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Have an idea for endgame...


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This is long but a very great idea!


This is only for max level people.


Say you are a Jedi Master. You want to take on a Padawan because you believe you are ready. Now, when you go back to Tython you could go on a mission to become a true Master and then ask someone if they are willing to be your padawan. Anyone in the game. Then, in addition to your legacy and xp bar, you could have a "wisdom" bar. You could gain experience to this "wisdom" bar by doing things together. Master and Padawan. There would be unique missions you would both have to do and your Master could help you along the way. That way, the game wouldn't get boring at level 50 as some say it does now. You would always be gaining experience through your "wisdom" bar and you and your Padawan could always be more in tune with each other. The higher the bar, the more levels your wisdom is, the higher your force could be. Perhaps even telepathically contact each other through the force for some benefit of healing across the galaxy. Like what the Exile and Kreia did. You could form force bonds :)


Now with the other classes, Sith could have an Apprentice and have an "Emotion" bar. That way the more emotion you and your apprentice have with each other, the more powerful you can become through the force and more techniques can open up through a force bond, just like the Jedi Master and Padawan but this would be full of fear and hatred. Again, there would be special powers through the bond and special moments. Instead of heroic moments, like the ones on Legacy, call them "Unique Moments" because that's what they are...unique to your character.


Troopers could have a "recruit" and have an "Honor" bar. You would need to go back to Ord Mantell where you first started and again just like the Jedi mission, have a mission where you need to become a "Leader" then go out and ask anyone in the game if they are willing to be your recruit. Then when you guys have enough "honor" with each other, perhaps you can both use a galaxy wide support chain within each others' ships that would give you special buffs. Perhaps when you both do a mission together, you can unlock a special equipment booster to make you are your recruit more powerful.


Bounty Hunters could have a "Mercenary" and their master title could be "Legendary Hunter" or something like that. Then you both could have a "ruthless" bar and the more you do together, the more missions you do together or you help each other, the more "ruthless" you two get. Say you both do a mission where you kill a thug that is trying to kill BOTH of you. You and your apprentice for finishing this unique mission get more power added to your class bonus, whichever it is. Be it may aim, strength, cunning, anything like that. Again getting rewards to :)


Imperial Agents could have a "rookie" under their wing and the bar could be called "Espionage" Again special missions and stuff could be tied to all of this and the more "espionage" you have, the more things you get within your Master Agent and rookie pair. Say you both have a mission where you have to confront a corrupt Imperial that is not fulfilling his duty to the Imperial Academy. For this, you would get special bonuses such as, more taking cover positions, or more cunning, aim, and also you could throw in that "unique moment" tied into it with Legacy.


Smuggler, when reaching cap could take someone under their wing as a "nerfhearder" or refugee or something to that nature. The bar could be named "sneaky" or something like that. Something along those lines and again the more you do sneaky things behind the scenes together, the more you two would share things together and be more powerful :)


Now, if any of you are wondering! OMG that will RUIN experiences and the community! Things won't build up! People will offer their apprenticeships for credits. NO. It could NOT be bought by credits. If both you and them agree to be Master and Padawan or Master of that class and his apprentice, then it goes by the honor system. You must both go through special trials in order to be the persons apprentice. You can't just go around to any old person and they can "buy you off" that's not how it would work at all. There would be a special "chain mission" in order to fulfill the apprenticeship. Most just randomly generated to so everyone doesn't get the SAME THING. People don't like repetativeness. :) You would need to do certain things. They must prove themselves to you, and you must do the same back so you both know you have a special BOND.


If somebody quit the game also, and they were your Apprentice or Master, then that special bond would be gone and you would have to start a new one. Everything would be gone. Yes. Because it was with THAT player. That would be the incentive to keep playing, to keep the unique bond. But if somebody simply stopped playing, it would all be gone and you would need to go through all that again with another willing person


Now, say an Apprentice is not living up to your expectations or what they once said they were going to do. You can exile them if you wish and they would get a title even called "exile". Not sure why somebody would put that on their character, but I'm sure there would be people. It wouldn't simply just be leaving each other after the master/apprentice bond is made, you would need to do things in order to leave the apprenticeship. Such as a mission where you can betray your Master or something and BOOM you are done with it Something like that. Remember, once a bond is made, it has to be broken. A mission, perhaps "i need a force bond broken" could be appropriate there or something. Then make the other ones appropriate for the other classes.


Also, there would be a lot more traffic on starter planets and make the game seem more alive to people just starting out. It would make it seem like there were TONS of players on the game. I think there would be very good interest in a thing like this if people saw it going on. It could happen anywhere. Not in the first 10 levels. There would be rules, such as maybe only a set number of Master/Apprentices for each Legacy and you need a Legacy at least a certain level, such as the highest it can go, to do it. THAT would be amazing then


Perhaps all of these random missions that you and your apprentice would get throughout the game would open up new conversation options for both of you on both your class AND other missions. It would give the game replay value for seeing if you unlocked any more conversation options in addition to the level 50 WANTING to keep playing the game. Perhaps you can even have special "Unique Gear" for you and your apprentice at the time to wear if you have the bond up to a certain level. You can put this vendor on the fleet and it would work just like the social points. The more you do missions together, the more your bond grows, the more powerful you two become, the more conversation options you get, the cooler "Unique Gear" you get, that would be adaptive by the way just like social gear is now.


Anyway, that was just an idea I came up with to NEVER have the level cap in this game be boring. It even goes along with the lore and you can already go in each other's ships. I think it would greatly enhance the endgame experience so a lot of people would never get bored and would encourage people to keep playing on their high characters, never quit, never stop and always get an apprentice or have that master they always wanted! It WOULD get more people to play. I guarantee that!


Seriously, this is a pretty good idea. It's almost like a sidekick idea, that way the master wouldnt just plow though all the enemies and what not. This is a very interesting idea. I like the part about having missions together, and this would defintly bring the community together more in a TRUE stars wars way.

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  • 1 month later...

2 problems:


1. "Lvl 55 in search of apprentice!! 1 mil! " "/w but I don`t have 1 mil" "Yo momma is so fat..." - money could be arranged between alts, so it won`t be paid directly and it will only make guildies cross alts for main bonuses.


2. Imagine the amount of hit and miss with getting a freemium as your apprentice, or a guy that played for only 3 days - go back, advert again, since genuine newbies won`t know anything about this, which will turn starter worlds into Fleets general "WTT apprentice!". And it is impractical and very time inneficient to walk around and try and spot THAT special player, when trading alts in guild is so much easier.


The idea is good, but you are dealing with people and it`s a nightmare to put in practice, since it`s more or less RP with quests.

Edited by Styxx
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  • 2 weeks later...
2 problems:


1. "Lvl 55 in search of apprentice!! 1 mil! " "/w but I don`t have 1 mil" "Yo momma is so fat..." - money could be arranged between alts, so it won`t be paid directly and it will only make guildies cross alts for main bonuses.


2. Imagine the amount of hit and miss with getting a freemium as your apprentice, or a guy that played for only 3 days - go back, advert again, since genuine newbies won`t know anything about this, which will turn starter worlds into Fleets general "WTT apprentice!". And it is impractical and very time inneficient to walk around and try and spot THAT special player, when trading alts in guild is so much easier. It would be akin to asking for people to join you in a heroic, only this is a bigger thing, and not just one mission, but a bonus series of missions.


The idea is good, but you are dealing with people and it`s a nightmare to put in practice, since it`s more or less RP with quests.


I think you're reaching with the problems you see as I am sure such a system will come with rewards. The OP's idea is not that different from forming a Guild, and guilds in practice and theory work - with real people.


The only problem I see is the story line with the Jedi classes, where you leave Tython as a Jedi Knight, not as a "Padawan". Still, I think the idea is pretty solid, and players would be willing to over look it as allot of this is already being done anyways. Also, this could be a thing before the lower level player leaves starter planets, as a bonus quest series on a starter planet making these two people teams more short term, which could be a good idea - with an option to be a long term team as more two person team bonus series are added to new planets. The student can then call upon their teacher for them, and if the teacher is absent, the student can find a new one. Allot of planets already have lvl 55 added content, so in theory, it shouldn't be hard to find another teacher. It would be akin to lfm for a heroic, only this isnt a single mission, but a bonus series of missions.


The other problem I see is what kind of mission can be done by a lvl9 student and a lvl55 teacher together? But that too has its solutions we see being used in PVP for example.


My lvl55 Smuggler could use a Co-Pilot.

Edited by HiddenPalm
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  • 1 month later...

Looking through this topic and all the seemingly unamimous support (from people that bothered to respond anyway) I feel like I'm the only one that just doesn't really get this idea... I just don't see how any of the setup could work, and the attempts to suggest some sort of rewards or bonuses for the system are really incoherent and inconsistent.


The other problem I see is what kind of mission can be done by a lvl9 student and a lvl55 teacher together? But that too has its solutions we see being used in PVP for example.


Or how about KDY's bolster for a relevant example? Unless I've seriously misunderstood this whole thing, PVP is 100% irrelevant here.


Anyway, about using PVE bolster, it's interesting to note that the game had nothing like that and no reason to ever suspect that it ever could have anything like that when this topic was first made. (Group content that existed then was all designed for groups that only contained players of the correct level.) Still, the bolster is the only way that we could even begin to approach this idea. (Small suggestion: The master gets bolstered to 55 while the apprentice only gets bolstered to 50. Scale the difficulty of the missions to be like "easy" level 55 heroic 2 missions. It would enforce the feeling of one character being more skilled than the other while making actual levels irrelevant and while keeping the apprentice in a competitive range to contribute something to the fights.)


About these missions though... For this idea to be at all interesting or relevant we're probably talking LOTS of missions here. I mean, we're talking a full 3 chapter / 50 level story arc to follow alongside the regular class leveling story arc. And we'd need 8 of those, one for every master/apprentice pair... Maybe only 6 if they want to lump all Jedi together / all Sith together. (Allow Warrior/Inquisitor or Inquisitor/Warrior instead of requiring that they must be Warrior/Warrior or Inquisitor/Inquisitor.)


So 6 or 8 full completely new storylines... presumably all scripted and voiced to match the production level of the original storylines.... with the complexity of two players making decisions to direct the course of the story... with enough variability built in to allow for significantly different experiences when becoming a master for a new apprentice or when becoming a master yourself after you've already played as an apprentice... Those are some mighty high expectations. And the team that the game has currently was able to produce as "chapter 4" one planet with a single planet storyline per faction and cutscene-free dailies pickups instead of creating stories for each class and any sort of interaction with NPCs for the sidequests... And in that expansion they also added the level 53-55 seeker droid / macrobinocular content (some cutscenes at start and end) including the alteration of one small zone per planet for the dread seed corruption, along with some small tweaks here and there across the maps to add the level 53-55 GSI dailies to a few planets (no cutscenes)...


In other words, just for the story planning and voice recoding involved the idea sounds more than a little outside the scope of what would be reasonable expectations.

Edited by Muljo_Stpho
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  • 4 months later...
This is long but a very great idea!


This is only for max level people.


Say you are a Jedi Master. You want to take on a Padawan because you believe you are ready. Now, when you go back to Tython you could go on a mission to become a true Master and then ask someone if they are willing to be your padawan. Anyone in the game. Then, in addition to your legacy and xp bar, you could have a "wisdom" bar. You could gain experience to this "wisdom" bar by doing things together. Master and Padawan. There would be unique missions you would both have to do and your Master could help you along the way. That way, the game wouldn't get boring at level 55 as some say it does now. You would always be gaining experience through your "wisdom" bar and you and your Padawan could always be more in tune with each other. The higher the bar, the more levels your wisdom is, the higher your force could be. Perhaps even telepathically contact each other through the force for some benefit of healing across the galaxy. Like what the Exile and Kreia did. You could form force bonds :)


Now with the other classes, Sith could have an Apprentice and have an "Emotion" bar. That way the more emotion you and your apprentice have with each other, the more powerful you can become through the force and more techniques can open up through a force bond, just like the Jedi Master and Padawan but this would be full of fear and hatred. Again, there would be special powers through the bond and special moments. Instead of heroic moments, like the ones on Legacy, call them "Unique Moments" because that's what they are...unique to your character.


Troopers could have a "recruit" and have an "Honor" bar. You would need to go back to Ord Mantell where you first started and again just like the Jedi mission, have a mission where you need to become a "Leader" then go out and ask anyone in the game if they are willing to be your recruit. Then when you guys have enough "honor" with each other, perhaps you can both use a galaxy wide support chain within each others' ships that would give you special buffs. Perhaps when you both do a mission together, you can unlock a special equipment booster to make you are your recruit more powerful.


Bounty Hunters could have a "Mercenary" and their master title could be "Legendary Hunter" or something like that. Then you both could have a "ruthless" bar and the more you do together, the more missions you do together or you help each other, the more "ruthless" you two get. Say you both do a mission where you kill a thug that is trying to kill BOTH of you. You and your apprentice for finishing this unique mission get more power added to your class bonus, whichever it is. Be it may aim, strength, cunning, anything like that. Again getting rewards to :)


Imperial Agents could have a "rookie" under their wing and the bar could be called "Espionage" Again special missions and stuff could be tied to all of this and the more "espionage" you have, the more things you get within your Master Agent and rookie pair. Say you both have a mission where you have to confront a corrupt Imperial that is not fulfilling his duty to the Imperial Academy. For this, you would get special bonuses such as, more taking cover positions, or more cunning, aim, and also you could throw in that "unique moment" tied into it with Legacy.


Smuggler, when reaching cap could take someone under their wing as a "nerfhearder" or refugee or something to that nature. The bar could be named "sneaky" or something like that. And again the more you do sneaky things behind the scenes together, the more you two would share things together and be more powerful :)


Now, if any of you are wondering! OMG that will RUIN experiences and the community! Things won't build up! People will offer their apprenticeships for credits. NO. It could NOT be bought by credits. If both you and them agree to be Master and Padawan or Master of that class and his apprentice, then it goes by the honor system. You must both go through special trials in order to be the persons apprentice. You can't just go around to any old person and they can "buy you off" that's not how it would work at all. There would be a special "chain mission" in order to fulfill the apprenticeship. Most just randomly generated to so everyone doesn't get the SAME THING. People don't like repetativeness. :) You would need to do certain things. They must prove themselves to you, and you must do the same back so you both know you have a special BOND.


If somebody quit the game also, and they were your Apprentice or Master, then that special bond would be gone and you would have to start a new one. Everything would be gone. Yes. Because it was with THAT player. That would be the incentive to keep playing, to keep the unique bond. But if somebody simply stopped playing, it would all be gone and you would need to go through all that again with another willing person


Now, say an Apprentice is not living up to your expectations or what they once said they were going to do. You can exile them if you wish and they would get a title even called "exile". Not sure why somebody would put that on their character, but I'm sure there would be people. It wouldn't simply just be leaving each other after the master/apprentice bond is made, you would need to do things in order to leave the apprenticeship. Such as a mission where you can betray your Master or something and BOOM you are done with it Something like that. Remember, once a bond is made, it has to be broken. A mission, perhaps "i need a force bond broken" could be appropriate there or something. Then make the other ones appropriate for the other classes.


Also, there would be a lot more traffic on starter planets and make the game seem more alive to people just starting out. It would make it seem like there were TONS of players on the game. I think there would be very good interest in a thing like this if people saw it going on. It could happen anywhere. Not in the first 10 levels. There would be rules, such as maybe only a set number of Master/Apprentices for each Legacy and you need a Legacy at least a certain level, such as the highest it can go, to do it. THAT would be amazing then


Perhaps all of these random missions that you and your apprentice would get throughout the game would open up new conversation options for both of you on both your class AND other missions. It would give the game replay value for seeing if you unlocked any more conversation options in addition to the level 50 WANTING to keep playing the game. Perhaps you can even have special "Unique Gear" for you and your apprentice at the time to wear if you have the bond up to a certain level. You can put this vendor on the fleet and it would work just like the social points. The more you do missions together, the more your bond grows, the more powerful you two become, the more conversation options you get, the cooler "Unique Gear" you get, that would be adaptive by the way just like social gear is now.


Anyway, that was just an idea I came up with to NEVER have the level cap in this game be boring. It even goes along with the lore and you can already go in each other's ships. I think it would greatly enhance the endgame experience so a lot of people would never get bored and would encourage people to keep playing on their high characters, never quit, never stop and always get an apprentice or have that master they always wanted! It WOULD get more people to play. I guarantee that!


I feel like you're smarter than the people who made the game.

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  • 2 months later...

Sorry but out of all the things the game needs in terms of new content and bug fixes, i can't see this ever being implemented. The amount of resources Bioware has left dedicated to this game is absolutely tiny - it's taken them around 2 months to add two hard mode versions of flashpoints that were already in the game and call it a major content patch.


Also in reality it wouldn't work out well, if this "wisdom" system your talking about had any sort of positive effect on your character it would be abused and cheated as it would be required for end-game pvp and operations if you wanted a chance at being competitive. This would lead to people creating secondary accounts and becoming their own apprentice to power-level wisdom, or offering credits to newbies to help boost their wisdom etc etc, the list goes on.

Edited by Vertex
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  • 3 weeks later...
Sorry but out of all the things the game needs in terms of new content and bug fixes, i can't see this ever being implemented. The amount of resources Bioware has left dedicated to this game is absolutely tiny - it's taken them around 2 months to add two hard mode versions of flashpoints that were already in the game and call it a major content patch.


Also in reality it wouldn't work out well, if this "wisdom" system your talking about had any sort of positive effect on your character it would be abused and cheated as it would be required for end-game pvp and operations if you wanted a chance at being competitive. This would lead to people creating secondary accounts and becoming their own apprentice to power-level wisdom, or offering credits to newbies to help boost their wisdom etc etc, the list goes on.

Would not work that way at all. You couldn't create alts JUST to form a bond to get easy cheating stuff. Who said anything about it being required for pvp? It could not be bought by credits for you will have to go through "trials" setup in order to form a bond. Re-read my op.

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Would not work that way at all. You couldn't create alts JUST to form a bond to get easy cheating stuff. Who said anything about it being required for pvp? It could not be bought by credits for you will have to go through "trials" setup in order to form a bond. Re-read my op.


Any trial/hoop you can think of that people have to go through to form an apprentice, people will do JUST for stat increases (if there are stat increases). If there are bonuses, people will do it for bonuses. If you want to insist that it will not work that way, explain any scenario in which someone who only wants a buff/bonus wont be able to jump through the normal hoop of apprenticing.

I think most of the merit of this idea is just RP...which a large number of people don't do. Paired with large development requirements (random missions have to be individually designed after all), I don't see this making it into the game.


That said, its not a terrible idea. Worked correctly, it would promote in game friendships which leads to player retention. I just see several obstacles.


PS. Level 50/55 apprentice/master would require level ~53 enemies. As a 50 can't hit a 55.

PPS. If my apprentice can heal me from across the galaxy, then suddenly all endgame people need a "pocket apprentice healer" for all serious ops/pvp.

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  • 9 months later...

(1) as long as it is Optional as in Doesn't block you from any content .

(2) as long as the Dev actually WILL Do something because this idea open new ideas for abuse and trolling and scamming .

(3) Good idea , and you really don't need the system . If guild were a bit more Mature (not sexual) but Mature and want to help and rebuild and do their job in making the community better....then , I dunno..maybe by trying it without a system in place , would encourage BW to actually put it in . And so far , Guild are unhelpful and just need body for OP/PVp and stuff like that :confused:

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I quite like this idea. If the stat bonuses, or the bonuses at all were about the same strength as holocrons, then it wouldn't be a requirement, nor feel forced.

I'm not much of an RPer, but I must say that I'm part of the side who really hates what EAware has done with lightsaber colors; going so far away from canon it's not even funny. So I really like getting that first lightsaber, seeing a lovely blue lightsaber unsheathe as you're about to bash someone's face in. Not RP, but it gives a good feeling. I'd say this Mentor System idea would give the same effect, at least for me; not for RP purposes, but because it simply fits in with the Star Wars universe.

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