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Get rid of force fields!


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The only thing they do is annoy the crap outta anyone who dies. Seriously why do they have to be soo long? At least lower the time it takes for them to go down. Anyone else feel the same way? Does anyone actually like the long wait to get back into the fight?
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The only thing they do is annoy the crap outta anyone who dies. Seriously why do they have to be soo long? At least lower the time it takes for them to go down. Anyone else feel the same way? Does anyone actually like the long wait to get back into the fight?


Gated respawns add strategy to the game. This is not a deathmatch.

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Gated respawns add strategy to the game. This is not a deathmatch.


The only strategy I see from these force fields is in the fact that for 30 seconds the guy you kill gets stuck behind the field with no way out until it releases...unless while in those 30 seconds the guys attention is drawn somewhere else and misses his quick 5 (10?) second release. In that case he's stuck for another 30 seconds. Strategy=kill certain player to keep him outta game? Aka: deathmatch

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The only strategy I see from these force fields is in the fact that for 30 seconds the guy you kill gets stuck behind the field with no way out until it releases...unless while in those 30 seconds the guys attention is drawn somewhere else and misses his quick 5 (10?) second release. In that case he's stuck for another 30 seconds. Strategy=kill certain player to keep him outta game? Aka: deathmatch


Are you aware that it would be impossible for the attacking team in Void Star to ever plant if there were no gate for the defenders?


Are you aware that it would be impossible to score in Huttball if there were no gate for the defenders?


Are you aware that it would be impossible to secure a node in Novare Coast if the defenders were able to immediately return to the fray?


The strategy is used by those doing the killing, not those who are dying. Without gates, dying to gain a position advantage would become the norm and any system that promotes suicides as a workable strategy is a bad system.

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Are you aware that it would be impossible for the attacking team in Void Star to ever plant if there were no gate for the defenders?


Are you aware that it would be impossible to score in Huttball if there were no gate for the defenders?


Are you aware that it would be impossible to secure a node in Novare Coast if the defenders were able to immediately return to the fray?


The strategy is used by those doing the killing, not those who are dying. Without gates, dying to gain a position advantage would become the norm and any system that promotes suicides as a workable strategy is a bad system.


Yes I am aware of that. My solution would be to lower the time of the force field by half. Make the new time 15 seconds, max. Also add longer time for the force field to be down. That way we still have the "important" force field and the cool down time is shorter.

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Your proposal would never be implemented in VS as it will exacerbate the occurrence of stalemates - essentially you are proposing a lowering of skill requirements for the defending team.


There is probably less impact on the other two wz's, since death loses you the positional advantage, so not a big deal either way.

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Lowering the time down to 15 seconds when it takes 8 seconds, uninterrupted, to cap the door on VS? For me, the gates are part of my gameplay strategy. On Huttball, I never seem to have an issue with the door. On VS, I used to until I began to work with the gate instead of ignoring it completely. You can not always predict when you die, however you can see the status of the gate at all times while within view of it and sometimes you can control when you die. If you see that door is about to open, die so that you can come right out the gate, rebuffed and full health.


If the door is full and has the full timer up on it, then try to keep the attackers off of the door, even if you are low on health. Break LOS and wait, and watch...use strategy. As a defender, your goal is to only keep them off the door, 8 secs is a long cap time as long as you have people out there understanding the mechanics of the game and force field gate. Same works on the attacking end. You can check the door, keep someone alive until you see it close again and finish them off, thus locking them in there for that full duration.


The force gate, imo, is there for people to use as part of the game mechanics. Just like the fire pits and acid pits in huttball. It took me a little bit to grasp it, but I'm telling you it does work.


Did you know that when a team gets ahead of you in VS and you can't get up there in front to stop the team because they are doing this to you, you can type /stuck to die while in combat and get in front of them? You will be placed behind the force field gates on the other side, but you are ahead of them and if you time it right, you don't have to wait for the lockout. There are multiple uses and mechanics in this game and the force gate is just one of them. I am in no way saying L2P because I agree, the doors are annoying.....at first. Now that I have adapted, I use them as part of my gameplay and it works wonders for me. Hopefully this helps and sorry you don't want any limitations to PvP but as stated before, this is not just a deathmatch....tho that's what most players are playing it as.

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Lowering the time down to 15 seconds when it takes 8 seconds, uninterrupted, to cap the door on VS? For me, the gates are part of my gameplay strategy. On Huttball, I never seem to have an issue with the door. On VS, I used to until I began to work with the gate instead of ignoring it completely. You can not always predict when you die, however you can see the status of the gate at all times while within view of it. If you see that door is about to open, die so that you can come right out the gate, rebuffed and full health.


If the door is full and has the full timer up on it, then try to keep the attackers off of the door, even if you are low on health. Break LOS and wait, and watch...use strategy. As a defender, your goal is to only keep them off the door, 8 secs is a long cap time as long as you have people out there understanding the mechanics of the game and force field gate. Same works on the attacking end. You can check the door, keep someone alive until you see it close again and finish them off, thus locking them in there for that full duration.


The force gate, imo, is there for people to use as part of the game mechanics. Just like the fire pits and acid pits in huttball. It took me a little bit to grasp it, but I'm telling you it does work.


Did you know that when a team gets ahead of you in VS and you can't get up there in front to stop the team because they are doing this to you, you can type /stuck to die while in combat and get in front of them? You will be placed behind the force field gates on the other side, but you are ahead of them and if you time it right, you don't have to wait for the lockout. There are multiple uses and mechanics in this game and the force gate is just one of them. I am in no way saying L2P because I agree, the doors are annoying.....at first. Now that I have adapted, I use them as part of my gameplay and it works wonders for me. Hopefully this helps and sorry you don't want any limitations to PvP but as stated before, this is not just a deathmatch....tho that's what most players are playing it as.


I never actually thought about doing that but it does make sense. I might try it. Though woud some people call the /stuck move cheating? I don't really want to be reported. But I agree that using them as strategic devises would be beneficial

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Ummmmm - No.


Death is already FAR to forgiving in this game. They need to add the following:


- Add a 20 second timer before you can even press 'respawn' and return to the force field area

- Having your rammo/force/resources stripped down to zero

- Inability to recover resources until you leave the spawn area



But what you do you have in this game : You are rewarded with full life, full resources, often insta respawn and often better positioning.

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Trust me, I don't LOVE using /stuck but it is a mechanic in the game that I'm going to use until they fix it and you can bet others use it as well. The door issue really is an adaptive problem. If you are using vent or with friends you can help each other out but even saying, "now is the time to die" etc. It's harder by yourself, but in a premade knowing the mechanics of the door will help you win more games in the long run. You'll see the symbol on the door, it could resemble a pie for arguments sake. When once piece is left that is when you wanna be in the gate, or let people know that is the time to kick the bucket if your going too in a sec anyways, just make sure someone is out there to interrupt the cap. The last thing you want is everyone in the door at the same time. Again, not always the easiest thing to do but it is very possible to use the doors in your advantage.


Again, i hope this helps and soon enough the gate will be your "secret" weapon and you will begin loving it :)

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It's not strategy if you dont know the current state of the gate, its blind luck. If there were a visible gate timer then yeah you could feasibly slow dps to drop people kafter it resets. Now it's just dps everyone down as fast as possible and hope they all don't run out 5 seconds you drop half the team. Which I've seen countless times. There should be same duration individual respawn timers. That way you'll never be in the position to respawn and watch in futility as the screen goes back up before you can run out.


Which eventually triggers the kick response before it lets you out again. Pretty telling evidence that people are getting stuck in there longer than intended.

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It's not strategy if you dont know the current state of the gate, its blind luck. If there were a visible gate timer then yeah you could feasibly slow dps to drop people kafter it resets. Now it's just dps everyone down as fast as possible and hope they all don't run out 5 seconds you drop half the team. Which I've seen countless times. There should be same duration individual respawn timers. That way you'll never be in the position to respawn and watch in futility as the screen goes back up before you can run out.


Which eventually triggers the kick response before it lets you out again. Pretty telling evidence that people are getting stuck in there longer than intended.


There is a visible gate timer on the door. However, going off of what you are saying, perhaps they could implement a timer under the scorecard to inform the players of the lockout on the door or maybe that's making things too easy on people. But that way you wouldn't have to pan out to see the door when you are playing.


I have never been kicked and I've been in the spawn during the duration of the whole time and just then some, but not by much. Yes the door is open and I spawn and it closes in front of me, you will still have enough time to get out next time as long as you are paying attention. If you don't exit and get locked in there again, ya you will be kicked. I know paying attention to the game is annoying when you are dead and not defending/attacking but c'mon, it is not possible to be in there at any point longer than the afk timer as long as you are paying attention when the door opens.


Edit: Door timer looks like this http://torwars.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/swtor_pvp_the_white_wall.jpg

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the only thing i think they should do with regards to the rez screen is remove the desertion warning after only 3 ticks on the screen timer have gone. because if i respawn and the screen has a full timer, and with one tick left i get a desertion warning, it gets pretty annoying. other than that, i have no problems with the screen.
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the only thing i think they should do with regards to the rez screen is remove the desertion warning after only 3 ticks on the screen timer have gone. because if i respawn and the screen has a full timer, and with one tick left i get a desertion warning, it gets pretty annoying. other than that, i have no problems with the screen.


I would also like to see them work on that message. Maybe even color code the symbol on the door as I don't think everyone even knows it's purpose or even sees it.

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I do not know the timer on the door. You say you can tell how long before the timer expires? How so? I see the timer countdown at the start of a match in the upper right hand corner while waiting in the lobby. I don't see a timer anywhere else. Where is it located?
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I do not know the timer on the door. You say you can tell how long before the timer expires? How so? I see the timer countdown at the start of a match in the upper right hand corner while waiting in the lobby. I don't see a timer anywhere else. Where is it located?


For arguments sake, it's not a timer with a digital timer or any indication on how many seconds are left on it. It is an image of a circle with four equal shaded pieces that fill it up. The pieces will fade 1 by 1 until none are left and the door is opened.


Edit: The link to it again and as the person below me stated, teams will refer to these as "ticks" left on the door before opening. http://torwars.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/swtor_pvp_the_white_wall.jpg

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I do not know the timer on the door. You say you can tell how long before the timer expires? How so? I see the timer countdown at the start of a match in the upper right hand corner while waiting in the lobby. I don't see a timer anywhere else. Where is it located?


at the beginning of the match you wont' see it, but after you respawn and look at the screen itself, you'll see a little circle divided into 4 quarters. when all of those quarters are full white, that's a full timer. as the timer counts down, each quarter will flash for a short amount of time then disappear progressively in a counter-clockwise pattern. some people refer to each one of these quarters as "ticks" (it's just an easy way to get the message across to your team if you died and are in the respawn area).

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Thanks I did not know this info.


Happy to have helped clarify it for you. Thanks for reading it as helpful and not me telling people to L2P. I'm not one of those guys and even loathe that statement....learn to play is like saying I'm better than everyone else, which is far from the truth coming from me. But I do enjoy helping others get clarification on things that aren't always apparently clear, once aware it opens up a whole new way of playing the map. Good luck to you in the future!!

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