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Looking for beta videos: Killing your companions


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I have read from multiple sources on this website that say it was possible during the beta for this game to permanently kill any of your companions. This would be permanent and remove them from your companion roster.


I know it was taken from the release build of the game but this intrigued me so much I searched youtube and google for ANY videos that showed you killing ANY of the companions.


My search turned up nothing.. Can anyone direct me to where I can find this video or share a video of this with me?


I also wonder.. Is this what the airlock was for in the beta? Right now the airlock on our ship does absolutely nothing.


Thanks for any videos the community can provide!

Edited by Xanikk
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Actually the escape pod simply allowed you to go directly to the planet you were questing in at any precise moment, kinda like a 'reverse' fleet pass.


How is this different from flying there and using the door? Is that really so inconvenient?

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yeah what does the escape pod even do? I've always wondered... I heard people could board your ship? I've never seen it happen. Neither has most people I've talked to in-game.


If you visit a friends ship, and he starts a space combat session, you can use the pod to leave the ship. You cannot use the airlock at that time since the ship is not in any planet during the space combat.

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Thanks for all the responses but those don't actually help.


Has anyone seen a video from the beta that shows you kill one of your companions? I would like a link if anyone has one.


As far as I know, the NDA from early beta is still in effect, so there wouldn't be anything out for it.

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They don't want you to see things from beta and so they will have it protected by an NDA forever.


Why don't they want us to see it?




Since when did laws prevent people from doing things? I'm suprised people haven't posted more stuff prohibited by NDAs considering the anonymity the internet provides.

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They probably would not want you to see it because it didnt make the live game. So if people see it they might think its in game when its not, it would confuse people.


Ive seen one of

SW killing that traitor Quinn,

i thought i saw it on youtube. Maybe now though they are making people take it down.

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They probably would not want you to see it because it didnt make the live game. So if people see it they might think its in game when its not, it would confuse people.


How would it confuse people if it's clearly stated to be from the beta and that it was taken out of the game?


I don't understand that line of reasoning. Just because 1 doofus out of a 1000 got confused wheres the harm in that? Why prevent anything from the beta being released just because dumb people might get "confused".



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How would it confuse people if it's clearly stated to be from the beta and that it was taken out of the game?


I don't understand that line of reasoning. Just because 1 doofus out of a 1000 got confused wheres the harm in that? Why prevent anything from the beta being released just because dumb people might get "confused".




Don't have the answer to that, we are just telling you how things are (it is unfortunate that they are this way, heck it is unfortunate that companion death isnt in the game).

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The NDA is no longer in effect when SWTOR went live.



You could kill your companions in an early build in the game, but they patched it.


It is not possible to do this anymore.

Edited by MrLeee
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How does that make sense? The game has been out for over 8 months..


In beta the very act of recording was a violation of the NDA...so even if the content /information itself may not be protected anymore...you're still providing evidence that you've broken the contract you signed during the beta period. We were not allowed to run any 3rd party software that interacted with the game, affected how we played, or their ability to take metrics...That included using fraps (even for just monitoring fps) and ventrilo.


Edit: quoted the wrong post.

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How would it confuse people if it's clearly stated to be from the beta and that it was taken out of the game?


For the exact same reason companion death was taken out of the game: Because people are stupid. If they released or allowed to be released beta footage, you would have idiots spreading it around that it's in the game. People who never saw the video (and therefore never saw that it was from beta) would hear that and expect to see it in the live game. This is the internet, the dumbest people usually get listened to the most.

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As far as I know, the NDA from early beta is still in effect, so there wouldn't be anything out for it.


NDA was lifted shortly before launch. that is retroactive to any information gleaned from Beta testing. If it weren't, everyone with orange pixel of doom sigs would be liable.

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In beta the very act of recording was a violation of the NDA...so even if the content /information itself may not be protected anymore...you're still providing evidence that you've broken the contract you signed during the beta period. We were not allowed to run any 3rd party software that interacted with the game, affected how we played, or their ability to take metrics...That included using fraps (even for just monitoring fps) and ventrilo.


Edit: quoted the wrong post.


That is incorrect. The way the NDA worked was, you could take Screen Shots or record videos, but couldn’t let anyone else see them, Or host them on any site. I still have tons of screenshots and video from beta on my computer at the other house, but I won’t be back there for a few more months.


If I remember, I think I have a SS of a dead Quinn, but no video. I’ll look when I get there.

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That is incorrect. The way the NDA worked was, you could take Screen Shots or record videos, but couldn’t let anyone else see them, Or host them on any site. I still have tons of screenshots and video from beta on my computer at the other house, but I won’t be back there for a few more months.


If I remember, I think I have a SS of a dead Quinn, but no video. I’ll look when I get there.


I was under the impression you could only take screenshots through the client for reporting bugs and nothing else. Maybe my interpretation was too conservative, but it seemed a lot of people felt that way when I played beta.


Edit: In fact, I vividly remember being asked to delete screenshots i had of the "out of body experience" bug I reported when on Belsavis

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I was under the impression you could only take screenshots through the client for reporting bugs and nothing else. Maybe my interpretation was too conservative, but it seemed a lot of people felt that way when I played beta.


Edit: In fact, I vividly remember being asked to delete screenshots i had of the "out of body experience" bug I reported when on Belsavis


All the confidentiality clause stated was :


2 Confidentiality


2.1 Confidential Information Defined. "Confidential Information" shall mean (a) any and all information relating to, contained in or relayed through the Game Software, the Game, and the Game Program, including, without limitation, information relating to: (i) the performance, capabilities and contents of the Game Materials, (ii) your Feedback, (iii) any other Game Program participant's Feedback, and (iv) any BWA employee's feedback and comments, (b) the existence and terms of this Agreement, and © any and all information relating to the future or proposed games, services or business operations of BWA. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, please review Addendum B below for a list of examples of Confidential Information. The list in Addendum B is not exhaustive and is provided for reference and example only. You shall use best efforts to safeguard and to prevent unauthorized use or disclosure of the Confidential Information, unless otherwise expressly authorized in writing as provided in Section 2.3 below. Your obligation to keep the Game Materials confidential will continue until BWA publicly discloses to the public through no fault of yours (or any third party not affiliated with BWA or LucasArts) such Confidential Information.


2.2 Confidentiality Obligation. You shall keep the Confidential Information in confidence and shall not publish, disclose, distribute, transmit, post or otherwise make available, directly or indirectly, any Confidential Information to any third party except as otherwise expressly set forth herein. However, you may disclose the Confidential Information in accordance with a judicial or governmental order; provided, however, that: (a) you give BWA prompt written notice of such order so BWA has opportunity to seek a protective order or other appropriate remedy to such order, prior to disclosure and shall comply with any applicable protective order or equivalent, (b) you provide BWA with all reasonable assistance in opposing such required disclosure or seeking a protective order or confidential treatment for all or part of such Confidential Information, and © you disclose only such portion of the Confidential Information as is either permitted by BWA or required by the court, tribunal, governmental agency or other authority, subject to any protective order or confidential treatment obtained by BWA


Never said not to make screenies or vid’s just to not publish or make them available to any third parties.

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Since when did laws prevent people from doing things?


Since the idea of a law was put into action. Laws are actually designed to prohibit certain activities in order to protect people, property, and ideas. In order to protect those people, property, and ideas, some people need to be prevented from doing certain things.

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