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First Shot Grav Round Miss fire----Does This Happen to You


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I have noticed a disturbing issue and don't know if it is just me or not. So if you could tell me your experience or if you know how to fix it let me know.


Not often but frequently I will target a new bad guy and click my grav. I hear the sound of the grav going off but see no graphic, no damage numbers flying off the bad guy, and no movement on the bad guys health bar. My global cool down is activated.


This happens even when I make certain that there is no movement, no clicking on other abilities and my cool down was clear.


Any advice would be appreciated as sometimes every second counts.

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Know issue but they will never fix it. If you have everything keybound, which most normal PVPers do then this will continue to happen over and over again. This game was designed around clickers. I cant tell you how many times I have spammed medical probe for it to trigger the GCD yet not go off. Nothing you can do other than say GG EA and hope you get two more Grav rounds off before you die to a Jugg or Marauder.
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For me if i change the settings to ability action que of .25 or higher Demo Round will often not work and use a GCD. If set for no Que then it happens to Grav Round instead. Very annoying. Has nothing to do with game being designed for clicking abilities as it isn't designed that way. Several if not all classes have the same issue. I'm leaning more towards lag being the main fault. Edited by deadandburied
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Yes I have noticed this issue quite a lot while raiding. I thought it was a Denova raid zone thing since that zone seems to have random lag spikes for some reason but apparently others are having the same issues.

I run assault spec and I will sometimes fire Full Auto, the GCD will be activated I will do the animation stance but no damage is being done to my target. I will have to wait until the GCD is back up to try it again.

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