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when did this happen?


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When did it happen? When people actually started to learn the class.

Back in Beta everyone was saying we were useless lol.

We're not OP, just a very good class when played properly.


This is correct. We are not OP, howver, if you get a good player tjay knows how to play his marauder, we can be very very beast

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That's because most people that were spouting off about them being underpowered was at the infancy of the game's beginning. Mostly, this was done while people were still leveling and hadn't even gathered all their abilities yet. A few people realized just how powerful they already were. It was just the general hype and hearsay that gave the class that label. Also, other classes have grown less powerful due to their own changes, further catapulting them to the top, even though the class itself hasn't really been adjusted all that much.
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When did it happen? When people actually started to learn the class.

Back in Beta everyone was saying we were useless lol.

We're not OP, just a very good class when played properly.


lol Operatives were not at all OP pre 1.2 too lol

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I just started playing swtor again last week after a couple of months. When I stopped playing it was non stop complaints about them being week and near useless. When did they become OP!


the class has not had any major changes, bad players just started QQing when they fixed the bugs with ataru form, and they nerfed annihilation a little then everyone said it was OP. Nothing but an example of how clueless the gaming community has become

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the class has not had any major changes, bad players just started QQing when they fixed the bugs with ataru form, and they nerfed annihilation a little then everyone said it was OP. Nothing but an example of how clueless the gaming community has become


People used to melt down marauders and saw them as a free kill.... pretty there's more then just a bug fix and a nerf :p

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People used to melt down marauders and saw them as a free kill.... pretty there's more then just a bug fix and a nerf :p


It's not that Marauders have had massive buffs, it's that many other classes that were previously viewed as OP (not always an opinion that I shared, the majority of complaints seemed to come from 3-button players who hadn't taken any time to learn the classes they were complaining about) were nerfed quite heavily, making the Marauder more competitive than it used to be. Between that, the minor buffs here and there, and the fact that Time-to-kill has shortened dramatically since launch (which favours burst DPS classes the most), it's no wonder people view them as being better than they did at launch.

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It's not that Marauders have had massive buffs, it's that many other classes that were previously viewed as OP (not always an opinion that I shared, the majority of complaints seemed to come from 3-button players who hadn't taken any time to learn the classes they were complaining about) were nerfed quite heavily, making the Marauder more competitive than it used to be. Between that, the minor buffs here and there, and the fact that Time-to-kill has shortened dramatically since launch (which favours burst DPS classes the most), it's no wonder people view them as being better than they did at launch.


Some classes didnt get nerfed that much but they still dont kill maras as well as they used. Someone even said that maras got nerfed a little so it has nothing to do with other classes.

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In 1.2 they made carnage a little better, changed force camo a little and improved the snare on rupture in annihilation, that's pretty much it. It became a tad easier to play for most players, my marauder still sits gathering dust regardless, I could care less.


In 1.3 they changed pvp relics to static stats, so far marauder and powertech benefit the most from 2 war hero power relics (131 power w/ augment x 2) which is basically a permanent on click relic (like the old 255 power for 15 seconds) compared to the rest of the other classes.


Before 1.3 my madness assassin used to eat marauders for breakfast, but not anymore, they're more difficult to kill most likely due to augmented gear.

Edited by Sookster
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