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Sages and Sorcerers need more love and buff:)


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It seems like the majority is asking for better survivability and that makes me worried. Increased survivability is far down on my list and I would hate if the devs decided to follow the cries and just give us "that".


What we foremost need is a burst and better force economy. Simply giving as a better defensive CD won't change anything other than that we will be out of force longer. We will still just be that annoying little mosquito who can't take down enemies within a resonable time ( I was kiting a mara for over a minute earlier today).



* Up damage on shock/project by 50 % and ticks on FL/TT by atleast 25 %.

* Cut current force costs in half or double regen rate.

* Up dot damage by 20 %

* Cut channeling time on heal related abilities in half. The exception would be the AOE.

* Possibly lowering deionization time.

Edited by MidichIorian
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Sorcs before 1.2 were better, dunno why they nerf this class. Sages need some options to kite Powertech. Currently Sage vs PT is a one goal game.


To be able to kite a PT sages need to be able to cast Telekinetic throw on the move - this is only one way to stay from PT more than 10 meters distance. Another option to improve sage kiting is to give them an ability to make sage immune for roots and slow for 10 seconds on low cooldown like 45 sec, it would be nice this ability will be off GCD.


Anyone who doesn't think this would be overpowered is not very good. If telekinetic worked the same and could be cast on the move I'd never play anything else and neither would anyone with half a brain.

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lol, I really, truly never thought I'd see this on these boards.


I agree with you, the class has a higher skill cap, but only if played well and to its full potential. But for months and months people would cry on these boards and call the class a one trick pony, low skill cap and all that nonsense, only because of the padded numbers the warzone stats would show...


Now the people are coming around and saying the class has a high skill cap and you just need to know how to play sorc to be good. So funny... :)


After playing multiple toons to 50, I agree -- sage/sorc takes more work, more target switching and more kiting than any other class in this game -- that takes skill.


There is no rock, scissors and paper classes in MMO. It is a myth what some classes have higher skill cap than others. Everything is easy there are just strong classes with better mechanics and the weak classes with bad mechanics.


Strong classes have usually instant attacks with no restrictions on use and better damage output and better defense. There are weak classes with low damage plenty of restrictions and long cast time. Sage is a typical example of weak class, this is nothing with player skills.

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Ha play a commando

I played both healers sage and merc. From my point of view sage is not viable as a healer. I would better bring another dps into team rather than sage healer.

Merc is not so bad you have heavu armor can cast instant heals on the move under shield you can cast big heals without being interrupted. You can survive under attack of two dps for long time. Energy management is ok, almost never overheat.

Sage healer is NOT PLAYABLE. Force management is awful, you run out of force fast and cannot do anything. Your main heal is 2.5 sec cast and everyone can interrupt you. You have another channeled heal for 3 second. The worse thing you cannot survive even if one dps on you.

The conclusion is if you ant to create a descent RWZ team you should not bring sage at all, no matter of spec. If you have troubles finding 2 healers merc or OP, bring 5 dps or 3 tanks, but never take sages.

I prefer low skilled merc healer over high skilled sage healer.

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I kid you not. Quite a few 2400+ rated dps sorcs and healers.... and they are not even pro-level ... yet. I've played with them, and against them.


The only reason the #1 team in Europe does not run a sorc in its main team setup (we do when we use replacements)... is because the best dps sorc in the world is unnavaiable, he has to play as the best concealment operative in the world.




You intrigued me, what is your ranked team composition?

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You intrigued me, what is your ranked team composition?


2 tanks-> jugg and assassin

2 healers-> op and merc/op (we would love a pro sorc healer, but currently the best one is busy being GM of another guild that is competing for rank 1)


4 dps ->marauder,operative,powertech, sniper /rage jugg.


That was our main starting team setup, but since it is summer and there is nothing else rating can unlock(like mount /armor etc) ppl take breaks and we play with allot of replacements, so team setup changes based on who is online. ->


->win ratio virtually the same, regardless which classes are being replaced for the day, so no class is irreplaceable, as long as the players are capable.


When summer is over, we should have 2 teams up and running.

Edited by Dmasterr
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I played both healers sage and merc. From my point of view sage is not viable as a healer. I would better bring another dps into team rather than sage healer.


In terms of being fun to play I would rate Sorc healer as least fun when compared to Op or Merc healers. When the going gets tough and you're being focused you end up going down much more than the other classes, and force management is a pain. While playable in warzones it isn't a great experience.

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Basically, yes! It is a difficult class to master in PvP. I personally do not try to 1v1 anyone except a sage with my sorc because as a mirrored class I know I have a chance! What I try to do I shoot, move, kite and AOE my team to victory. Playing in PvP is not about me winning every matchup! It is about my team winning the game! If 3 people disreguard an objective just to kill me, SWEET! I shelved my Sorc for PvP before 1.2 came out and played Jugg and PT Tanks. My mindset in playing a tank was just to tick everyone off to the point they focussed me down the instant I came into view. With an entire team focused on me it gave my team the opportunity to win!


After 1.3 I decided to try my Sorc again and kind of taking that same mind set into play. If a Sorc/Sage needs anything it is Alacrity! They DO cast too many long cast abilities. DoTs take too long to pay out damage. And with only 3 instant casts (4 with chain lightning proc) You have to stand still to do anything! So this would make you want to compare us to sniper/gunslingers where we PALE in comparison with damage! Additionally Snipers have 4 shielding abilities and the longest cc imunity!


I recently switched from full lightning tree to a split lightning madness and it has made a distinct upping of both my damage and my healing! Why? Cause I gave up Thundering Blast for Deathfield, Single Target 3k damage average to a 3 target 2.5k each average and it heals me! I do feel that damage wise Sorc/Sage needs a slight increase and defensively they definately need a look.


I think they were the Original FotM and so that is why they recieved the Nerfbat almost as much as the Op. But they don't need to be a 1v1 class unless 1v1 arenas are introduced.


You really dont want too much alacrity as dps. Use Dr Robot find the bis items for your class. Power is a good stat, but dont sacrifice crit or surge until they are soft capped. Willpower in all augment slots. You wont be doing "burst", your power comes from dots and force in balance, proccing mind crush off pebble spam, weaken mind. Force in balance amplifies the tics.


You may want to spec full madness/balance etc but personally I would go with a hybrid spec 0/21/20 or similar- you gain more control, more force, 10 seconds of force speed, aoe mez knockback, stronger shield etc. You also stil retain force in balance and the 10 tick debuff as well as the proc from pebble spam. It's a short term dps loss on criticals, but longer term - you survive longer, bubble stun is good against melee trains, and you will have more force to play with - you wont be running away trying somewhere to regain forc. Also that bubble stun can be used by your team mates if they right click the debuff. You are running a support/cc build basically with decent force resources.


Also worth getting 2x set bonus from heals pvp set because it reduces bubble reapply cooldown fomr 20 to 17 seconds. 4 set bonus from dps gear is not great anyway.

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