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I think access to more slots is needed with this announcement.


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The trailer BioWare revealed at ComicCon for HK-51 got me thinking.




They have made abundantly clear that you'll need access to toons of both factions to complete the quest. However, many of the players I know have their 8 slots used up and many of *those* have 8 Imperial toons or 8 Republic toons.


A little background on my situation. At launch, many of you remember, Legacy was not in play and you could not send emails or gear between your own toons if they were different factions. So, I created 8 Imperial toons on 1 server and 8 Republic toons on another. (Yes, lol, I like to play a lot of alts.) Well, BW's miscalculation on the number of servers folded, you got it, the 2 servers I played on into each other. I played my Imperial guys much more than my Pubbies, so with little choice, I deleted 8 toons at server merge and kept my Imps.


Anyway, since I have 8 Imperial toons, I appear to be locked out of the upcoming HK content.


I think we'll need more slots 8 months after launch. It just makes sense. You can charge me for them, give them to me, whatever. The server merge was a pain, lost 8 toons, 2 names. I love the game, please don't make this another fiasco. Give us access to more slots. Doesn't have to be a lot, but you need to do it.

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More slots were needed for the server merges, as some people were left literally unable to move because they had already filled the destination server.



It is supposedly on the way............. but realistically they needed more character slots 2 months ago, not whenever they eventually turn up. :(

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I need:


16 slots


5-10 more companions *choices* so I can refine and personalize my crew. (example: Sladge doesn't belong on my Bounty Hunter's ship, not now not ever and I want him GONE). Add them to the story choices, make some choices have some *meaning* for once. le sigh.


same sex relationships. And while I'm at it, relationships with *any* (and all) of my companions. If I want to love my robot, why do you feel the need to restrict me? If fact, if me and blizz and the droid wanna all cuddle together why should you limit that either? My type 4 inquisitor loves his widdle khem and likes to spoon with him.


make all gear high end customizable or put in "cosmetic" viewing so we can wear whatever real gear is necessary but look like whatever we want to.


the ability to turn off my companion's visual head gear.


stay true to the code i mean lore.

Edited by Ooloi
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I need:


16 slots


5-10 more companions *choices* so I can refine and personalize my crew. (example: Sladge doesn't belong on my Bounty Hunter's ship, not now not ever and I want him GONE). Add them to the story choices, make some choices have some *meaning* for once. le sigh.


same sex relationships. And while I'm at it, relationships with *any* (and all) of my companions. If I want to love my robot, why do you feel the need to restrict me? If fact, if me and blizz and the droid wanna all cuddle together why should you limit that either? My type 4 inquisitor loves his widdle khem and likes to spoon with him.


make all gear high end customizable or put in "cosmetic" viewing so we can wear whatever real gear is necessary but look like whatever we want to.


the ability to turn off my companion's visual head gear.


stay true to the code i mean lore.



I can see the "robosexual" headlines already. :) But yes, they do need to allow (perhaps not give) us access to at least 12 slots per server and really 16 would probably cover all bases for most people.

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or you could delete your lowest toon, and roll the other faction you need for the HK 51 mission, after all if you have 8 of the same faction your not really going to bother lvling 8 more classes are you, when you only need one for the mission.
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~ Drum Roll ~

Enter the SWTOR cashshop... brought to you by EA ORIGIN....


On the menu today is :-

Server Transfers

Name changing

Legacy renames

Extra Cargo Hold

Additonal carrying bags

Space Ship Ammenities

Speciality facial hair styling

Attire make over to suit all flavours


.... .... .... AND JUST IN - todays Managers Special .... .... ....

Extra Toon Slots for our more avid gamers / Altholics


Now slap that credit card on the desk and give us ya cash! :rolleyes:

Edited by Bloodstealer
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or you could delete your lowest toon, and roll the other faction you need for the HK 51 mission, after all if you have 8 of the same faction your not really going to bother lvling 8 more classes are you, when you only need one for the mission.


For an MMORPG heralded for it's story, you'd think deleting and not playing classes wouldn't be something the'd encourage.

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i would like to see them let us put however many of our 50 characters on whichever server we want. if i happen to use all on one server (i wouldn't, but for arguments sake) and it was not available when i wanted to play, that would be on me for not thinking about that before hand.
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Im willing to take bets that its coming with the forced transfers. That way, they can fit multiple servers into destination servers when the time comes. Implementing more slots sny earlier will just risk them getting filled again before the do the transfers.
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or you could delete your lowest toon, and roll the other faction you need for the HK 51 mission, after all if you have 8 of the same faction your not really going to bother lvling 8 more classes are you, when you only need one for the mission.


I already deleted *EIGHT* toons levels 20-30 when I was (lets call it what it was) forced to move from Vrook Lamar to Bergeren Colony. Those were my Republic toons. I think I have deleted my share.


It's not a lot to ask, nor to accomplish, to allow 1-2 more slots or more. BW encouraged alts through Legacy over and over. Many people I know have already filled their 8 slots.


Again, I am willing to pay an appropriate fee (although I don't think I should have to) to gain the extra slot(s). I am not going to delete any of my toons at this point. They have been a lot of work, I have all 6 crafting to 400 and the others have gathering skills at 400 I need.


I won't quit if they roll HK without more slots, I really like this game. But it will be a big, big pack on the camel's back that will eventually be broken by the straw. It would just show (again) an inability by BW to think strategically about their customer base and the future of the game.

Edited by pjskull
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~ Drum Roll ~

Enter the SWTOR cashshop... brought to you by EA ORIGIN....


On the menu today is :-

Server transfers

Name changing

Legacy renaming

Extra cargo hold slots

Additional carrying bags

Spaceship Ammenities

Speciality facial hair styling

Attire makeover to suit all flavours


.... .... .... AND JUST IN - Today's Manager's Special .... .... ....

Extra Character Slots for our more avid gamers / Altholics


Now slap that credit card on the desk and give us ya cash! :rolleyes:


I completely agree with everything you wrote there ^_^

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You don't need 16 slots. 8 is fine. Why? Each class has it's own mirror? Went commando? Play powertech on

your BH.


The stories feel quite different when you change alignment and gender. So to experience the full content available, you need sixteen characters. Works out well with the sixteen advanced classes!

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For an MMORPG heralded for it's story, you'd think deleting and not playing classes wouldn't be something the'd encourage.


For an MMORPG heralded for it's story, you'd think they'd give you enough slots to experience the story.


Oh wait, they did. They just didn't think you'd particularly care to experience the same story multiple times. (which, IMO, seems like a pretty likely assessment. I sure as heck see no need for more than 4 imps or pubs.)


And at least in this game, there is no difference in races, so there's no particular reason to need another slot for a cathar. After all, it's all about the story, remember? And It would seem unlikely a new race would get a new story. none of my existing characters have different stories for different races.

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~ Drum Roll ~

Enter the SWTOR cashshop... brought to you by EA ORIGIN....


On the menu today is :-

Server Transfers

Name changing

Legacy renames

Extra Cargo Hold

Additonal carrying bags

Space Ship Ammenities

Speciality facial hair styling

Attire make over to suit all flavours


.... .... .... AND JUST IN - todays Managers Special .... .... ....

Extra Toon Slots for our more avid gamers / Altholics


Now slap that credit card on the desk and give us ya cash! :rolleyes:


All of that sounds fine to me. If they don't price gouge like Blizzard does, they'll probably make a good deal of cash from a shop like that.

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Just have opening more slots as a legacy unlock when you have 8 other toons of a minimum level that they determine. (20,30,40?)


This way if you really need it, its unlocked for you. This way they do not have to deal with a bunch of place savers taking up server resources.

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Bioware already said we were getting more character slots in the future. Personally, I wish they'd make legacy account wide which would at least temporarily alleviate the need for more character slots. We can't mail stuff cross server, but not really such a big deal. Granted, account wide legacy and account wide cargo holds or mailing would be a nice treat. ;)


Chances are more character slots will have to be paid for whether they be a cash shop option or an expansion. It costs money to hold the data for each character and each character has a LOT of data connected to it.


Legacy name


Advanced class


Body type

Facial features

Hair style

Hair color

Eye color

Skin color



What planet quests you've completed

What class quests you've completed

How you completed the quests (if the data needs to be held for future reference)

What quests you have in your quest log

What quests you have yet to complete and haven't picked up


Companion affection

Companion quests completed

Companion quests not yet obtained/completed

Your responses to the companion quests

Light/dark side points



Companion's gear

Helm on/off

Darkside corruption on/off

Color matching

Valor points/level

Social points/level


Cargo hold inventory

Number of cargo hold tabs

Your bags/inventory



Legacy character perk unlocks

Friends list

Ignore list


Crew skills

Crew skill level

Crew skill schematics

Vehicles learned

Pets learned



Number of times you reset your talents recently

Current cost to reset talents

I'm sure there's even more than that. At any rate, it's a LOT of data. This can't be taken lightly. If there still is over a million players playing and every one of us made a 9th character, that's a LOT of data Bioware has to figure out how to store. That data also has to be regularly backed up in case of hardware failure. The hardware also has to be stored somewhere as well as maintained by someone. Bioware has to get the money somewhere to add additional character slots, and quite often those costs are put on the player. For those of us that are altoholics, we'll pounce on the additional character slots. Many of us will even do so regardless of price.


Chances are, the Cathar, Makeb, the new level cap, and additional character slots will all be in the same pack available for download for a small price later this year if the survey that surfaced a short while ago is any indication. If we don't have to pay for it, I'd be shocked. Of course, I wouldn't complain. Would be nice if they were free, but given history with other companies regarding similar things (or rather just knowing EA), I'm not holding my breath on it being free. Better to believe we'll have to pay for it and be surprised when we don't than to believe it will be free and be furious when we have to pay. :p

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More slots were needed for the server merges, as some people were left literally unable to move because they had already filled the destination server.



It is supposedly on the way............. but realistically they needed more character slots 2 months ago, not whenever they eventually turn up. :(




More slots were needed before server mergers started. But, there are multiple threads on HK-51, more slots, etc. already. I wouldn't be surprised to see this thread closed.

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