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Resolve system is a total joke for warfronts


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In a PvP game that is not a no-skill gear based stunfest you can. Check out this video.
.. Notice you actually have to aim and that you can have a good fight instead of .. stun stun stun stun stun stun stun....


Not even the same type of game. I prefer SWTOR's 3rd person hotkey interface to FPS. Apples and oranges.

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What is up with the sheer amount of crowd control in this game for pvp? Really, it seems sometimes you can't even play, you get chain stun or rooted until you get ganked to death. And don't even try to use the resolve system to defend it because its total crap. By the time you have filled the bar you have already been killed and respawn just to have the bar reset to be cc rofl stomped again. It's obvious at this point Bioware that you don't even intend to work on world pvp anymore and resolve is a joke in these warfronts, time to change the system. I doubt you will though, now with your skeleton crew of developers and programmers, we probably won't even see that many updates from now on. :rolleyes:


It's for the PvP rejects and they represent the majority of the subs so I don't think it will change anytime soon.

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Funny the only people I ever see complaining about stuns are clueless noobs. It's even more amusing that these people actually think people that have learnt how to play swtor effectively are "pvp rejects". It's even more hilarious that they think that people are quitting the game because they can't understand the resolve system,


Seriously there is nothing to say other than you are clearly noobs, incapable of learning to play, putting in a degree of effort and seriously lack experience in games of this type.


You can't just keep changing the game for the crappy players - do that and truly watch your game die. Get a clue and learn to play, stop whining and stop accusing others that are more knowledgable about pvp of using crutches etc. you just make yourselves look very very foolish.

Edited by PloGreen
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Yea Bioware never listens to it's playerbase.


Players: We want more servers!

More servers opened.

Players: My server is dead! We want server transfers!

Servers transferred.

Players: We want more warzones!

Warzone added.

Players: Champion and Centurion gear are useless! Give us different armors!

Recruit, War Hero, Campaign and Black Hole armor added.




As for the resolve system, I think it works fabulously. And in the original poster's stance, nobody can survive the combined efforts of 3-4 people pounding on them all at once.


There you go using facts and verifiable evidence to support your argument.... :p

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