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Kabe's Digital Drawings


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Thanks! No vectors (except for text typed on the images) instead I start at a really high res and size it down so the lines look smoother than my shaky hands are actually capable of doing.


puns aside, i'd love to learn to make vector images. had a few requests for logos and i'd not feel comfortable handing in a non vectorised image

and yeah i gotta work on cleaning my line art too. i might have to force myself to find a painter with a good pen tool, and ink over a sketched and scanned layer.

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puns aside, i'd love to learn to make vector images. had a few requests for logos and i'd not feel comfortable handing in a non vectorised image

and yeah i gotta work on cleaning my line art too. i might have to force myself to find a painter with a good pen tool, and ink over a sketched and scanned layer.


I have heard good things about Art Rage . I cannot do anything in traditional media. Even my handwriting is worse hehe :)

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Still writing nothing but boring boringness about boring people in boringtown. So I listened to Gold Dust Woman over and over and drew this. It is my Smuggler Nosc on Corellia.


Rulers make bad lovers

You better put your kingdom up for sale


Only my smuggler would consider it :D.



I had fun making a process gif too.


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Hey , looks pretty awesome but a little flat. Unless thats the look you are after try to use some textures.

I'm not quite sure how to do it in painter but its quite easy in photoshop.



Keep up the good work!


Thanks for the critique I will try that next time. I'm just a beginner still learning so I really can't say I'm going after a particular look.


@bright_ephemera & @SveinEternity The process gifs are fun I'll make more. They also force me to save more than once an hour, which is something I should be doing but often forget.

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AH sweet! That animated gif was a good idea :D

It's nice to be able to see the process behind the finished work


I've seen a few on dA and I've always thought they were neat


I would give many loves and lamas to see a process gif from you :D just sayin'

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A new one inspired by this awesome piece from this awesome story Force of Wills: The Ties that Bind by Earthmama




Process Gif






Claps like a circus seal!! This makes me happy, especially after that last chapter I wrote, I'll just stare at this for a while to regain my happy.

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ooooh! A few starting points leap to mind. I list these, not as GIMME ALL NOW, but in the hopes that one of them will give you something interesting to play with...the rest I leave as mental images for all :D



  • Nalenne and Niselle, twin Sith Purebloods, one Juggernaut, one Sorcerer, shoving each other for possession of one of those huge Dark Council chairs, or perching on the two arms of it and sulking. Nis pic, Nalenne is Neutral Evil while Nis is Chaotic Evil here. They are my violent, hateful, ridiculous sisters.
  • Lord Scourge and Ruth facing off with lightsabers, possibly while Ruth is in one of her Dark Armor fashion phases. Ruth is the True Neutral in the previously linked chart. Hey, she spent some part of her career in that alignment bin.
  • Quinn and Wynston (Lawful Neutral above), any age/time period, angrily facing off over the last [glass of orange juice | muffin in a six-muffin case | something that there is obviously only one portion left of] on a table. Ruth facepalming/being exasperated, either between/behind them or nearby.
  • Security line at the entrance to the Citadel or some other major building. A big cyborg guy is glaring at the metal detector, the staff, or both, while the staff looks awkward.
  • Khem Val picking Thana Vesh up by the scruff of the neck. I'm not sure that image even needs elaboration.
  • Baby Vector peering up at a human-sized Killik. This may or may not be enhanced by Baby Vector putting on a headband with big fake antennae so he can be more like the big Killik.

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......I am going to fill your folder up with all my characters now....you've been warned. <3<3 brace for spam.....




p.s. I love all of these suggestions I love them to pieces.

Edited by kabeone
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I'm all about hugging right now. Just a hug fest. Elliotcat's Aranea with Jaesa.









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