cross rather than a circle? or is it more too do with the ground being uneven and missing people on different heights?


and i just love carnage for blowing away unguarded healers. we have so many interrupts and can hit them so fast and hard not many of them can stand. loving the vindicator set bonus for the additional damage too! glad i grinded out a set of that to replace my weaponsmaster! :D

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For me personally, i just flat out like the Annihilation build.

It takes a while to perfect, but once you get into the flow of things, it's a lot of fun to play.

I'm consistently topping damage meeter's in operations, and I'm doing well in PvP (It could be argued that Carnage or Rage is better for PvP, but i just don't really care.)

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I'm on the fence as an annihilator on switching to carnage. I just feel resistant to changing up a play style that I've been using for 49 levels now.(Just about to hit 50). Annihilator has been great for leveling. Using Quinn, I've often felt overpowered, even when a level or two below.


My PvP performance has been pretty good actually, but I realize that means very little in sub-50. If against a good team that knows to focus me down, it is pretty frustrating of course. If I'm lucky enough to get the attention of a healer then of course it is a massacre. :) Still, it's rare that I'm not either at, or close to the top of the list. If I can, I like to try and spread my bleed dots around on multiple targets when Berserk is up, and then use finishing moves to take them out one by one if left unchecked.


I do find it very noticeable the lack of burst damage though unless I've been able to quickly apply all dots on a single target and then get a good crit on annihilate or ravage. I think it might be more beneficial to get that burst damage in right off the bat which may have a greater tendency to put someone in a more defensive and/or panic mode.


If I decide to give Carnage a go, can someone post a good PvP spec and a general idea of skill use in combat?

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