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Fix Gunslinger PVP


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Kindly fix gunslinger pvp. Example: I sit down to shoot, I get knocked out of cover, have to set up again. Haven't been able to fire yet. But before I can set up again, I get chain-stunned by sorcerers with willpower (bar full) doing nothing at all to stop it. Example: a marauder attacked me while in cover. I popped my cooldowns because my health was going down like whoa. I attacked him but could barely do damage before I died. Example: An operative attacked me and was able to drain 3/4th of my health in a few seconds, not exaggerating. Stunned me with a knife attack, which cover doesn't help against, tore into me and got me down before I could even fire a shot. I was dead without having been able to fire once.


For sharpshooter and saboteur, I'm constantly knocked out of cover, forcing me to find another position. Most of the time can't even set up properly to fire off a shot. I have to find a spot, hope I don't get noticed too quickly and try to do what I can. And if it's not being knocked out of cover, it's chain-stunning. It's not like we can circle targets whlie attacking like an operative, so there's no dodging. We're sitting ducks.


In short, PVP is awful for gunslingers. Give us an ability to at least not get knocked out of cover so easily. Also make us tougher when in cover. How are we supposed to fight when we get attacked from all sides while we have to sit still to use our abilities?


Edit: As for those who insist gunslingers are equal to snipers, don't. The skills may share qualities but they're not the same.

Edited by RevansSoul
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I play a Sniper and it's awesome fo PVP so i have no idea what you're on about when you say they suck


Also there is an ability that stops you getting knocked out of cover for you guys i think it's called Hunker Down (Entrench for us Snipers) and if you want to be tougher in cover spec into the far left tree, i have no idea what it's called for you guys but it's called Marksmanship on a Sniper


*Edit* apparently it's called Sharpshooter

Edited by irishtim
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Hunker down lasts 20 seconds yes. It doesn't stop Marauders from tearing you to shreds. And snipers are not the same as gunslingers. not by a long shot. By the way I never said snipers suck, i said gunslingers suck at pvp.


let's give an example. I go into cover, ready to shoot. an operative stabs me with a blade and stuns me. I use my skill to break stun. A sith sorcerer joins in with a force lightning stun (whether I have full inspiration or not doesn't matter it seems, I don't know what that bar is for except for aesthetic value). Then a marauder jumps on me and starts hackign away. I think it takes 5 seconds to kill me, yeah. Sometimes I can't even fire a single shot, because as soon as I move, I lose my best damaging skills. And my defensive skills don't do much, they get torn through like butter.


As for shooting from a distance, Incendiary grenade f.e. require me to get so close to use that I'm just asking to be served as a Sith appetizer.

Edited by RevansSoul
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Hunker down lasts 20 seconds yes. It doesn't stop Marauders from tearing you to shreds. And snipers are not the same as gunslingers. not by a long shot. By the way I never said snipers suck, i said gunslingers suck at pvp.


let's give an example. I go into cover, ready to shoot. an operative stabs me with a blade and stuns me. I use my skill to break stun. A sith sorcerer joins in with a force lightning stun (whether I have full inspiration or not doesn't matter it seems, I don't know what that bar is for except for aesthetic value). Then a marauder jumps on me and starts hackign away. I think it takes 5 seconds to kill me, yeah. Sometimes I can't even fire a single shot, because as soon as I move, I lose my best damaging skills. And my defensive skills don't do much, they get torn through like butter.


As for shooting from a distance, Incendiary grenade f.e. require me to get so close to use that I'm just asking to be served as a Sith appetizer.


Snipers = Gunslingers, they're mirror classes therefore one and the same in PVP you can't say GS suck but Snipers are good they have the same abilities


I have no idea what inspiration is (resolve?) but that doesn't matter you have plenty of defensive cooldowns such as knockbacks, roots, and even a shot that knocks the target back if they are a certain distance away from you. How do i know this you ask? because as i said i play a Sniper which is THE SAME CLASS and if i have these abilities you have these abilities


If you don't like the cover system play Dirty Fighting spec i know it's good because i use it on my Smuggler and the mirror spec (Lethality) on my Sniper


To be honest it really just sounds like a L2P issue, look at the PVP forums people are now starting to QQ about how "OP" Snipers are, and if we're OP you're OP. If the class sucks as hard as you say why are people now complaining they're too good.


And before you say anything about people just whining (which they do) notice how there are absolutely no threads saying Sages/Commandos (Sorc/Mercs) are OP (and yes i have both a Sage and Commando at 50 and can tell you they DO suck) Gunslingers/Snipers do not

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Snipers = Gunslingers, they're mirror classes therefore one and the same in PVP you can't say GS suck but Snipers are good they have the same abilities


I have no idea what inspiration is (resolve?) but that doesn't matter you have plenty of defensive cooldowns such as knockbacks, roots, and even a shot that knocks the target back if they are a certain distance away from you. How do i know this you ask? because as i said i play a Sniper which is THE SAME CLASS and if i have these abilities you have these abilities


If you don't like the cover system play Dirty Fighting spec i know it's good because i use it on my Smuggler and the mirror spec (Lethality) on my Sniper


To be honest it really just sounds like a L2P issue, look at the PVP forums people are now starting to QQ about how "OP" Snipers are, and if we're OP you're OP. If the class sucks as hard as you say why are people now complaining they're too good.


And before you say anything about people just whining (which they do) notice how there are absolutely no threads saying Sages/Commandos (Sorc/Mercs) are OP (and yes i have both a Sage and Commando at 50 and can tell you they DO suck) Gunslingers/Snipers do not


I have no idea what L2P is but it'd better not be an insult because I've had enough of the smug attitude of people.:rak_02:


"You have plenty of defensive cooldowns such as knockbacks, roots" You read my post, they don't help. Enemy pvp players tear through them like butter. The only shot I have is to set up somewhere, and hope I don't get noticed too quickly so I can get a few shots off. That's not how fun pvp is supposed to go at all.


I appreciate the suggestion about dirty fighting, I can try that. But if that is as bad then I'm just done with gunslinger pvp unless some improvements are made to the class.

Edited by RevansSoul
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I play a Sniper and it's awesome fo PVP so i have no idea what you're on about when you say they suck


Also there is an ability that stops you getting knocked out of cover for you guys i think it's called Hunker Down (Entrench for us Snipers) and if you want to be tougher in cover spec into the far left tree, i have no idea what it's called for you guys but it's called Marksmanship on a Sniper


*Edit* apparently it's called Sharpshooter


That's because snipers are not gunslingers. I played a sith sorcerer and it's awesome pvp. Consular pvp is not.

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That's because snipers are not gunslingers. I played a sith sorcerer and it's awesome pvp. Consular pvp is not.


Ok i can see there's no reasoning with you about classes, and dispite the fact that all classes are mirrored on the opposite faction (i.e. Sage = Sorc, GS = Sniper, Guardian = Warrior etc) and they perform exactly the same in PVP you seem to be oblivious to this fact


In this case i'm out, i hope someone else can explain these simple facts to you better than i could. Enjoy playing your Gunslinger

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Kindly fix gunslinger pvp. Example: I sit down to shoot, I get knocked out of cover, have to set up again. Haven't been able to fire yet. But before I can set up again, I get chain-stunned by sorcerers with willpower (bar full) doing nothing at all to stop it. Example: a marauder attacked me while in cover. I popped my cooldowns because my health was going down like whoa. I attacked him but could barely do damage before I died. Example: An operative attacked me and was able to drain 3/4th of my health in a few seconds, not exaggerating. Stunned me with a knife attack, which cover doesn't help against, tore into me and got me down before I could even fire a shot. I was dead without having been able to fire once.


For sharpshooter and saboteur, I'm constantly knocked out of cover, forcing me to find another position. Most of the time can't even set up properly to fire off a shot. I have to find a spot, hope I don't get noticed too quickly and try to do what I can. And if it's not being knocked out of cover, it's chain-stunning. It's not like we can circle targets whlie attacking like an operative, so there's no dodging. We're sitting ducks.


In short, PVP is awful for gunslingers. Give us an ability to at least not get knocked out of cover so easily. Also make us tougher when in cover. How are we supposed to fight when we get attacked from all sides while we have to sit still to use our abilities?


Edit: As for those who insist gunslingers are equal to snipers, don't. The skills may share qualities but they're not the same.


I'm sorry, but I do not agree that pvp is horrible for gunslingers. I personally haven't played one yet, but I'm planning to. But, a guildmate of mine has played it before, and has killed several enemies that were all attacking him at one time, and took five people to kill him. And yes, he did have melee dps attacking him.


As for mirror classes, I agree with the others. Snipers are equal to gunslingers. I have played sniper, and fought the guildmate I mentioned previously. It was a very close fight, but he did come out on top. I learned after the fight, he had slightly better gear than me also though. Hope I helped, thanks for reading.

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Read the entire post, sorry man but it's not the class that needs improvement here. Snipers and Gunslingers are mirrors of each other, the only real difference being ability names and the type of weapons they employ. And while it's entirely possible that they could use a tweak or 2 for general quality of life improvements, they are very strong in the current PVP environment when played well. The only class that I've seen that can lazy it's way to success is pyrotech, I should know...I play one. So my advice to you is to adjust your tactics and plan of attack and you should see better results.


Also, when posting a thread like this you shouldn't be surprised when other players criticize you, you signed up for it the moment you posted on a game forum.

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Read the entire post, sorry man but it's not the class that needs improvement here. Snipers and Gunslingers are mirrors of each other, the only real difference being ability names and the type of weapons they employ. And while it's entirely possible that they could use a tweak or 2 for general quality of life improvements, they are very strong in the current PVP environment when played well. The only class that I've seen that can lazy it's way to success is pyrotech, I should know...I play one. So my advice to you is to adjust your tactics and plan of attack and you should see better results.


Also, when posting a thread like this you shouldn't be surprised when other players criticize you, you signed up for it the moment you posted on a game forum.


I made a suggestion to improve gunslinger pvp, I didn't ask for a barrage of criticism from pple who've not even played gunslinger. This is my experience playing the class and that's that. As for keeping on insisting that the classes are perfect mirrors, it's my opinion that this isn't true and I'm sticking by it.


I don't see the point of further comments on this thread, I made my suggestion and it's up to swtor to see what they do with it.

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Roots are your friend...what most of the folks are telling you in this thread may sound like criticism, but most of it's true. The gunslinger/sniper class is great. Yes they are the same, essentially. One can't be good and the other suck, unless you don't like pistols vs. rifles or something, and that's an aesthetic.


I play a Sentinel and a Gunslinger, and I can tell you that your class is the counter to a Marauder...mainly because of knockbacks and roots, which are off resolve.


If you let a Sentinel/Marauder stand there and whale on you you're going to die. If you're managing your abilities right, they won't be able to leap to you or knock you out of cover, and by the time Hunker Down wears off they'll be dead.


When they do close the gap, knock them back and root them, roots ignore resolve so they always work. If you're going to PVP, consider talents that improve cooldowns and durations of roots, hunker down, knockbacks, stuns, etc. That will make your life easier. Not only can you do very high DPS and go unnoticed as a Gunslinger, but you have the tools to really control where people can and can't go in a Warzone, not to mention you're probably the best class to cap doors/nodes because nobody can leap to you half the time.


Getting at least 1200 expertise will help, if you don't have that you're in trouble, and you're going to lose a bunch before it gets better unless you have some powerful friends.


Picking your targets carefully will also help - if you can find people already engaged in combat who are less likely to turn and kill you when you shoot them, you'll be able to mop up the battlefield easily against stupid teams. Stay inconspicuous, and don't let them know you're hitting them until they're dead.

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Kindly fix gunslinger pvp. Example: I sit down to shoot, I get knocked out of cover, have to set up again. Haven't been able to fire yet. But before I can set up again, I get chain-stunned by sorcerers with willpower (bar full) doing nothing at all to stop it. Example: a marauder attacked me while in cover. I popped my cooldowns because my health was going down like whoa. I attacked him but could barely do damage before I died. Example: An operative attacked me and was able to drain 3/4th of my health in a few seconds, not exaggerating. Stunned me with a knife attack, which cover doesn't help against, tore into me and got me down before I could even fire a shot. I was dead without having been able to fire once.


For sharpshooter and saboteur, I'm constantly knocked out of cover, forcing me to find another position. Most of the time can't even set up properly to fire off a shot. I have to find a spot, hope I don't get noticed too quickly and try to do what I can. And if it's not being knocked out of cover, it's chain-stunning. It's not like we can circle targets whlie attacking like an operative, so there's no dodging. We're sitting ducks.


In short, PVP is awful for gunslingers. Give us an ability to at least not get knocked out of cover so easily. Also make us tougher when in cover. How are we supposed to fight when we get attacked from all sides while we have to sit still to use our abilities?


Edit: As for those who insist gunslingers are equal to snipers, don't. The skills may share qualities but they're not the same.


First of all I would like to say i am a gunslinger who loves pvp. I tend to win more matches than I lose. I would like to ask you what spec you run typically and what level you are. I know you mentioned SS and sab but depending on your level and the talents you are taking it is going to make a difference. Not to mention they have different play styles.


I notice dying a lot in SS but I don't play that spec as well as some others do, and it is a squishier spec than sab, assuming you are high enough level to take the talent that makes you take 6 percent less damage while in cover and gives you a 30s shorter cooldown on scrambling field. You also get a better defensive screne with the ability to reset it with sabotage. Couple this with ballistic dampers in the SS tree you can be really tough to kill. Use your hunker down wisely to prevent cc. Use knockback wisely. Don't forget dodge is only white damage, don't blow it on yellow attacks, ie sorc. Sometimes it best to call your ship upon yourself to scare away the melee, or root/stun them in it for massive damage.


You do not want to get up and run when you are being attacked most of the time unless you see a spot you can roll away to. Unless you are DF and you kick them and kite them around, but be careful about how far you run from the Leapers because you don't want them to just leap to you. you have to hold your ground, reset ballistic dampers if you have it, and out dps the melee, knock them back, root them, stun them.


I would also like to say that I kill 90percent of the snipers I face so if there are any imbalances, which I don't really believe there are, I say gunslingers are better. If you wouldn't mind, what is it that makes you think snipers are better equipped to pvp than slingers?

Edited by Renita
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