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My level 11 Powertech specced into defense with his 2 talent points just did more damage and won more medals in a single PVP match than my level 27 Marauder has ever done... AND IT WAS MY FIRST PVP MATCH PLAYING AS MY POWERTECH


Edited by Viscerus
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My level 11 Powertech specced into defense with his 2 talent points just did more damage and won more medals in a single PVP match than my level 27 Marauder has ever done...




Your tanky character was able to stay up longer and contribute more than the kamikaze squishy-man marrauder.

That damage is overall, not burst.


You would have had an equal performance if you went juggernaught tank.

Edited by Chomag
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Your tanky character was able to stay up longer and contribute more than the kamikaze squishy-man marrauder.

That damage is overall, not burst.


You would have had an equal performance if you went juggernaught tank.


Tanky character?


Medium armor, no tank tree, dual wield.



say whaaaaaat.

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you know you get buffed right ? depends on the players ingame ?


i sometimes can shoot lightnings for 500 dmg per tick sometimes 50 per tick .


Yes I am aware, but regardless of buff, a higher-level character should outperform lower. He has mroe talents increasing his damage, his gear contributes more. Even with the buff, higher-level characters should be stronger. Not to mention a tank character with NO damage increasing talents out-damaging a pure damage character.

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This is just like Mythic, in Warhammer my Ironbreaker was purely tank specced and he annihilated everyone.


They want people with tank specs to feel viable in pvp and have fun, so the damage differential is negligible.


But if a pure DPS character only outdamages a a tank character by 5-10% while a tank character has 50-60% more mitigation, what do you think is going to happen?


Warhammer pvp actually sucked, because my ironbreaker could have a pocket warrior priest and the 2 of us LITERALLY woudl post up under the enemy spawn point and wipe out their whole team as they came out.


I don't want to see that in SWtoR.

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well maybe in the game with trooper you had lvl's 50 and got buffed wayyyyyy more , and in the other you were the highest , i wouldnt judge yet


well I have not seen a level 50 yet. And my Marauder is valor rank 13 and I have literally done ONE pvp match with my bounty hunter.


the numbers don't add up.

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My level 11 Powertech specced into defense with his 2 talent points just did more damage and won more medals in a single PVP match than my level 27 Marauder has ever done... AND IT WAS MY FIRST PVP MATCH PLAYING AS MY POWERTECH




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You know that you earn medals by doing several different things instead only doing one intensively?


E.g. Making 1000 damage + heal 1000 damage gives you more medals than doing 2000 damage.


So, if you are tanky and protect someone or lower their dmg output you will also recieve medals for this deed in addition to making pure dmg. Therefore the marauder is very likely to produce less medals than the powertech.


Check the balance sheet after the warzones. Those with most medals are such ones that have good numbers in several columns (damage, heal, protection, warzone goals).


Currently there is a limited amount for every attribute that gives medals.

I guess you earn one medal at 10k damage done and one with 75k damage done. (probably one more). After this limit you will not earn additional medals. Therefore doing more various stuff and doing warzone goals helps a lot.

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