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Why do people hate us so much?


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Ill break it down for you. Nobody wants to tank or heal so everyone picks a dps class. Everyone likes lightsabers so they pick marauder because Juggernaut is a joke. Now you have the majority of the server playing a marauder. You enter pvp as another class and the first thing you notice is there's 5 or more marauders in the wz and they are ****** you. You go to pve and try a random group as a tank or healer and you get 2 marauders as dps. I play a Juggernaut immortal tank and thisbhas happened far to often. Tanking in pvp is a joke so is healing so you pvp as a dps. Everyone has a marauder. Bioware can't nerf the class now because the 5 people left playing the game after gw2 launches next week will cry nerf and join all their friends in gw2.
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But we lack any knockback, and have the worst stun in the game. We gain some things, and we give up others.


Why the **** male class with AOE stun, Self heals, Awesome DPS and Stealth needs any knock back?

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You know, when you get a 99% damage reduction at will, how is that not broken?


Just like other classes with defensive abilities they have cool downs, it's a great skill but good players know that when a marauder pops it his shelf life is coming to an end. Too many people whine about this ability with little education on what it actually does.


I guess this is the reason most people who actually play marauders know they are beatable and have flaws.


As someone who plays multiple characters, I would say PTs, Juggs, and Snipers are much stronger damage wise than we are.

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This is an excellent point, and I for one think they should change it to something like 50%. Perhaps put it on some sort of cooldown timer as well?


People in this game are so bad they don't even know what they are ************ about. Did you just FKing ask Bware to place a cool down timer on an ability that already has a cool down timer?


Wow, just L2P.

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Snipers are also designed to kill, they dont do half the damage of a marauder in any spec. Sniper is the other "pure DD" AC and should do the same damage as marauder if you ask me. Now before you say "sniper has defensive stuff to add to a team", I do not think that matters all that much, marauders have a dps buff. Either bring the dps of marauders down to the lvl of the Sniper or bring the sniper up to the level of the marauder.


But Bioware will never nerf marauders/sentinels, because they are their bread and butter because everyone and their grandmothers play one.


I hope you're talking about PvE because Snipers are right up there with PT's in PvP as far as damage goes.


My 50% recruit/BM sniper pulls 550-600k dps games all the time, it took at least half WH and 5x the effort to break 600k as a marauder.


Show me a sniper that can't beat a marauder in pvp damage and i'll show you a failure of a sniper.


You clowns need to seriously get some skill and stop playing in the pre-50 brackets, it's making your brains numb.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Its not so much people hate you as people are tired of all the defensive CDs the class has.


Sents have 3 viable AC-specific cooldowns, each easily countered.

Rebuke: DONT HIT THEM FOR 6 SECONDS. Seriously, the thing is a reflective CD that only lasts for 6 seconds, BUT refreshes to full duration if hit. Just don't hit them. Pop a CD of your own, or hit a knockback/root.

GBTF: Stun and wait for 5 secs. If resolve is full, drop a root/slow and kite.

Force Camo: Drop an AOE if you have one, or just wait it out. He can't hit you while under camo without it getting cancelled. Also, lasts only 4 seconds.


If people had half a brain, they'd have figured this stuff out ages ago. I do all of these when fighting Maras/Sents on my Gunslinger in PvP and don't have any issues. Sents go down faster than butter on a hotplate without the defensive CDs. My main is a Sent, and I know exactly what its limitations are. Quit the QQ about stuff like "ZOMG 800k damage!", its a goddamn pure DPS AC.

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Sents have 3 viable AC-specific cooldowns, each easily countered.

Rebuke: DONT HIT THEM FOR 6 SECONDS. Seriously, the thing is a reflective CD that only lasts for 6 seconds, BUT refreshes to full duration if hit. Just don't hit them. Pop a CD of your own, or hit a knockback/root.

GBTF: Stun and wait for 5 secs. If resolve is full, drop a root/slow and kite.

Force Camo: Drop an AOE if you have one, or just wait it out. He can't hit you while under camo without it getting cancelled. Also, lasts only 4 seconds.


If people had half a brain, they'd have figured this stuff out ages ago. I do all of these when fighting Maras/Sents on my Gunslinger in PvP and don't have any issues. Sents go down faster than butter on a hotplate without the defensive CDs. My main is a Sent, and I know exactly what its limitations are. Quit the QQ about stuff like "ZOMG 800k damage!", its a gosh darn pure DPS AC.


1. Listen to yourself, are you serious? "Don't hit them for 6 seconds" Wow.

2. Force Camo doesn't break on damage, it's technically better than any other vanish ability in the game.

3. Nice, gunslinger, the only class that can counter a marauder/sentinel. Good one

4. Did you forget about saber ward? 25% damage reduction and 50% defense


And these are just basic abilities, lets move on to the specs..


It's safe to say marauders have too high damage, too high utility with the best defensive cooldowns in the game

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1. Listen to yourself, are you serious? "Don't hit them for 6 seconds" Wow.

2. Force Camo doesn't break on damage, it's technically better than any other vanish ability in the game.

3. Nice, gunslinger, the only class that can counter a marauder/sentinel. Good one

4. Did you forget about saber ward? 25% damage reduction and 50% defense


And these are just basic abilities, lets move on to the specs..


It's safe to say marauders have too high damage, too high utility with the best defensive cooldowns in the game


When I said don't hit them, I didn't mean sit there and let them wail on you. Start kiting. You may think I'm being a moron, but I've done this on both my GS and my Sage. Saber Ward is a Knight ability, I was talking about the so called OP Defensive CDs exclusive to a Sent.

Seriously, Commando healers in my guild have burnt down Sents/Maras. They take way more damage than other pure DPS classes and are easy to kill if you stop wetting yourself when you see one and use your head.

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When I said don't hit them, I didn't mean sit there and let them wail on you. Start kiting. You may think I'm being a moron, but I've done this on both my GS and my Sage. Saber Ward is a Knight ability, I was talking about the so called OP Defensive CDs exclusive to a Sent.

Seriously, Commando healers in my guild have burnt down Sents/Maras. They take way more damage than other pure DPS classes and are easy to kill if you stop wetting yourself when you see one and use your head.


KIte them? They do have a Leap ability you know? Saber Ward contributes to their OP CD's whether you know that or not. Maybe cause the Sents/Maras are retarded and didn't know how to play class and didn't know to interrupt heals? Their is only one more pure DPS AC and the only reason it takes less damage is because they have deployable cover and Ballastic Shields that help them take 25% less damage.

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I don't think we're OP. We're extremely dangerous once we get (AND KEEP) our hands on you but that's all we got going for us. Any kind of CC and we're done, really. Not to mention simply getting kited. And we're super squishy.


I've never had any trouble countering a Sentinel/Marauder, I'm not gonna BS you and stay I steamroll them all the time, because that's never the case with any class.


I hope BioWare doesn't listen to these whiners by nerfing/ruining the class.


you DO know we are out preforming EVERY other class in the game right? you DO know we need nerfs right? we're so good its a joke. you have enough CDS to survive CCs and such, and burst to melt anyone before they have a chance lol, if your having trouble with a mara its a l2p issue

Edited by HollowVamp
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It's funny, the only flaw in our class is Undying Rage but other than that, facing a very good Jugg or a Vanguard/Powertech's, Operatives/Scoundrels and being kited to death, that's probably the biggest weakness of this class.


A jugg kiting YOU?..lolOLOLOL

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I'll admit I hated maras until I played one.


No, this isn't me saying that OMG WE'RE SO OP WE MURDER EVERYTHING or anything like that.


My main is a SS Gunslinger and I used to have problems with two classes (these being Operatives and Marauders... for some reason I never really had a problem with Tank Sins... shrug)


So I decided to roll a Mara to see if it was due to them being OP or due to something I was doing wrong.


Shockingly, it was due to something I was doing wrong (no, not shocking at all).


My advice to anyone who thinks that a class is OP would be to roll one. No, not to play as the flavor of the month (well you can do that too... I like my mara too), but to figure out the weaknesses of the class in question. By leveling a marauder, I realized that the class does have weaknesses and now I can exploit those weaknesses with my gunslinger.


In short: people hate us because they haven't taken the time to study the mara's weaknesses and adjust accordingly. If you're just going to sit there and go toe to toe with us, you're going to lose. But if you play smart, use stuns, CCs and roots... the mara isn't OP at all.

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u maras are SO OP and this is from the view of a pryotech. you have passive heals taht heal me more than kolta rush


FoTM marauder spec is Carnage, not Annihilation. (where those heals supposedly save them from your 4+k rail shots and Detonator?). The burst and damage of that tree is simply ridiculous. (And next patch you'll probably see more rage smash spec'd people)


@ the OP: The reason Mara's // sents are hated is because of the huge advantage they bring to TEAM play. Not only do they have huge burst, but they have a near immunity saving ability where they can still be topped to full by their healer. They can be at the brink of death and healed to FULL health in that 5 second window (even the 4 second window in 1.4 is still too much. Undying rage reminds me a lot of the original rogue cheat death...cept on a longer CD.) With the addition of the buffed predation (for those carnage spec'd), it gives the class a lot more mobility to share with the team. Not to mention the healing debuff, instant slow, aoe blind, a lengthy execute and Bloodthirst that are extremely important in TEAM play.


Bioware just needs to add some of those team skills to other classes instead of shoving them all into one. The only other class that has a team component to it would probably be the sorc/sage... But they seriously lack the CD's that can save them in a pinch. The efficiency of the sorc/sage is nowhere near the raw output of the Mara/sent though (With team buffs and burst).


I have both a sentinel and a marauder at level 50 and I can easily say that the class is just too strong. From both a pve and PVP perspective, they are currently the top of the food chain. Whether Bioware decides to nerf the class or buff others up to this level is still a question that remains to be answered... Bioware sure hasn't taken a stance on how they feel about the current gigantic difference in RWZ's. (In regards to PT's//Maras and their pub mirrors being the majority of classes in rateds)


I obviously love the class, but I think a lot of people that play it aren't being honest with themselves if they think the class is just "okay".

Edited by veyl
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FoTM marauder spec is Carnage, not Annihilation. (where those heals supposedly save them from your 4+k rail shots and Detonator?). The burst and damage of that tree is simply ridiculous. (And next patch you'll probably see more rage smash spec'd people)


@ the OP: The reason Mara's // sents are hated is because of the huge advantage they bring to TEAM play. Not only do they have huge burst, but they have a near immunity saving ability where they can still be topped to full by their healer. They can be at the brink of death and healed to FULL health in that 5 second window (even the 4 second window in 1.4 is still too much. Undying rage reminds me a lot of the original rogue cheat death...cept on a longer CD.) With the addition of the buffed predation (for those carnage spec'd), it gives the class a lot more mobility to share with the team. Not to mention the healing debuff, instant slow, aoe blind, a lengthy execute and Bloodthirst that are extremely important in TEAM play.


Bioware just needs to add some of those team skills to other classes instead of shoving them all into one. The only other class that has a team component to it would probably be the sorc/sage... But they seriously lack the CD's that can save them in a pinch. The efficiency of the sorc/sage is nowhere near the raw output of the Mara/sent though (With team buffs and burst).


I have both a sentinel and a marauder at level 50 and I can easily say that the class is just too strong. From both a pve and PVP perspective, they are currently the top of the food chain. Whether Bioware decides to nerf the class or buff others up to this level is still a question that remains to be answered... Bioware sure hasn't taken a stance on how they feel about the current gigantic difference in RWZ's. (In regards to PT's//Maras and their pub mirrors being the majority of classes in rateds)


I obviously love the class, but I think a lot of people that play it aren't being honest with themselves if they think the class is just "okay".

seriously? just the other day this was the ravage.... 2k, 6k, 6k, that is a ridiculous amount of dps

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seriously? just the other day this was the ravage.... 2k, 6k, 6k, that is a ridiculous amount of dps


So you didn't read the part where I mentioned the insane burst... . or the burst.... (said it twice.) OR the part where I said the class was just TOO STRONG.


Try reading the post again without the blinders of hatred on.

Edited by veyl
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