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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

My last forum post and farewell speech.


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Your bolded statement there... was contradicted in your original post here...



As for your claim to fame and fortune, I highly, HIGHLY doubt it. Additionally, you should have quit while you were ahead. You made valid points, you could have left it at that. HOWEVER, your youth is showing in your later posts as naivety and impulsiveness are stripping away any credibility you have. I suggest you desist immediately and save face before the adults tear you apart.


Who claimed to be famous? Sure I have a fortune. But I didn't want to disclose that. A previous poster forced me to do it, in order to disprove him.

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Judging by the responses... I'd say you are probably right man. You will have a lot more fun at a different game with a better community.


As you can see..fanboys are just going to deny anything you say out of existence anyways, so might as well just let them dream on.

Edited by cipero
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Who claimed to be famous? Sure I have a fortune. But I didn't want to disclose that. A previous poster forced me to do it, in order to disprove him.


I think you mean pops has a fortune, 14 year old millionaires are usually fairly well known?

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sorry fanbois, but he hits the nail on the head with EVERYTHING he said. that's the way 80% of the mmo players are actually seeing an mmo. and that's also why sw:tor has already lost around 80% of it's subscribers. welcome to reality. cu@gw2.
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I really hope your post is not troll bait...


So giving you the benefit of the doubt then, and assuming you are of the rather young age of 14;


1) Coming across as "look how good I am" (no matter how true it may be) in your OP is not a good way to invite constructive discussion. Learn to be humble, and, good friends you will find... or something along those Yoda lines.


2) Try something different than MMO's and first person shooters. If you've already burned yourself out from this at 14, then it is time to step back, and enjoy your surroundings... truly take in what you see. Now of course RL can do this, but obviously video games are your passion (and this I can truly understand, regardless of age group). So, although rather dated, get yourself a kick a** theatre room system with awesome sound and a big screen and play realMyst. Finish it, thoroughly, don’t be in a rush, maybe even look at the sequels after that (Uru and such). Then maybe try Syberia. Don't rush either experience. Enjoy the story, the sounds, the immersion. They are dated, but with sound up high and on a big screen, with some popcorn in the other hand… it can be a wonderful experience.


3) Try MMO's and first person shooters again, after this break. Even then, stop and look at the scenery and take it all in. I know it's just a game, but it can be very immersive. Don't worry about being the best or close to it, just have fun. These are games after all.

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If you really want to know, the reason I don't care about getting a job is because my father is on the Forbes list of billionaires.


That would explain some of the creepy eloquence you possess at such a young age... I mean, what kind of kid uses these types of words:

Implement (instead of put)

Imply (instead of mean)

Absurd (instead of ****ed up)

Professionalism (instead of... wait, what 14 year old is thinking of professionalism?)

Also, some smaller things that kinda seem weird for kids to be thinking about: dimensions, being considerate, process, and potential.

Now, I'm not saying it would be impossible for a 14 year old to know about all of this stuff, it just seems.....weird.

...kinda like analyzing forums.

*backs slowly out of room*

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I think you mean pops has a fortune, 14 year old millionaires are usually fairly well known?


What's the name of Bill Gates kids off the top of your head?


Who are Lebron James kids names?


What's the name of Brad Pitt's brother?


Answer 2/3 and I'll admit you're right. (without googling)

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Who claimed to be famous? Sure I have a fortune. But I didn't want to disclose that. A previous poster forced me to do it, in order to disprove him.


You dont have to disclose anything. We can find it ourselves with the info you, yourself gave us.

How many billionaires out of that list do you think live in Oregon or Florida?

How many of those have "14 yo children"?

If(and that's a BIG if) you are real, you are giving out far to much personal information.

If not, congrats, you got lots of bites.

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If you really want to know, the reason I don't care about getting a job is because my father is on the Forbes list of billionaires. Like I said in an earlier post, I preferred not to post personal information, but you asked for it, and there's over 1300 people in the world on that last, so I'm not really afraid of giving away my real life identity.


As to your second comment, if you don't care about a community of ''kid'' gamers, you shouldn't be playing a STAR WARS MMO.


if your dad is a billionaire aks him to fire your current teacher so at leat you know you dont live in the 19th century. oh and ask him while you are there to give you your own gaming studio then you can make the best game. btw make it f2p as you dont need the money anyway!

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What's the name of Bill Gates kids off the top of your head?


Who are Lebron James kids names?


What's the name of Brad Pitt's brother?


Answer 2/3 and I'll admit you're right. (without googling)


Queen James's kids arent rich, their dad is.


If you had earned your money, and werent just living off your daddy, we probally would have heard of you.

Edited by davidpop
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I really hope your post is not troll bait...


So giving you the benefit of the doubt then, and assuming you are of the rather young age of 14;


1) Coming across as "look how good I am" (no matter how true it may be) in your OP is not a good way to invite constructive discussion. Learn to be humble, and, good friends you will find... or something along those Yoda lines.


2) Try something different than MMO's and first person shooters. If you've already burned yourself out from this at 14, then it is time to step back, and enjoy your surroundings... truly take in what you see. Now of course RL can do this, but obviously video games are your passion (and this I can truly understand, regardless of age group). So, although rather dated, get yourself a kick a** theatre room system with awesome sound and a big screen and play realMyst. Finish it, thoroughly, don’t be in a rush, maybe even look at the sequels after that (Uru and such). Then maybe try Syberia. Don't rush either experience. Enjoy the story, the sounds, the immersion. They are dated, but with sound up high and on a big screen, with some popcorn in the other hand… it can be a wonderful experience.


3) Try MMO's and first person shooters again, after this break. Even then, stop and look at the scenery and take it all in. I know it's just a game, but it can be very immersive. Don't worry about being the best or close to it, just have fun. These are games after all.


I'm not trying to come across as "look how good I am", I am trying to state my MMO experience and what my experience is currently in this build of the game. If I said that I am only level 45 and have never PvPed, would any of my paragraphs have any credibility? I don't think so.


And to previous posters laughing at my age. Fourteen year olds don't have opinions anymore?


And thank you for the suggestions of those games. I will definitely try those out.

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Who claimed to be famous? Sure I have a fortune. But I didn't want to disclose that. A previous poster forced me to do it, in order to disprove him.


You said you don't like to disclose personal information...

However your first paragraph of you OP was a small summation of your life story.

Contradiction- A combination of statements, ideas, or features of a situation that are opposed to one another.

Reconsider not getting educated....

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If you really want to know, the reason I don't care about getting a job is because my father is on the Forbes list of billionaires. Like I said in an earlier post, I preferred not to post personal information, but you asked for it, and there's over 1300 people in the world on that last, so I'm not really afraid of giving away my real life identity.


As to your second comment, if you don't care about a community of ''kid'' gamers, you shouldn't be playing a STAR WARS MMO.



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Hello fellow SWTOR players. Obviously, most of you will not know who I am, considering I transferred to The Bastion from The Swiftsure. And I know most of you will not read through this long speech, but I assure you, you will not regret it if you do read the whole thing.


Allow me to introduce myself. I am 14 years old and I reside in Oregon. I was born in Miami, Florida and moved to Oregon for my father's business. I have been playing computer video games since I was 12. As soon as my father showed me Mario Cart for the Nintendo 64 I thought to myself "I had to have more." I found that adrenaline rush through computer video games. My first MMO was World Of Warcraft, where I played a Restoration Druid and a Discipline Priest. Shortly after Wrath of the Lich King expansion back was released, I quit the game. I stopped gaming for a while until Star Wars: The Old Republic was released. This is when I started my second MMO journey began.


My name on The Swiftsure was Media. I was considered by many to be the best PvP Operative healer on that server, no questions asked. My guild (Strictly Business) claimed the server first Soa the Infernal and Karagga the Unyielding kills. Two members of my guild were the first two 50's on the server, and also the first two Battlemasters on the server.


I've been playing an Operative healer since beta access. After moving from The Swifsure to The Bastion, I was forced to change my name to Krunchy because Media was a level 1 Bounty Hunter on Hutta (and still is to this day). After transferring, I earned the reputation as the best Operative Healer on The Bastion. I was the second in the world to 2200 and 2400 rating, next to one of my guildmates, who was world first. We are currently at 2800+ rating (got lazy after world first 2400) and still climbing up there. My guild (Strictly Business) is considered the best on my server as well. We have been doing Ranked Warzones ever since they were released and we now hold the record of three hundred and six wins, and twenty three losses.


Star Wars: The Old Republic has been a terrible game since it was ever released. I realized this shortly after hitting level fifty. The end game raiding is too easy (hence why I stopped raiding) and the PvP bugs are inexcusable. Half of my losses in Ranked Warzones are due to stuck-in-spawn bugs and random disconnects. There are bugs that have been in this game since release and to this day have not been fixed. For instance, the Ravage bug, the stuck-in-spawn bug, using an ability and taking up a global cooldown but not actually using the ability bug, the casting an ability and not showing a cast-bar but still casting the ability successfully, and the going invisible after using Infiltrate bug (after ability is over and non-stealthers). This is just a short list of MANY bugs that still exist in the game (with more to come assuming this game lasts to patch 1.5). I've known since December that I have only been playing this game to waste time until Guild Wars 2 comes out (the last month is always the hardest)!


The lack of competition on my server is another reason why this game is a failure. Cross-server queing is a simple technology, especially in this day in age. It is the 19th century and BioWare is still unable to allow players to cross-server que and also return back to a warzone after disconnecting. They aren't even able to fix bugs that have existed since release, so I shouldn't be expecting much as of now. On my server, there are literally two other guilds that I actually have to try against. After defeating both of them multiple times in a row, they have resorted to que-dodging us via my live stream (which you can find at http://www.twitch.tv/MediaSWTOR), and there is now absolutely ZERO competition on my server. I have almost considered totally shutting down my stream until GW2 release, but I respect my fans too much to just shut it down altogether. This is just another reason why cross-server queing should be implemented.


The process you have to go through simply to change the look of a piece of armor is absolutely ridiculous. It costs over 100,000 credits just to remove the mods and augment from one piece of gear in order to transfer them to a better looking piece. Before release, BioWare stated that this game is about the player. It's about what the player wants to do in the Star Wars universe and how customizable it would be. They send there would be endless possibilities in the Star Wars universe. But what is it now? Spending potentially millions just to re-mod gear, add MK-6 slots to gear, and then PAYING TO ADD THE AUGMENT SLOT AFTER CRAFTING IT YOURSELF? And endless possibilities? You mean doing house chores and errands until 6:00 PST to wait for my friends to do Rated Warzones? Sure, it's not my fault that they can't play until 6:00 PST. But the fact that I have no motivation to play this game unless they're online is just a massive fault in this game. PvP is the only competitive aspect of this game. I DO NOT mind that at all. But the fact that they wasted their time and money on voice acting, designing Flashpoints, and fixing emoticons in major patches is absolutely absurd.


Flashpoints are absolutely useless. I didn't do a single Flashpoint on my 50 Vanguard and I was full Rakata in less than two weeks. The only reason Dungeons were popular in World of Warcraft were because they offered endgame gear and currencies. And they did it correctly. They actually had a required gear level to que for specific dungeons. But how is it in SWTOR? Terrible. They waited until 1.3 to even release a group finder. The group finder doesn't even work 50% of the time. The group finder has no way of filtering out players based on skill or gear. They also waited until 1.3 to even include endgame commendations as a reward. BioWare also didn't realize that they made Flashpoints useless in 1.3. With the release of Denova, my guild was able to carry my fresh level 50 alt up to full Rakata in literally two days. Who needs to do Flashpoints with random incompetent players when you can go with an organized group and get all the gear you need to be ready for Denova? Allow me to correct myself. Who needs to do Flashpoints when you can do Story Mode raids to get starter level gear?


This is where it ends. As soon as it's August 25th, I'm out of here and onto Guild Wars 2. Will it be an amazing game? Well you never know until you start playing. All I know is it takes a lot of effort to fail like BioWare did. Some of the things that this company has done are absolutely absurd and are extremely unprofessional, especially coming from a big name like BioWare. I will never be buying a video game developed by BioWare ever again, unless it is Mass Effect 4. Guild Wars 2 may not be an AMAZING game like many claim it to be, but I promise all of you reading this that there's no way NCSoft or ArenaNet could fail as much as BioWare did. At this point in time, RuneScape is a superior video game to Star Wars: The Old Republic. I'd be playing RuneScape if Guild Wars 2 wasn't coming out in only one (long) month. Thank you all for reading



This thread is almost like this one, http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=479649

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I'm not trying to come across as "look how good I am", I am trying to state my MMO experience and what my experience is currently in this build of the game. If I said that I am only level 45 and have never PvPed, would any of my paragraphs have any credibility? I don't think so.


And thank you for the suggestions of those games. I will definitely try those out.


Understood, but I think you still could have come across as more humble. It just makes for easier discussion, if that is your goal.

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You said you don't like to disclose personal information...

However your first paragraph of you OP was a small summation of your life story.

Contradiction- A combination of statements, ideas, or features of a situation that are opposed to one another.

Reconsider not getting educated....


You are using that quote out of context



I care about being physically active and having a healthy lifestyle. But about education and getting a job? I don't care. And the reason i don't care is a personal and family matter that I'm sure you wouldn't care about, so I won't post it.


..is where he specifically said this, but after was egged on by other people.

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then he get's this kind of reaction..even tho he was going to keep it personal in the first place.

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I care about being physically active and having a healthy lifestyle. But about education and getting a job? I don't care. And the reason i don't care is a personal and family matter that I'm sure you wouldn't care about, so I won't post it.




OK, this is a serious question, you don't care about Education OR getting a job at all just because your dads a billionaire? Do you think he's just gonna give you his money all your life?

Edited by Keeperofthevoid
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Nice post OP, obviously you have conquered the gaming world and are well on your way to professional gaming, because if your that good and your guild is that good, surly you are competition players and earning Thousands per month.


I think its a bit of fabricated BS tbh, and as another guy said, if the game is that bad, why have you played it for 8 months...


BTW. Go outside, get a girlfriend, and / or play some sports. You are obviously toooooo good for the rest of us mere mortals.





LOL sorry just read the rest of your posts, so your Dad is a Billionaire, and you don't have to do anything with your life except gaming, and your 14....... I personally know 2 millionaires and believe me their kids are not playing MMO's, they are at prestigious English schools getting educations to follow in their fathers footsteps... Believe me, No Billionaire is going to sit by and watch his child become an MMO bum at 14.


Jees even Paris Hilton had to carve a career out of her miserable life, because her dad cut her off.


I think your living in a little dream world and craving some attention. Any chance you watched Billy Madison recently, BTW he had to get a job and go to school...!!


Good luck in life.

Edited by Nippon
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