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Engineering priority moves


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Hello awesome and helpful sniper community, I once again looking for help on my sniper.


I was trying to look through the forums for a priority rotation for the engineering tree, but unfortunately I couldn't find one.


That being said, can any1 point me in the right direction for what order of moves I should be using as an engineer?

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Hello awesome and helpful sniper community, I once again looking for help on my sniper.


I was trying to look through the forums for a priority rotation for the engineering tree, but unfortunately I couldn't find one.


That being said, can any1 point me in the right direction for what order of moves I should be using as an engineer?


Pvp or pve.


There is a lot of info about sab spec in pvp here (sab is mirror for engi)




The comments about illegal mods are outdated but everything else should still be current.



As far as a pvp rotation, I only have a burst rotation.


Shock charge, incendiary grenade, sab charge, illegal mods, speedshot, luck, charged burst, end with QuickDraw if below thirty percent. Throw in flourish shot if you need it for armor reduction and healing reduction. Other than that I everything I do is situational, and mainly defensive. Protect node, protect myself, protect my healers, kill priority target is generally my order of priority.


Now pve is a bit different. I am more of a pvper so feel free to correct me.


Start off: flourish shot, shock charge, incendiary grenade, vital shot, freighter flyby, sab charge, illegal mods, speedshot, luck, charged burst, aimed shot. Use coolhead as needed, keep sabotage on cooldown so you have a one min cooldown on coolhead. After initial rotation priority should be something like illegal mods, freighter flyby, shock charge, incendiary grenade, sab charge, speedshot, aimed shot, charged burst. Keep vital shot up on the boss, use luck plus charged burst when it is up. Use free shots often to help with energy management. This could be quick shots if talented or basic attack if not.


Note that the priority list is not the actual order of the attacks, simply the priority of what you should be using given that the abilities are off cooldown, but make sure to not let your energy dip too low and don't use illegal mods or sab charge if you have full energy as they will both give you energy back, assuming you have the set bonus.


I apologize for the republic terminology, I don't know all the empire terms and thought it best to speak in all pub instead of going back and forth.

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There really isnt a set rotation for engi's in pve. That said, your interrogation probe and plasma probe should always be up as much as possible. I like to open with interr probe, followed by plasma, followed by shatter shot, exp probe, ambush, sos...go from there. Dont be affraid to deplete you energy, seeing as how you can get it all back once a minute. I use my adrenaline probe as much as possible. Your orbital strike will also be really beefy from the extra aoe damage in our tree so feel free to use it on single targets as it will still be worth the energy cost.
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