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How good is the Trooper story?


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Ugh, I never got anything that screamed "Mass Effect" to me in the Trooper storyline.

I think you'll get mixed thoughts about the story. I think Act 1 and Act 2 was great. After that I felt as though there was too much repetition in what I was doing: you end up doing everything yourself. Heaven forbid Garza send you some helpful reinforcements. :rolleyes:

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The story was good, the ending was a big "F*** YOU LOL".


My only advice, and this is without spoiling anything, KILL HIM. You will know what I mean when you're at the very end of the game, it is NOT a darkside choice.

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I've played 3 classes through to 50 so far: Trooper, Sith Inquisitor, and Jedi Knight, in that order. The order of story-awesomeness also follows that order.


As has already been said, Chapter 1 is gripping and fun. It then gets really repetitive really quickly. I won't lie, it would have been more fun if I went less "sir yes, sir" throughout the whole thing (i.e. don't do what your superiors tell you to do). Keep in mind, you are in a structured military role and it does play out like one.

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Trooper story perfectly nails the life of a soldier and the hard choices one is forced to make. Troopers get some pretty hard ones during the 3 Chapters. At times it took me over an hour just to make a decision; that's how much I was into the story.


Overall Chapter 1 is the better half and Chapter 2 and 3 was rushed..the ending...oh boy. I personally set out to be "the good soldier" with doing 99% all lightside choices. Only 3 times have I ever gone a darkside choice in TOR with my Trooper. After all the good I did..well I had to go darkside ending for Chapter 3. It was a slap in the face to all that I did. Bioware should have reversed the LS and DS choices....though

I did enjoy telling the chancellor to go f#%^ herself as I made the more logical decision to stop a certain someone. I did the galaxy a big favor. And Garza praised me so much haha.


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What do folks who are or were in the military think of the trooper overall (class, story, etc)?


From what I've seen, there's a few RL-Military Trooper guilds (or at least there was during launch), and haven't heard any problems against the story (save for the excessive promotions, but that's to be expected in a game :p ) . 'Course, modern engagements are far different to Star Wars (even themewise, you're closer to the Cold War than any current engagement). Is it close to Mass Effect?... Closer than it is to Call of Duty (even the WW2 ones) but still quite unique.


In general, I think it's one of the better classes, both mechanically and story wise. Just don't question how you sheathe an autocannon on your back if it's meant to be extremely heavy :p

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