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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Class Race Recognition


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I played a Twi'lek Sith Inquisitor, and at one point someone does acknowledge your race.


Without giving too much away, you try to claim something through inheritance, and the Imperial guard scoffs, "A twi'lek slave! The only thing you inherit is a slave collar."


Only instance I know about.

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I recently made a Rattataki agent and noticed this too. I thought it was strange not to adjust at least the companion conversation, especially since Rattataki is one of the original races in the game. Later additions I could see being only labeled as "alien", but I could see some interesting dialogue in a Kaliyo romance with the Rattataki connection. (Kindred spirits and all!)


Yeah, I'm usually pretty forgiving of games not directly acknowledging my race, but I thought this was a little silly. No throwaway line anywhere just acknowleding, "Hey, you're Rattataki too"? It's a good thing I'm enjoying this character and this playthrough or it would be annoying.

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If you choose to be a Sith Pureblood on the Warrior story, the mission you get from the Sith lady at the front of the academy to go talk to a trainer mention your species. You talk about how your skin marks you as better than everyone else and she tells you to strive to be powerful like her or something.
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