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Another stun thread..


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I don't want stuns removed entirely from PVP, but I do find the resolve to be mostly useless. I have read the resolve bar guide and try to follow it to the letter, and still in the rare occasions that it builds to give me immunity I am only a hit or two from death.


Everyone keeps saying that all the classes only have one stun, this isn't accurate is it? Don't the IA/Smuggler classes have two? One that lasts for a few seconds and one lasting 6? Because every time I face one, inline with the Resolve guide posted here, I never break that first one since it is the shorter of the two opting instead to save it for the 6 second blinding one....if my break isn't already on its 2 minute cd of course.


I know resolve does work problem is you need at least two healers (depending how much you are being focused on atm) to keep you alive through the stuns or you will be dead long before that resolve bar does anything useful.


I want stuns in PVP even though I am playing a Mara right now and we don't technically have any, and I don't necessarily favor auto-immunity after one stun, but chain stunning (after which you are dead before the second one breaks...which usually means the resolve bar drops back to zero before you get back into battle) does seem quite excessive many times in my opinion.

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where did you see a troll? i said just like things goin.

Really you noobs dont understand that without stuns shadow tanks and juggs will score without healing and any assist,.

will be impossible to take nodes on civil war, cus now with all this stun locks some rateds ending without capping mid.

i bet you play some tank or mara/pt.

and its nearly impossible to ruin some guys pvp rotation in fight.

See? Understanding games stunning system is about calss of player - if you are average you must live with it.


All that you have described are sings of fail in design.


It maybe working as intended, but its a complete crap in the very beginning.


If system require 8 people coordinating their actions to work proprely, its a badly designed system for modern MMO. And it shows that devs do not understand their target audience.


And that is exacly why this game is failing so miserebly.

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Stuns are fine... most classes get 1 stun with a (roughly) 60 second cooldown. The only problem is getting stunned back to back. Yes... there probably should be a 10 second stun immunity when you pop your trinket... that's it. No stuns should not be nerfed in any other way.

yeah but for example the juggy can stun 1 time if he is a tank, then he can do it again with chocke, and again with the paralize so many classes have stuns but the operatives and smuglers have too many stuns

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Oh well just a bunch of newbies posting in this thread and crying about stuns.


There are very few advanced classes in the game who have two stuns.


a] tank specced guardian / juggernaut [4s stun and 3s or 4s choke which is not channeled] - note: not all juggernauts, just the ones speccing for tank

b] vanguard / powertech [4s stun and 2.5s or 3s AoE melee range stun] - note: any spec

c] concealment operative / scrapper scoundrel [1.5s knockdown and 4s melee range stun] - note: not all operatives, only those speccing for dps [middle tree]

d] shadows / assassins [1.5s knockdown and 4s stun]

e] engineer sniper / sabotage gunslinger [2s stun and 4s melee stun] - note: only the middle tree spec., which is also the rarest spec to meet in the warzone


USEFUL INFO: there is no stun lasting longer than 4 seconds. Mez =/= stun.


Teams who can time their stuns perfectly should be rewarded [aka two 4s stuns used perfectly should give 8s stun total]. If there are three people repeatedly stunning you, then there are three less people stunning the rest of your team! How is that no a good thing?

Yes it is annoying to get repeatedly stunned. Yes it is also annoying to level alts and do the same quests over and over again. Yes it is annoying to lose a warzone due to some noob who does not watch doors / calls inc / etc. That's the way things work here though.So you either deal with it or you unsub.

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If system require 8 people coordinating their actions to work proprely, its a badly designed system for modern MMO. And it shows that devs do not understand their target audience.


And that is exacly why this game is failing so miserebly.


you dont like coordinate work with your team? then you need to go other game. this game will become better when lowlife pvp guys like you will leave it.

Pvp is all about cooperation, evolution, setup and team ranks.

If you like to be good alone - play single player. without tewam play you will suck like you always do.

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you dont like coordinate work with your team? then you need to go other game. this game will become better when lowlife pvp guys like you will leave it.

Pvp is all about cooperation, evolution, setup and team ranks.

If you like to be good alone - play single player. without tewam play you will suck like you always do.


Thts waht is exacly happening - people are leaving.


And were you told to improve your trolling skills? Insulting is too old. Not working as intended. ;)

Edited by Maxkardinal
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This game just totally lacks counters.


I played a mage for over 5 years in WoW PvP, that game had huge burst (like TOR) and a lot of stuns, but at least you could do something about it:


1) Blink: get out of roots / snares on a short cooldown, confuse your enemy by teleporting short distances and out of range of focus

2) Ice Block: makes you invulnerable but unable to act and removes all negative effects, on a medium cooldown. Perfect to get rid of focus on you as well.

3) Cold Snap: long cooldown, resets nr. 2

4) Mirror Image: creates clones and makes your enemy lose their target

5) Invisibility for a short while

6) Trinket = CC break in TOR


Now that class was one of the escape artists, but each class had at least a number of ways to counter focus and get out of stuns. This make PvP a game of bluff poker, as you try to save your own CC breaks for the right time and have to know what each class has at its disposal.


In TOR, only Marauders and Assassins (possibly tank Juggernauts) have effective counters to focus, as for stuns, there is the CC break and well... that's it.

Maybe you can also count the tactics VG who can break snares / roots for a decent amount of time, but you'll almost never see these around.


Couple that with insane damage numbers put out and you get the gibfest that is TOR PvP.


The average player in TOR just looks at his stuns as if "Press if don't know what to do next" is written on them, instead of a tactical tool. And they can't even be blamed.


Some time ago, I fought a Pyro Powertech on my Assault VG. I know this dude, I know I'm usually better than him because he doesn't know how to peel or LoS or anything. Still he won a 1vs1.

Why? Because I waited neatly for my resolve bar to fill up before using the CC break, while he facerolled his stuns and nuked away: because it only takes 3 seconds for over half your health to disappear anyway, you're better off facerolling him back and hoping for crits, otherwise you're buried in a health deficit. And believe me, this isn't only the case when facing DPS PT's.

Edited by Fdzzaigl
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Stuns are fine, stun break and defensive cooldowns already in the game. Learn to play instead of making multiple threads claiming people are leaving he game because "there are too many stuns" - utter bollocks.


To you really think people have left because of crowd control? Where is your evidence for this? It's the same noobs making the same stuns are getting out of hand threads - they are exactly the same as when the game came out..


Learn the game, stop trying to ruin it because you lack any desire to try and understand it.

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Learn the game, stop trying to ruin it because you lack any desire to try and understand it.


Learn to read, stop posting BS because you lack desire to try and understand the point of a thread.


OP is not saying he don't know how this system is working, he says its a complete crap. And this is where i agree with him.


I know exacly how resolve bar is working and it don't making CC system in SWTOR any better for me. And for many other people out there. Or "lowlife pvpers" as fail troll has stated several posts above.

Edited by Maxkardinal
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Oh well just a bunch of newbies posting in this thread and crying about stuns.


There are very few advanced classes in the game who have two stuns.


a] tank specced guardian / juggernaut [4s stun and 3s or 4s choke which is not channeled] - note: not all juggernauts, just the ones speccing for tank

b] vanguard / powertech [4s stun and 2.5s or 3s AoE melee range stun] - note: any spec

c] concealment operative / scrapper scoundrel [1.5s knockdown and 4s melee range stun] - note: not all operatives, only those speccing for dps [middle tree]

d] shadows / assassins [1.5s knockdown and 4s stun]

e] engineer sniper / sabotage gunslinger [2s stun and 4s melee stun] - note: only the middle tree spec., which is also the rarest spec to meet in the warzone


USEFUL INFO: there is no stun lasting longer than 4 seconds. Mez =/= stun.


Teams who can time their stuns perfectly should be rewarded [aka two 4s stuns used perfectly should give 8s stun total]. If there are three people repeatedly stunning you, then there are three less people stunning the rest of your team! How is that no a good thing?

Yes it is annoying to get repeatedly stunned. Yes it is also annoying to level alts and do the same quests over and over again. Yes it is annoying to lose a warzone due to some noob who does not watch doors / calls inc / etc. That's the way things work here though.So you either deal with it or you unsub.




If your playing with a halfway decent team they are gonna make the other team pay for spamming too many stuns on one guy. Plus lots of times in pugs multiple players will throw their stuns on you at the exact same time. I can't count the number of times I have had my resolve bar immediately filled by a couple of dps opening up with poorly timed stuns and leaps. If my trinket is off cd I am going to use it and I am going to get away. Even if my trinket is on cd I now have a full resolve bar in exchange for only 4 seconds worth of being stunned. If I am guarded or getting some heals from a teammate I am going to survive those 4 seconds and get away, while a good chunk of the opposing teams dps have just blow all their cd's.

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I have this to say to the above stun lords. If you think there is any real cost to throwing out stuns you are mistaken. Look at the list you presented. There are so many,some area which increases the number even more. Am I really hearing you say there should be a reward for timing stuns? It's a joke and just a few seconds later it starts all over.


You listed the stuns and made a big deal about the per stun timing which I still think is too long. What you failed to give stats on is the trinket timers.


My vanguard alone has 2 of them one 45 second and one specced can be 50 that is a stun rate of one less than every 25 seconds. Let's compare that to trinket cooldowns. Let's factor in numbers of people all running around like this. the descrepency multiplies.


This does not include nor is part of the discussion snares, roots knock backs or mezzes...yes I do understand the difference... Point still stands, there is too much of it (stuns) and it recycles way to fast.



As one person said this is stun wars. It is simply too much and not fun.

Edited by Morath
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