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Getting rid of companions.


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You could just ignore her existence.


I remember that one of the devs lied to us before launch when they announced that the ability got removed to kill them: they said they were going to add some other way for us to store them but punish them at the same time, like freezing them in carbonite and being able to unthaw them if we ever needed them or to put them in a brig on the ship. The quoted post is a good option.

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I think we should be able to kill or get rid of companions. Mostly kalyio cause she is the worst companion I hate physco chick.


I hate Kaliyo too. I have no idea why my agent would let someone like her hang around, or why the Empire keeps her employed. ESPECIALLY after you find out:



that she's been selling Imperial secrets behind your back starting shortly after you teamed up with her. And for some reason, you don't kill her right on the spot for that or, failing that, the Empire doesn't execute her for treason. But no, for some reason it's all ok and perfectly forgivable. Who the hell wrote that part of the companion storyline anyway and what were they smoking at the time??


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So glad to hear that there are others who cannot stand her. She is by far the worst companion I have seen having gone through most of the classes to 50. Her personality is repellent, she is damn near useless towards the end and she takes the longest to replace.



The devs even take her away from the last planet (the only class that experiences this). It is as if they know how awful she is that they know it won't bother anyone.


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