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"Healers" and "Tanks" in Group Finder - you think you're fooling anyone?


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They need dual spec bad I have tank and dps gear and cleared HM EC as both specs. I main spec dps but no way in hell am I respecing for a HM FP. I did pay for the field respec but that is only to be used for Raiding Purposes.


I never queue for a role that I am not because for a vanguard it is not something that is easy to do unless you're the correct spec.

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Yup, id say Vanguards/Powertechs have it easier than others to tank off-spec. They mostly just get added perks in there talents that increase their passive defenses (shield, absorb, armor) all of which can be compensated for with better gear. All their cooldowns come with the class (except for Smoke Grenade, which hasnt been incredibly useful so far on my Vanguard) and have more than enough AoE abilities to hold big groups.


Smoke Grenade is nice, but I found it to be more useful in PvP. I don't think I ever used it in PvE.


Like you said about gear, though, I can easily tank in my Black Hole stuff. My Tactics skills allow me to keep up threat by using all my hard-hitting attacks and using Gut. 5 stacks of Pulse Generator is like an added taunt as well. The only thing I'm really missing are the passive skills that you mentioned and some extra Endurance.

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Last week, I queued in my DPS set and spec, after a boss or two, the tank said who's healing to which I replied "not me" followed by ... "uh oh..." yes it is me!


I switched to my healing gear and finished the FP without a hitch. First and foremost, as long as the player is competent and gear willing, and it should be ok.


I wouldn’t do that on purpose, I generally don’t think that is fair on the rest of the group.



Edited by Kaesoron
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