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server transfer/forced name change is not fair to long-term players....


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The fact that long term players who pre-ordered and have been playing since beta are now having to find new names for characters because we are all being hastily forced onto one server is ridiculous and so poorly conceived I could rant for days!


I logged on in the first hour of the first day to get and reserve names I wanted for my characters! I pre-paid over 150 dollars for the collector's edition to do so! And no I am being told tough **** basically? I have to move and if anyone on that one server you are forcing us all onto has my name I get screwed? I will literally have to rename all of my characters (which I won't do. I will quit and ***** until I get a refund for my 8 months of faithful payments).


What the hell is up with the fact that this is one of the more advanced games available and charter identification is still solely reliant on an individual first name for each character on a server? Why the hell do we even have legacy names if the can't serve as last names to further differentiate players/characters? that is too stupid! and not at all congruent with your boasts of wishing to provide players with what they want. I know you have lost many faithful players over this issue. 4 of my friends have already hate-quit this game for the uncaring stance the developers and GM's are taking with this issue.


If I can't keep the names I started with, the names I paid good money and logged on day one and have been paying eight months of monthly fees to have, then you lost another faithful player. At which point you can only hope that the player who you let take my name/s is as willing to pay each month as I would have been willing to if you guys hadn't handled this so poorly and screwed you fans and devoted players so badly!


Why did you guys even mess with the Wall of light server in the first place? It had a perfect population until you messed with it; and all that it accomplished is over crowding the harbinger to the point where it is now no fun to play either; plus how many people have you pissed off by forcing them to find new names for their characters?!


Get smart or lose your fan base! Names mean a lot to players! DUH!!! All the thought you put into this game and that key issue alluded you???? That is so illogical! I will not be moving from the wall of light server until the last possible moment in hopes that you guys figure things out and activate the legacy names as last names to allow players more options to personalize their experience as you promised!


If I do get forced off of the Wall of light because you close it down and then you add insult to injury by making me lose my character's identities you will leave me with no real reason to want to play and trust that things won't just get worse from here. Because I know many, many, many players have voiced these same concerns and if this goes ignored it will be a testament to just how committed and devoted you are to your fan base and loyal players. If you do create a valid solution like using legacy names to further differentiate players/characters before you ruin people's characters and their experience you might even get some of the players who recently quit back instead of losing more.

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Refund- Isn't happening


Name- kiss it goodbye if it's already taken. While it may not be fair to have to change, the person with that name on the server you go to could say the exact same thing


Quit- No one is stopping you. You'll be just another nameless person (excuse the pun) in the crowd


Longevity- All that matters at this point


I've been around for quite awhile and I do feel your pain. I hopped in on day one to get my name of Decimal for my cyborg marauder. I recently logged in to see that I needed to switch servers. It was like a kick in the boys. Just have to suck it up sadly.

Edited by DWarrior
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actually the customer service agent I was speaking to in live chat the other day mentioned that they could transfer me to get a refund considering that I am one of thousands demanding it for this issue. Some have been given refunds... not sure to what degree, but they said it has been done. In terms of the names; if players voice their opinion enough the developers may listen, pull their collective heads from their butts and make some changes to allow players more freedom when naming characters like by using the legacy name as a last name. Lastly I am one out of five friends who is voicing an opinion (or making a plea, as it is) while the other four have quit flat out... if for every one player who mentions quitting there are four who just quit, period; how much longevity will this game have? Honestly? If the developers fail to keep up with player demand this game will go under like any game who's developers got to complacent in before it.


Then it will just be down to a handful of high level, die hard players who don't even have names they like and fall into the same stagnancy as any crappy Korean MMO

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I don`t think they give refunds to players that are on Origin servers. Why would they? You DID get what you paid for : access to the game.


You either lied TO the CSR, or you lie to US about the resolve.

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not sure what you mean by honest with the customer service person. what an odd question. lol

I told them what I wrote here. That it is not cool that the developers are forcing this on the players without our consent and without thinking things through. I told them that I was so upset that I was thinking of quitting over getting screwed out of my identities and that I would want a refund for all my time and effort wasted. The agent told me he's been hearing that a lot lately and that he has helped others with that issue and could transfer me to a department to seek a refund. He then went on to tell me that voicing concerns like this on the forums is supposed to be the best way for developers to hear and hopefully address players concerns and suggestions and he encouraged me to post all of this on here so there may yet be a chance of developers making changes if enough players make valid suggestions. E.G. like using legacy names to further differentiate players/characters so players can have the names they want.

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Long Term? Get a grip for gawd's sake, the game has only been out a few months. These people continually throwing a tantrum because their made-up name has to be substituted for another made-up name must have nothing else to worry about in their lives. They're like children!
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The agent told me he's been hearing that a lot lately and that he has helped others with that issue and could transfer me to a department to seek a refund.


Translation: Let me transfer you to someone who isn't going to give you anything, but you'll feel like I've helped you.


Trust me, I worked in customer service.

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The fact that long term players who pre-ordered and have been playing since beta are now having to find new names for characters because we are all being hastily forced onto one server is ridiculous and so poorly conceived I could rant for days!

You make it sound like the game has been out for years. It's been 8 months. Change your name and get over it. Most everyone else did.

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I didn't bother pursuing the refund; I went here first in hopes that more people will tell the developers to included a better way of identifying characters than just a first name basis. That is too archaic for this game anyways. lol


Legacy names could and should serve as last names... if they had been implemented as such before the transfer no one would have lost a name unless they happened to have the same legacy name too.


Now the hope is that they implement it now so further loss is prevented and more variety and customization is available to players as promised.

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I didn't bother pursuing the refund; I went here first in hopes that more people will tell the developers to included a better way of identifying characters than just a first name basis. That is too archaic for this game anyways. lol


Legacy names could and should serve as last names... if they had been implemented as such before the transfer no one would have lost a name unless they happened to have the same legacy name too.


Now the hope is that they implement it now so further loss is prevented and more variety and customization is available to players as promised.


Psst.. I`ll let you in a lil` secret.. Legacy names can and will be duplicates. Precedence will take the already existing one... in plain english : if your Legacy name is not available.. you need to rename.


And another thing.. they DO serve as last names, under one of the Legacy options.. it can show "John Doe", too, where Doe is the Legacy name.

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why would any player be opposed to the creation of more variety for our experience? We pay for this game, the developers say they want to listen and use our ideas to improve the game. Why not make it happen instead of just hating it, but still accepting it?


Legacy names being used for last names could open so many doors for customization and lead to total customer satisfaction while their at it. makes too much sense not to ask for.

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why would any player be opposed to the creation of more variety for our experience? We pay for this game, the developers say they want to listen and use our ideas to improve the game. Why not make it happen instead of just hating it, but still accepting it?


Legacy names being used for last names could open so many doors for customization and lead to total customer satisfaction while their at it. makes too much sense not to ask for.


And I`ll tell you why : Legacy name is ACCOUNT (AND server - ty Helgarm) wide. So, if I use /w command.. I am potentially whispering EIGHT chars.


So, identification is made on specific avatar, which has one unique name, whereas your Legacy has EIGHT avatars.


How do you invite a player? /i name .


In the end you only overcomplicate things : because a Legacy would STILL need to be unique.


So, individual names is still the better solution, because it presents the shortest number of "steps".

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yes, children, I know you can set it to appear as a last name as a title. lol

Read closer until you understand before spouting off like captain obvious, trying to be a smart ***, but looking like a dumb ***. I am talking about using it for a form of further identifying an individual player and expanding the possibility of character naming beyond a archaic first name basis. It isn't that hard a concept to get. It wouldn't be that hard to implement either.

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if not using the legacy name in such a way; then at least opening up the name creation to include more than a single name/word... anything other than just one name for each character on each server. That's ridiculous and far too limiting for a game that boasts such importance of customization of a players experience.
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yes, children, I know you can set it to appear as a last name as a title. lol

Read closer until you understand before spouting off like captain obvious, trying to be a smart ***, but looking like a dumb ***. I am talking about using it for a form of further identifying an individual player and expanding the possibility of character naming beyond a archaic first name basis. It isn't that hard a concept to get. It wouldn't be that hard to implement either.


We already have a way of identification : it`s called the avatar`s name.


But, WHY do you want a second way of identification? Perhaps because you lost yours?


Funny how this archaic way of naming was good as long as it served you.. really funny.


And I explained to you on the previous page why Legacy is not an option.


Name ----->Legacy = what you are asking is the Legacy to "mask" the names, which present one problem : how to you separate 2 different Legacy names that have IDENTICAL names for the avatars that make them?


If I use /w or /i .. to whom the message goes?

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When I log into my origin server there are now rarely more than 20 people across the entire world, this is obviously uneconomic and they will eventually close these servers. It would however be nice if Bioware would consolidate these servers onto 2-3 new servers (or existing ones) for people who prefer to run on smaller population (dead if you like) servers.


Personally I like these servers for story telling and leveling, although I accept that I will not be able to run FP's or WZ's. I'm happy with that compromise and would be happy to pay for a transfer if I wanted to use those functions. If I want to use WZ of FP's I would either transfer, or more likely role new characters on the destination servers. Unfortunately I suspect that I am in the minority and others will just complain that we don't have x-server, because things always have to be available their way. It is nice to see that the clamour for x-server has died down since the transfers.


People need to learn that life is full of compromises and no Business is going to provide you with a free cheque. When it costs them more to keep you than you generate they will let you go.

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