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Healing sucks in this game


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As an operative healer i not only have




AOE hot




Second AOE mez in grenade


30 second single target stun


Perma slow on one target (Edit - melee target)


Evasion which wipes all dots and makes me immune to white dmg


shield probe which is basically my own personal non stun bubble


and to cap it off combat stealth


If you play a healer and think we are underpowered, or by some *********** miracle you can't get higher heal numbers than DPS in your matches. You are doing it wrong uninstall


Edit - forgot instant heal

Edited by Mookind
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As an operative


If you play a healer and think we are underpowered, or by some *********** miracle you can't get higher heal numbers than DPS in your matches. You are doing it wrong uninstall


Edit - forgot instant heal


Lol nice list of cds that you need on every encounter!! and with all the amount of people complaing about healing should we all uninstall so you can run around fleet by yourself?

Kind of realise why this game went free to play morons like yourself

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You people picked healers


If you can't be slippery then pick a new role


*** do you want bioware to do? Make it so even the *******st among us can out heal a good DPS?


......The problem with that is the good players will then be EXTREMELY overpowered.


The issue here isn't lack of balance it is a clear lack of skill, lol


And for the record I could give two ***** if anyone who agrees with this thread leaves. The PVP community would be better for it

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You people picked healers


If you can't be slippery then pick a new role


*** do you want bioware to do? Make it so even the *******st among us can out heal a good DPS?


......The problem with that is the good players will then be EXTREMELY overpowered.


The issue here isn't lack of balance it is a clear lack of skill, lol


And for the record I could give two ***** if anyone who agrees with this thread leaves. The PVP community would be better for it


Don't sort healers out let the button smashing dps carry on their endless assult of damage!

I hope swtor aint full of ******* like you

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Healing can be tough with the amount of DPS there is out there,because you are contending with DoT's,direct damage and AoE and all at the same time trying to stay alive yourself.


DPS you have a very straight forward role.

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Darn, what brought this dead post back to life?


Anyway, I play a sorc healer and I do not have bubble stun. Whoever says healers are weak is out to launch. If you do not avg 500-600 hps and 50-100 dps in VS or NC, while playing pugs (no tank guarding), with avg allies, you are doing something wrong. Operatives do same or better.


I can sympathize with you as a healing merc. Other than that consider rolling a different class, or quitting PvP all together.

Edited by Ottoattack
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I think the healing is fine. Tone down the two overpowered classes, bring up the two underpowered classes with slight buffs and QoL changes and the game is looking good.


This will do it .. Makes sense to the general population but for some reason, Bioware just doesnt get it ..

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Why do people post about stuff like this? You're just letting the community know ur bad. I play all 3 healing classes and get over 900hps on all of them. I've gotten over 1300 on both my sage and scoundy in wzs. I would say healing is just about perfect actually, minus the mer/mando. Even then you can still be useful if you're good enough.
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