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server transfer/forced name change is not fair to long-term players....


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true but it is also possible, under the circumstances, that I am losing a name to someone who just created a character last month on a 7 day trial and they may not chose to continue to play past their trial. At which point I lose my name and BW loses myself and other players for not addressing the issue or, for that matter, thinking of this sort of thing before a major change like the server merger.


"First come first served" rule. The Forums were full of "I`ll reserve as many names on as many servers as I can". And from Day 1, it was VERY obvious which of the servers will last and which will become ghost towns.


So, you had your chances. If that trial beat you by a second.. then it`s his name.


And it`s not THAT hard to come up with 8 nice names...

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These are probably the level 1s I see people complaining about losing their names to lol.


Lol yup.


But even then, there is STILL a workaround... like, if his name is "YouChooseThen"... he can create variations...


1. You'Choose'Then

2. YouChooseNow

3. YouHaveChosenThen

4. YouHaveChosen


Not the best solution, but as close as the original name, nontheless.

Edited by Styxx
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OP why does Styxx have to provide you with something constructive? He is not the one that has a problem with names being changed or is QQ that it would be an easy fix.


From reading his posts he seems to be pointing out that making fundamental changes to the way SW:ToR (and to be frank most new MMOs) handle naming and that a solution is not an "easy" fix.


I would assume on a live server making any fundamental changes to the way the database operations would take considerably time and effort and problably risk.


I also cannot believe all these people who are so precious about their names were unable to come up with some creative solutions.


As others have done using special characters and or seperating names with - or ' are very good, and largely unobtrusive, methods of getting the same name again. I mean I lost the name Eleena (not terribly original) so now I'm El'eena. Seriously is that kind of change so abhorrant that instead people want to waste time demanding refunds and throwing their hands in the air as if the sky is falling?

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So, my new question is : WHY would you want to change something that has already happened and what purpose will it serve?


Look I will be honest, this issue probably means less to me than most. I actually have most of the same, great names on the new server that I had from the old server, so in one form or another I will get to keep my names. I am/was trying to open this discussion to be seem by developers and creative contributors to see if there are more possibilities for individual customization, like the developers say they wanted. Suggestions = change = a game suited for its players.


What I am seeing is people all too ready to hate an idea like having to change their name, but still complying with it and in some cases even hating it while advocating for it. lol

What I am not seeing much of is people willing to devote time to brainstorming and making suggestions.

If you guys are cool with being screwed and then being told deal with it (because not enough people complained) then I will save my energy. I was only trying to help.

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OP why does Styxx have to provide you with something constructive? He is not the one that has a problem with names being changed or is QQ that it would be an easy fix.



I agree. That's why I am not ignoring him. The things he has pointed out have helped me see new perspectives which is in itself a contribution of sorts.

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So what is this cahracter name you are "losing"?

Just interested to see what all the fuss is about.

Don't matter what the name is, some people get attached to the name of their character. So for them it is a big deal.


I said even before launch that I think it is a stupid decision how BioWare handle names in SWTOR, but with the server transfers they just proved how terrible it was.

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Reality .. and I mean the Real World, at least in my Country.. and I know in USA is this:


First name = Individual name = John

Last name = Family name = Doe

Personal identification number, or Social Security Number, which is UNIQUE to each individual = xxxxxxxxxxxx (where x is a figure)


Why there was a need for a 3rd identifier? Because you can have more than one John Doe.


So, we have 3 main identifiers for a person : John Doe (xxxxxxxxx)



What do we see in this game? The precise same applied, only that they actually have it simpler : they excluded the unique number associated to a name, but they make one of the 2 remaining identifiers unique, instead.


By how the game is setup, which is 8 First Names to One Last name, they had 2 options:


1. Make each combination unique, by assigning an identification number to each of them (which, btw, is the only way to make your idea work.. but they would need to show the identifier, so we can address commands properly)

2. Make the "moving variable" unique


If might cause some issues, but "2" is simpler that "1", because it requires less "steps", or less "variables".

Addendum 2: So we get for 8 unique Doe chars 8 "John" variations = John Doe, John1 Doe, John2 Doe = which is precisely what they are using already. If one John is already in use, you need to use any of the Johnx`s ...


And no, it is not that easy to change the naming conventions in the Real World ...

Edited by Styxx
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So what is this cahracter name you are "losing"?

Just interested to see what all the fuss is about.


between the two other server getting merged into the one Scarlet, Gypsy, Kate, and Serendipity. all lv 50 so I have had a chance to become accustom to them. I am, like I said, able to keep many of the good names, like Wolf, Eva, Ted, etc. though. It is more the principal of the issue than it is a personal loss. I was trying to advocate for all players not just myself. I understand that others are losing way more than I am, but their saying nothing to the developers, they're just complaining to other players, like me. So, I was hoping to help by opening this up for discussion.

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Reality .. and I mean the Real World, at least in my Country.. and I know in USA is this:


First name = Individual name = John

Last name = Family name = Doe

Personal identification number, or Social Security Number, which are UNIQUE to each individual = xxxxxxxxxxxx (where x is a figure)


Why there was a need for a 3rd identifier? Because you can have more than one John Doe.


So, we have 3 main identifiers for a person : John Doe (xxxxxxxxx)



What do we see in this game? The precise same applied, only that they actually have it simpler : they excluded the unique number associated to a name, but they make one of the 2 remaining identifiers unique, instead.


By how the game is setup, which is 8 First Names to One Last name, they had 2 options:


1. Make each combination unique, by assigning an identification number to each of them (which, btw, is the only way to make your idea work.. but they would need to show the identifier, so we can address commands properly)

2. Make the "moving variable" unique


If might cause some issues, but "2" is simpler that "1", because it requires less "steps", or less "variables".

Addendum 2: So we get for 8 unique Doe chars 8 "John" variations.


And no, it is not that easy to change the naming conventions in the Real World ...


See? I knew you had some great things to contribute! This is very insightful, thanks. So how do we implement such a plan?

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See? I knew you had some great things to contribute! This is very insightful, thanks. So how do we implement such a plan?


We don`t, because there is already a simpler one already implemented.


They would need to add at least a new database to keep/hold and a system to assign identification numbers to EACH character made = past, present and future.


All this, because the remaining of the players that were due to transfer MIGHT leave because they MIGHT lose a name.


I really don`t think a request for this is reasonable or that it will ever be considered. Because, at the end of the day, you will have lists full or Fleets full of "John Doe"`s and "Jane Roe`s". And one or more number won`t change that fact. Add that you`ll need a new drop down menu, because seeing a "John Doe (1234567890123)" running around would look like a cheap Beta, so you`d need a whole plethora of things introduced. Aesthetically it would be a nightmare. At least, under the current system you see "Jo'hn D'oe", or "J'ane Ro'e" :)


[EDIT]There are also players that choose not to show their Legacy name, as pointed earlier in this Thread, so you might end up further with 10 players all named John in the same room. And that would really look hilarious.

[EDIT #2] Example: 3 John`s /w me for Guild invite. Under present system, they would each have unique names, so it`s a mater of me type /ginvite Johnthekillah. Under this new one, I need to right click on name in chat window, see the unique ID and note it down, because it`s likely to look like this : 189447029982 .. then go /ginvite 189447029982.. kinda complicates things. Especially for more dynamic commands, like /i and /w

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We don`t, because there is already a simpler one already implemented.


They would need to add at least a new database to keep/hold and a system to assign identification numbers to EACH character made = past, present and future.


All this, because the remaining of the players that were due to transfer MIGHT leave because they MIGHT lose a name.


I really don`t think a request for this is reasonable or that it will ever be considered. Because, at the end of the day, you will have lists full or Fleets full of "John Doe"`s and "Jane Roe`s". And one or more number won`t change that fact. Add that you`ll need a new drop down menu, because seeing a "John Doe (1234567890123)" running around would look like a cheap Beta, so you`d need a whole plethora of things introduced. Aesthetically it would be a nightmare. At least, under the current system you see "Jo'hn D'oe", or "J'ane Ro'e" :)


Okay that is too well put for me to deny the logic in. lol

Damn it Styxx you could have said that in such a way over an hour ago and saved me the time and energy. lol

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Your proposition is terrible.


Its bad enough i have to try to figure out the keyboard commands for all the random characters people use in their names. Add the fact that i would have to do this for 2 distinct names and the potential complication's involved....


Name your character, play the game, call yourself IRL whatever makes you sleep better at night, and stop crying because you cant name your dress up doll (because anyone who would complain this much instead of actually accomplishing goals or playing the game cant actually do much more with their characters) on your computer something because someone transfered first and beat you to it.

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See? I knew you had some great things to contribute! This is very insightful, thanks. So how do we implement such a plan?


They don't. They write off people that would ragequit over losing a name in a video game as not worth keeping, because if it's not this, it's some other trivial item they ragequit over.


Maybe they should have gone with a naming system like Cryptic uses to begin with, but they're not going to redo their database now for the few people that will quit over this. If they were going to, they'd have done it before transfers, so everyone could have kept their old names.

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Care to explain to me how your solution would work with different Legacy names with identical names for the 8 toons that make them?


If I use /whisper or /invite , or /ginvite ... to WHOM the command goes?


This is what people tend to forget, if they made the combination of legacy name and first name the unique identifier it causes problems:


1) Legacy would have to start at level 1 otherwise you still need to restrict naming to a degree, you can't have two "Joe <no legacy yet>"s on the same server.

2) You would have to make all character functions use the full name, can't /w to "Joe" if there are 10 of them on the server. This means you really have to start displaying legacy names in chat and everywhere else.

3) It doesn't solve the renaming issue it just makes less common. You still can't have two toons named "Joe Sith" on the same server. So for common names transfers can still cause a rename.

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Theyre not going to do anything OP. Hundreds of thousands of us have already moved and changed our names. Some didnt care, some hated it, but we did it anyway and moved on. Theyre not going to change the system now and pretty much give the rest of us (who moved and changed our name already) the finger while giving those who refused to move special treatment.


Im not going to argue on the importance of names or whatever, its a dead horse, just say that such is a merger. It sucks, and its one of the main problems with mergers, but it has to be done. All you can do is weigh your options and do what you feel you need to. Id bet they fully expected some fallout to occur from this ... it always does. Wether you care to admit it or not, even if everyone left in origin servers were to quit right now because of names ... you'd still be a very minor portion of the population.


Not enough, IMO, to warrant them holding off on merging just so they can (maybe) keep those left in the origin server from quitting. They have enough on their plate already and those origin servers are continuously bleeding money.

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So, everyone in the game will have to waste their time typing first and last names for invites, whispers, etc.? Requiring people to type an additional name all the time for most social features of the game b/c some people just HAVE to have a particular name (which actually has no bearing what so ever in their playing the game) is trivial and selfish. Pick a new name and get over it.


I rolled on a destination server, and before server transfer details were announced, I was really hoping to transfer so I could change some names of my characters.


Guess what, it didn't happen for me. I got over it. Everyone complaining about names being lost b/c of transfers should get over it too. If you quit or threaten to quit b/c you can't have your name, you will have admitted to the community just how shallow you really are.

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