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how is taking someone prisoner a LS choice?


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Because LS in the BH story is all about Honor and the Mandalorian Code, and DS is a murderer out for nothing more then making quick credits. Tarro had spat all over the honor of the great hunt and disgraced the mandalorians and his teacher, for this he did not deserve the honor of a duel and lost that right when he resorted to cheap tactics to win. So the honorable thing is not to give the scum that chance but to punish him by killing him without battle, thus he wouldn't go to the mandalorain after life, he needs to have died good death to go, he was not given this, thus his cancer was removed from the culture.



That logic WOULD make sense... except letting him out does not instantly give you darkside points. It depends on how you proceed. When you let him out, you can kill him before he can step out (granting yourself darkside points), or let him arm up for a duel. If you let him arm, you can proceed to either tell him you let him arm because you have honor (which gets you lightside points), or say how how much fun killing him will be (which gets you darkside points). and after you defeat him, you can decide to finish him off (for darkside points) or decide "he's broken" and leave him alone (which, if I remember correctly, oddly enough doesn't give you any alingment points.)


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it's all about context really, like meatlocker said, the eidolon is beaten by bounty hunter, if you take him prisoner (generally a light side option) you know he is going to be tortured horribley by hutts, killing him there and then is more merciful, BUT, i remember on corellia story arc, you beat a high up imperial guard, he begs for death but sparing/capturing him is still light side, because republic doesn't generally torture people ;)
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