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Your Holiday Wishlist for Santa BioWare


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Your Holiday Wishlist for Santa BioWare

This is a post/thread about what I/we would like for the Holidays from BioWare. Just a list, not an argument, no explanations necessary. You want it because you want it, end of story. Feel free to let the holiday spirit move you...can be taken seriously or not....:p


So girls and boys, assuming you’ve all been good this year, what would you like from Santa BioWare?


My list:


Target of Target

Ability to Customize UI


Ingame macros

Dual Spec

Looking For Group Finder (a better one)

When minimized, have the tray icon blink when attacked, warzone pops, get a pst (a la Rift)

Disable camera shake, more tweaking for graphic options, such as...

FOV -- adding back the shift/control + Mouse Wheel

Commendation Trade In -- 2:1 Korriban to Dass, etc

Smart camera disable

Import settings from other characters

Combat log and/or have icons by the floating numbers for each ability (a la Rift)

Afk kick for Warzones

Force Potency -- No Global Cool Down

Raid frames show proper health values

Queues -- grace period for disconnects



And most importantly....

Slave Girl Costume (or a Holiday Slave Girl Hybrid Costume) for Kira/Vette. And T7.

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Sure I'll add my wishlist.


* Hood toggle - Jedi Guardians, Jedi Sentinels, Jedi Sages, Jedi Shadows, Sith Juggernauts, Sith Marauders, Sith Sorcerers and Sith Assassins all look "the same" basically, like robes running around. At level 15 I felt as if I was at some big, outdoor Sith spa. The player must be able to decide whether to have the hood up or down, for the same reason there's a "hide head slot" option. The hoods make our characters "bald" and it feels as if the character customization was all in vain once you get your first robe with the hood up.


* Target's target - for obvious reasons.


* UI customization - I'm not saying it has to be so unrestricted that it ends up being modded beyond recognition (like in WoW for instance) but we could really use the ability to move things around and scale stuff up and down to suit our individual tastes and playstyle.


* Chat bubbles - I didn't originally think I would miss them at all but as it turns out I really do. The /s chat is near useless now and the lack of chat bubbles removes some of the MMO feel. It feels more like I'm running around in my own little controlled environment but with a stand-alone chat client open in my upper left corner.


* Macros - I don't want to have a macro system which basically lets you play your class by mashing 2 or 3 buttons but some macroing would indeed be nice.

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Sure I'll add my wishlist.


* Hood toggle - Jedi Guardians, Jedi Sentinels, Jedi Sages, Jedi Shadows, Sith Juggernauts, Sith Marauders, Sith Sorcerers and Sith Assassins all look "the same" basically, like robes running around. At level 15 I felt as if I was at some big, outdoor Sith spa. The player must be able to decide whether to have the hood up or down, for the same reason there's a "hide head slot" option. The hoods make our characters "bald" and it feels as if the character customization was all in vain once you get your first robe with the hood up.


* Target's target - for obvious reasons.


* UI customization - I'm not saying it has to be so unrestricted that it ends up being modded beyond recognition (like in WoW for instance) but we could really use the ability to move things around and scale stuff up and down to suit our individual tastes and playstyle.


* Chat bubbles - I didn't originally think I would miss them at all but as it turns out I really do. The /s chat is near useless now and the lack of chat bubbles removes some of the MMO feel. It feels more like I'm running around in my own little controlled environment but with a stand-alone chat client open in my upper left corner.


* Macros - I don't want to have a macro system which basically lets you play your class by mashing 2 or 3 buttons but some macroing would indeed be nice.



I couldn't agree more, definatly need to sort out the ui - i played beta all classes to about 12 and it wasn't a problem but now i need my side bars up WHICH stupidly get covered up if you go into Battleground with the battleground maps

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Your Holiday Wishlist for Santa BioWare

This is a post/thread about what I/we would like for the Holidays from BioWare. Just a list, not an argument, no explanations necessary. You want it because you want it, end of story. Feel free to let the holiday spirit move you...can be taken seriously or not....:p


So girls and boys, assuming you’ve all been good this year, what would you like from Santa BioWare?


My list:


Target of Target

Ability to Customize UI


Ingame macros

Dual Spec

Looking For Group Finder (a better one)

When minimized, have the tray icon blink when attacked, warzone pops, get a pst (a la Rift)

Disable camera shake, more tweaking for graphic options, such as...

FOV -- adding back the shift/control + Mouse Wheel

Commendation Trade In -- 2:1 Korriban to Dass, etc

Smart camera disable

Import settings from other characters

Combat log and/or have icons by the floating numbers for each ability (a la Rift)

Afk kick for Warzones

Force Potency -- No Global Cool Down

Raid frames show proper health values

Queues -- grace period for disconnects



And most importantly....

Slave Girl Costume (or a Holiday Slave Girl Hybrid Costume) for Kira/Vette. And T7.


Got pretty much everything in there, except maybe...


Option to assign Cover Bar to any Quickslot Bar (just like how the Companion Bar settings currently work)


Local (not online) Space Combat sim/training, Sabacc parlor and spec simulation during queue times


More cowbell (see: sideboob)

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I would love Hood toggle, for one reason. My Miraluka's mask clips the hood, and makes it look bad. Such a simple solution.


Also, a few simple improvements on the Auction House would make large strides towards making it a good system.

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target's target is there. its buried deep in the key bindings i reset it to f. I had no idea it existed till i was complaining about it and someone made me look like a fool. merry xmas a little early XD


Aren't you talking about acquiring your target's target? I think what most of us are talking about is an actual UI frame displaying whatever your target has targeted.


Something like this.

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I'm listing the things I feel are the biggest needs at the moment and needs ot be put in ASAP.


UI customization/addons


1. I want to be able to resize and move my interface frames 100% freely.


2. Need one more bar.


3. Need a procwatch-addon ala PowerAuras from WoW.


4. Better healing frames, be able to see relevant buffs/debuffs more clearly, HoT timers and the like.





1. Smarter AI, it should know when to not use AoE abilities that are on auto, if it will break CC.


2. More responsive to commands, they need to react faster when I order my companion to attack.





1. A proper group finder, I'm thinking a refined version of the older version in WoW (before the auto-group/cross-server one).

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2. More responsive to commands, they need to react faster when I order my companion to attack.


Quoted for truth! My melee companion is often standing around for several seconds before acting on my attack command, also in the middle of fights when we've just killed one of the targets and are moving on to the next.

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Good post so far!


My Wants


  • Anti Aliasing !!

  • Chat Bubbles.

  • Unlock camera auto follow. i cant look sideways or behind while running.

  • Moveable scalable UI. more action bars or scalable buttons.

  • Dual Spec.

  • Button or smart Ai for companion to not stand in bad stuff on boss fights. what good is a tank Comp if he stands there and dies

  • Guild controls. Give the same option in guild as friends. there is no whisper,invite to group. not even ADD MEMBER!!!

  • Fix the DC not wait in hour queue. i dont mind the queue, but if i crash due to game bug dont make me wait. I will be done for the day.

  • Sit in all chairs.

  • lets friends help in space battle. gunner seat or multiple ships in battle!!

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My wish list:


- A redesign of the DDE pet so it's a persistent pet.

- More pets, and maybe even mounts, that are organic rather than mechanical. There are a lot of great "animal" models in the game.

- Target of Target

- Hood toggle and armor matching of some sort.

- An AOE for my level 20 consular

- A purchasable upgrade from my DDE to get access to the CE store.

- A way to divorce color of light sabre crystals from stats so that it can be based on user preference.


None of these things are game breaking- I love the game- but these are little things that would be nice.

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I desperately want to move my bars...


I'm loving this game but I don't get to look at the combat so much as watching cooldowns on my bars, for the 6-10 second abilities, and also for Revenge to light up.


I'm going to get bashed for this so hard but I'm a day 1 and still current WoW subscriber and have spent many many hours over the years with various mods like Power Aura's etc that I customise exactly how I want to show me when procs / dots / abilities etc are up / down / missing. These things allow me to enjoy the combat more because I know what is going on. The buff / debuff system in this game is laughably bad to see what is or isn't on the mob etc.


Please give us some basic UI movement functions at least. I'm level 26 so far so this doesn't matter an awful lot because it's mostly about enjoying the story for me so far (major props on the quests changing based on decisions, I hate alts but I already have 2 in this game lvl 10+)


If I could just create a bar, put one button on it, and put it near the centre of my screen I would be a happy man. :D

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