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Returning Players


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Hi all. So I'm back and wanted to get some feedback down about my experience.


Background: Played at launch. Quit because of lack of polish and lack of social tools.


Today: Back about a week. Transferred servers. Joined new guild. Very happy.




1. Coming back and having to do the server transfer was a little scary, but once it was done, I was glad to be back in a social environment.

2. Found a guild that runs often quickly and have been having a great time with them or in pug.

3. Love the direction of the changes so far, including the UI customizations and the group finder tools.

4. Biggest fear is that BW doesn't have the patience to weather the storm, stay on target and keep delivering great changes. If they wuss out and go F2P or something and change core dynamics, this will go the way of SWG, where as I feel that if BW came out and said: we're here to stay, it would be time to call my friends and have them come back too. Show me what's next!


:- )


That's it.

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After playing Guild Wars 2 beta, IMO SWTOR is safe and will probably get people back... Bioware really spoils you with the story, GW2 story feels flat and the cut scenes are kind of bad, not to mention only a small part actually have voice overs, everything else is text... After playing SWTOR for seven months reading text becomes annoying...


The only area GW2 beats SWTOR in graphics is environment, the player models in GW2 is no better then SWTOR and IMO actually look worse, all the toons in GW2 look like plastic barbie dolls and cartoonish.... The pace of GW2 is really fast, soon as I entered there were mobs all over me and I had no clue what was going on, as you play threw you get a little bit of story but not a lot... The game actually felt like Warhammer Online if all they had was Public Quests...


Anyways after several days playing GW2 I decided it was not for me, even with SWTOR shortcomings I feel SWTOR is a better game, at least for me it is...

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First, welcome back to SWTOR. I hope you'll enjoy it a lot for a long time.


You aren't the only one, I know a few players irl who returned too. Most of them stopped to play around January-March 2012. So for them, it was like playing a whole new mmo. So far, they love the improvements and they're having fun.

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I returned after 3 months as well. Not that i quit completely (kept my sub running), but my previous server was dead and i couldn't get a group for anything, so didn't feel like logging in at all. When i heard of free transfers i gave it a go and now, on a populated server things are looking really nice !
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