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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Entertainer Class proposal


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Nothing has been ditched or scrubbed from your idea, mission items would work the same way for this class as other classes, an on use items is in no way a waepon, it may act as a weapon but its not equiped as such, a dart gun or a stun baton that is a quest item inside of entertainer class missions would still be a class quest item and not a weapon.


There weapon slots would still be taken up by guitars and saxaphones etc where the get there stats from. These instruments would be over powered if they could be equiped by sages for example who dont specifically need a saber equiped as the presence on these items would be through the roof touching close to 200-250 presence.


ah ok i forgot about the mission items...yeah that seems good for it....


but there is a slight problem....yes the presence boosting thing would be a good idea,but my idea was for the entertainer to have a companion as a safety net just incase you mistakingly alert one person...


this presence boosting idea would allow the person to grind in large segments of the game....which might be a problem as this would allow people to void most of the entertainer`s intended way of leveling

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ah ok i forgot about the mission items...yeah that seems good for it....


but there is a slight problem....yes the presence boosting thing would be a good idea,but my idea was for the entertainer to have a companion as a safety net just incase you mistakingly alert one person...


this presence boosting idea would allow the person to grind in large segments of the game....which might be a problem as this would allow people to void most of the entertainer`s intended way of leveling

Technically that would be working as intended, if an entertainer were to play in the normal world and via very delicate pulling and watching what they are doing it would be a viable way for them to level. At no point would an entertainer be more powerful then a combatr class though as no matter how strong the companion is the lack of combat skills and weapons balances it out.


I mean if you can as a player now build your companions up strong enough so you can fight mobs with no weapons equiped and just using the valor unlocks of jab punch and upercut etc there is no reason why you couldnt with an entertainer. Would be incredibly slow compared to entertaining but doable. But amnything that requires you to not have a companion then you lose that edge.

Edited by Shingara
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Technically that would be working as intended, if an entertainer were able to play in the normal world and via very delicate pulling and watching what they are doing it would be a viable way for them to level. At no point would an entertainer be more powerful then a combatr class though as no matter how strong the companion is the lack of combat skills and weapons balances it out.


good idea in a way,but purity or non purity?this game is not intended as a grinder,its meant for story to be a large portion of gameplay...


and if the dancer is to have a way to lvl through dancing and so on...then this idea of presence boosting would ruin that gameplay aspect

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good idea in a way,but purity or non purity?this game is not intended as a grinder,its meant for story to be a large portion of gameplay...


and if the dancer is to have a way to lvl through dancing and so on...then this idea of presence boosting would ruin that gameplay aspect



how bout this...give the dancer and aggro killing skill for self cast only...so that way the companions could be modifyed at the base level,and thus the dancer could in theory send there companion out over and over again...ressurecting each time the companion dies,yet still not getting any aggro on the player char


this would throw an interesting aspect in but act as a serious deterrent for grind based leveling


but in a way,for normal bosses in open feild would be interesting,because the dancer companions are meant to take on one enemy only....and thus would have certain abilitys that no other companion has....like % of max health reducers and so on


this would be an incentive to bring dancers on boss fights

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good idea in a way,but purity or non purity?this game is not intended as a grinder,its meant for story to be a large portion of gameplay...


and if the dancer is to have a way to lvl through dancing and so on...then this idea of presence boosting would ruin that gameplay aspect

Yes and No, whilst the game is intended to be level within the story, you are never forced to, you can level via pvp, space or just wandering about smacking people in the face with something close to hand. Thats not me saying they wont have one btw, this is bioware, vending machines in there buildings have story so this will.


The buff would only make them usable in outside enviroments, presence whilst performing would have no effect, none zero on xp gained from that method. It would increase the rate at which you could regenerate peoples rested xp and how long it took you to give people presence buffs but inside of a cantina nothing else as its just a vehicle to bolster up your stats so you dont get squashed like a fly.

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how bout this...give the dancer and aggro killing skill for self cast only...so that way the companions could be modifyed at the base level,and thus the dancer could in theory send there companion out over and over again...ressurecting each time the companion dies,yet still not getting any aggro on the player char


this would throw an interesting aspect in but act as a serious deterrent


To easily manipulated as it would create an imortal class in pve, they should get away with having reduced aggro range but you can get most places in the universe without actualy aggroing a thing if your careful.

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To easily manipulated as it would create an imortal class in pve, they should get away with having reduced aggro range but you can get most places in the universe without actualy aggroing a thing if your careful.


modify it so the aggro killing skill has only a certain % chance to work based on how high your primary dance skill is?



or make it so the aggro only works on standard and weak enemys,and has to actually be targeted like a curse

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modify it so the aggro killing skill has only a certain % chance to work based on how high your primary dance skill is?



or make it so the aggro only works on standard and weak enemys,and has to actually be targeted like a curse

I think these fall into the run away like a little girl catagory, your companion holds them off and if you think its gonna go pear shaped, leave the comp and run away.


But you have to think in other parts, these classes wont be an island, for things in game combat classes would be interested in taking these guys along due to them having the strongest tank companions in the game. If you could drop all agrro and get out of combat then you would be a chain rez point who could bypass the medical probe.

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I think these fall into the run away like a little girl catagory, your companion holds them off and if you think its gonna go pear shaped, leave the comp and run away.


But you have to think in other parts, these classes wont be an island, for things in game combat classes would be interested in taking these guys along due to them having the strongest tank companions in the game. If you could drop all agrro and get out of combat then you would be a chain rez point who could bypass the medical probe.


not with the rez cooldown going on...even then chain rez would only work for a little bit,and the danger wouldnt have abated by then

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not with the rez cooldown going on...even then chain rez would only work for a little bit,and the danger wouldnt have abated by then


not if everyone but you dies constantly. if you then have no aggro that means your out of combat., you can rez all around and be the static rezzer and not loose progress.


Fact is though these guys shouldnt be looking for fights in the open world. they have the tools to survive if they get caught out and companions strong enugh to protect them or buy them time to get away.

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not if everyone but you dies constantly. if you then have no aggro that means your out of combat., you can rez all around and be the static rezzer and not loose progress.


Fact is though these guys shouldnt be looking for fights in the open world. they have the tools to survive if they get caught out and companions strong enugh to protect them or buy them time to get away.


i shouldve explained myself better..the aggro killer i describe wouldnt remove you from combat,just keep enemys from attacking you

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i shouldve explained myself better..the aggro killer i describe wouldnt remove you from combat,just keep enemys from attacking you


And why would they not attack you if you are in combat with them, if your the only one still alive what are they doing, You would be stuck in combat and unable to rez your companion, would the enemy reset or just stand where they were and watch you. If its getting aggro your worried about that is why they have a mixture of tank companions whoes stats are vastly increased due to presence being your main stat and the equipable mainhands and offhands having there stats set to endurace and presence mainly. and 1 social class companion.


Let me explain it a bit further, your main stat would be pressence and it would effect you in the exact same way it effects companions, it increases you health, attack power which in your case would be punching someone in the face, whacking someone over the head with your guitar which is the cc and other varied unarmed tatcics, it would increase your endurance, and it would increase your haste ( which is how it also increases the speed you can buff people).


No class should have the ability to make themselves immune to damage in a combat situation indefinatly.

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This isnt SWG 2.0 accept it and move on


Thank you for your post and for not reading the actual original post and only the topic title proven by your comment, have a good day. Also thanks for telling us you do not want.


-Player bountys

-any of the other planets that were in swg but are not here

-any space game that is like jump to lightspeed combat wise or options with ships or multiperson ships

-any crafting system that were found within swg

-any races that were unlocked for play within swg but is not found in any other star wars games as a playable species

-any type of playerhousing, guild ships, player/guild run orbital station

-any form of open world pvp based on player forts or anything found within swg

-any of the classes that were in swg that we dont already have

-any of the mini games that were found within swg

-any of the swoop tracks that are on swg

-any form of cybornetic upgrades or model options related to body implants outside of the already existing cyborg race creation options

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Yup none of thats here. Let it go


Thank you for your riveting feedback, its has been very constructive to the suggestion and the game as you have basically just written of 90% of what the entire playerbase have been asking for with what else you do not wish to come to the game. But as we do not think this is wow2 either we shall not follow the thinking of blizzard, have a nice day.

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Ah so EA. Well that line of thinking is get as much money as possible and disappoint the fan base and have a ton of lacking content. Sort of like all that stuff you mentioned was missing. Funny coincidence.


If you think that EA can over ride lucas arts for even one second you need to put down the coca cola. Also within the time period the game has been out the features and content that has been put into the game is great not to mention a very very good event that was dropped onto us in secret with zero leaks, if it takes another 6 months to a year to put space in and if this and the others i previously mentioned didnt come in until the game was close to 2 years old or possibly within an expantion it would be no biggie as the majority of players play because it is star wars not because its an alternative to wow.

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Actually if you paid attention pre release EA-Ware claimed they had complete creative control over the project and could do anything with it as long as they didn't do silly things like Name Yoda's Race or show a Sand Person without a head wrap. Also I'm more of a Pepsi person.
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Actually if you paid attention pre release EA-Ware claimed they had complete creative control over the project and could do anything with it as long as they didn't do silly things like Name Yoda's Race or show a Sand Person without a head wrap. Also I'm more of a Pepsi person.

Creative control covers what can be placed within the game lore and cannon wise, not features of which this suggestion is a feature, not a genre nor sandbox. This suggestion is not what swg was it was only a small part of a much bigger world. So putting this themepark feature in would not make this game sandbox nor would it make this swg2. Following the direct rulings that blizzard has had on wow for close to the last decade will not make this wow2 nor will it make this game become number one.


For this game to grow and get better it requires features that pull people in from all the mmo market, even the normally only play console market. Swoop racing, 3d space, this and also increased endgame options and condusive gameplay features the promote social gaming and challanging pvp enviroment will cover this.


It will give an edge over wows limitations and keep inline with other mmo companys who are not just thinking outside of the box compared to wow but also starting to migrate sandbox features like player housing back into the modern mmo market. With rift we have player housing, GW2 is supposed to be totaly outside the box compared to wow and TSW is nothing like what has been coming out for the last few years.


Quite simply put they need that edge, they need to take all those niché markets and support them, they need to create value for money content, and pve operations and flashpoints are not them im sorry to say, Things that revolve around rolplayers and pvpers are the most value for money content you can get, they are not the main bulk of the playerbase alone but together they are, they are the peeps who pay for the game in the long run.


Bioware need to create a plan to introduce those features alongside trying to keep up with the never ending demand for the pve engamers. And this suggestion is inline with ranked arenas with set teams in team deathmatch mode and player housing for drop in and forget development.


And pepsi, yuck :rak_03:

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I think Entertainer would work better as a profession, not as a class. The whole point of being an entertainer is to earn a profit which is pretty much the same with Artifice, Cybertech etc.

Yes i thought of that, but its just way to bulky and is nothing like a prof in how they are set in this game. to try and adapt it to fit onto classes we have now would be more then likly lore and cannon breaking as you dont see a dark council member singing http://youtu.be/3YN2lsrWN34 (listen to the song for the pun) whilst break dancing on a saturday night. Not to mention how would it be set on what people would have to drop to gain this as a prof and is it set as crafting or gathering, how do companions do these missions and how do you gain the skills to conduct the prof.


Plus it doesnt help that current limitations on actionbar space and the prime idea being to popualte and give a bonus to others visitng rest areas which at this moment if its not the fleet are totaly empty and not just people entertaining. The features that can be given to enhance roleplay from combat players interacting and this class reacting with is also something that could be looked into.


So whats easier, use c2n2 as a template and 1 new class, or redesign the whole crafting system and the possible implications of that re design on the professions and the limit to 3 max, try and figure out how classes we have now can do it, what bonus is there to it or is it just standing with a an instrument and bouncing about with nothing more then what typing /dance does now. and wonder if specific classes cannot train in it as it would break cannon.

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