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Rakata gear optimization help


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Alright so im full Rakata, with all gear augmented, how do I optimize my gear to its max potential, what gear do i yank mods from to do it? Im a Gunnery Commando, and Im hoping to do some HM EC, Ive got Black Hole mods/armorings/enhancements in my gloves and boots, any suggestions? Edited by CmdrXaan
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Get the BH armorings from the appropriate pieces (at least one is a med tech piece. I wanna say the boots). Get 3 Power/Accuracy mods from the BH Hands, 3 Crit/Surge Enhancements from the BH Head, and 2 Power mods from any piece of gear with 53 aim/41 Power to put in Belts/Bracers.


That will give you 61 level mods in all gear except for armorings in belt/bracers/body piece. If you prefer a lower crit rating for more power use Power/Surge Enhancements over Crit/Surge. You'll need 2 additional power mods anyway so you might as well.


That along with the BH accessories (Implants and Earpiece can be the DPS ones, use the Med-Tech Power Generator since it's high on power) will give you high power, 30-35% Crit Rate depending on enhancements before buffs, and 99.89% accuracy.

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This is my Gunnery Example that I use to help guildies maximize stats. Feel free to take a look and use it as needed. This puts you realistically (because AMR isn't perfect with stats) at 100% Accuracy (skill tree hasn't been updated for Target Lock), 35% Crit, 78% Surge, and 950+ Bonus Tech Damage. Will take a few extra BH Comms to organize them as listed.

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That profile has some pretty big problems in my opinion.


For one the assault cannon mods don't exist yet, at least actually in game. They might be present in the gear that they supposedly plan to release with Nightmare Mode Denova, but they don't exist yet.


Lets pass on that for a second and compare to my current gear selection. Now you'll notice that even though I am stuck using a columni weapon, because Rakata weapon doesn't exist, I haven't won the roll on HM Kephess yet, and I'm still grinding my war hero weapon, that my tech bonus damage is over 26 points higher. My ranged bonus damage is over 50 points higher You're using the BM Crit relic, which I admit may have some serious advantages over the matrix cube so I'll grant you that slot, and I also haven't done nearly as many Datacrons as you have. Nevertheless my aim is 300 points higher than yours, which means that even though you have 160 more crit rating than me, that amounts to only 2.5% less (my actual Crit rating in game is 34.09% Ranged Crit, and about 1% more on Tech Crit. I dunno if it's making the same mistake for you so I'll assume it is). I'm actually waffling back and forth with putting a Crit/Surge or a Power/Surge enhancement in my boots (I have 2 power surge enhancements and 3 Crit/Surge Enhancements so I'm playing around with stuff).


Basically even though your gear is somewhat idealized, I can get better or comprable with just BH gear and rakata shells. I'd replace all your current augments with aim. No way is .4% accuracy worth the loss of damage from losing 18 aim, and because of our buffs 18 aim is better than 18 power because the 0.036 difference in bonus damage is worth the boost to crit in my rarely humble opinion.


I'll definitely consider getting a BM or War Hero Crit/Surge relic as that's an interesting choice, but I have to wonder if a second War Hero power relic or the Matrix Cube doesn't edge it out. Definitely you should replace all those augments though.

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That profile has some pretty big problems in my opinion.


For one the assault cannon mods don't exist yet, at least actually in game. They might be present in the gear that they supposedly plan to release with Nightmare Mode Denova, but they don't exist yet.


Lets pass on that for a second and compare to my current gear selection. Now you'll notice that even though I am stuck using a columni weapon, because Rakata weapon doesn't exist, I haven't won the roll on HM Kephess yet, and I'm still grinding my war hero weapon, that my tech bonus damage is over 26 points higher. My ranged bonus damage is over 50 points higher You're using the BM Crit relic, which I admit may have some serious advantages over the matrix cube so I'll grant you that slot, and I also haven't done nearly as many Datacrons as you have. Nevertheless my aim is 300 points higher than yours, which means that even though you have 160 more crit rating than me, that amounts to only 2.5% less (my actual Crit rating in game is 34.09% Ranged Crit, and about 1% more on Tech Crit. I dunno if it's making the same mistake for you so I'll assume it is). I'm actually waffling back and forth with putting a Crit/Surge or a Power/Surge enhancement in my boots (I have 2 power surge enhancements and 3 Crit/Surge Enhancements so I'm playing around with stuff).


Basically even though your gear is somewhat idealized, I can get better or comprable with just BH gear and rakata shells. I'd replace all your current augments with aim. No way is .4% accuracy worth the loss of damage from losing 18 aim, and because of our buffs 18 aim is better than 18 power because the 0.036 difference in bonus damage is worth the boost to crit in my rarely humble opinion.


I'll definitely consider getting a BM or War Hero Crit/Surge relic as that's an interesting choice, but I have to wonder if a second War Hero power relic or the Matrix Cube doesn't edge it out. Definitely you should replace all those augments though.


Just one persons opinion, and while yes, the mods in the gun are wrong (I forgot to change that the other day), all of the mods in the entire setup is BH in Rakata Shells.


After looking again, Aim and Power are fairly even...Aim adds to Crit, where Power will add to Tech Bonuses. Both Increase Weapon Damage and Ranged Bonus, however, Power will add more to both Tech Bonuses than Aim. Something to consider if going the Min/Max route for your primary abilities such as Grav Round...


Edit: To answer why you questioned the Accuracy Aug, it is to bump you slightly over 100%. Adding one Power or Aim Augment isn't going to shift things that much more in your favor, and I would prefer to hit every Standard attack over a couple points of damage.

Edited by Miallen
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Just one persons opinion, and while yes, the mods in the gun are wrong (I forgot to change that the other day), all of the mods in the entire setup is BH in Rakata Shells.


After looking again, Aim and Power are fairly even...Aim adds to Crit, where Power will add to Tech Bonuses. Both Increase Weapon Damage and Ranged Bonus, however, Power will add more to both Tech Bonuses than Aim. Something to consider if going the Min/Max route for your primary abilities such as Grav Round...


Edit: To answer why you questioned the Accuracy Aug, it is to bump you slightly over 100%. Adding one Power or Aim Augment isn't going to shift things that much more in your favor, and I would prefer to hit every Standard attack over a couple points of damage.


As far as I know Aim adds to Tech as well as ranged damage. At least last I checked it was adding as much bonus damage as tech bonus damage. If it was only ranged I'd be using full Power augments. Since it adds to Tech Bonus damage as well I'll gladly trade out the very small bonus to bonus damage for the crit. That's why my tech bonus damage is higher than yours. The reason the gap isn't as large is because barrels add to main damage as well as Tech Power.


I understand your point about accuracy but .11% accuracy isn't going to make the difference for me. Though it IS worth considering getting another Power/Accuracy enhancement and using the aforementioned PVP Crit/Surge relic to make up for the surge loss. Perhaps a matter of preference, but the difference in hits will literally be 1 hit every 1000 standard attack attempts, and I'll have 4 more bonus damage and 4.104 more bonus damage added to EVERY attack in the meantime. That's a tradeoff I'll take, and then curse that one time I miss a tick of Full Auto on battle walker in the kephess fight.


Edit: Ok saw that you changed your profile a little bit, so it's missing the surge augments that were there earlier, and with the changeout to Orange Belt/Bracers and switching to mostly AIM augments you've brought up your Tech Bonus damage considerably. Your current build on AMR is much closer to what I'd call an ideal, and the stats definitely reflect that. I'd still switch over to Aim augments on the 3 power augments you're showing now for the slight bump to crit, and we'll probably just have to agree to disagree on the accuracy augment, though I understand fully why you've done it.


For the record my Tech Bonus damage is 23.7 points lower than yours. 10.1 of that is from lower tech power due to using a columni barrel over a Campaign barrel. 8.4 of that is from having 42 more cunning than me since I have been too lazy to go get the datacrons. The other differences comes from the fact that you have 85 more power than me while I have only 78 more aim than you do. If I switch in Campaign Barrel and Campaign armorings into chest belt and bracers though, I'm only 6 behind you which is less than you gain from being a good min/maxer and grabbing datacrons. Just some thoughts.

Edited by ArchangelLBC
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For the record...


I'm not here trying to convert people to the Church of Miallen...


I simply offered the OP my suggestions and a template which I went by to help set up my armoring. I appreciate your critiques however, and I made the adjustments I saw fit.


To the OP, there is no ONE way to achieve top stats. Feel free to use the information here from both of us and otherw who may post to better gear yourself as it would fit your needs.


Edit: Just a little rewording.

Edited by Miallen
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I simply offered the OP my suggestions and a template which I went by to help set up my armoring. I appreciate your critiques however, and I made the adjustments I saw fit.



Oh don't get me wrong. I'm not saying you should have kept the old profile. If I'd had an ideal, and then changed it (like back around January my ideal would almost certainly have been too crit heavy), I would edit the AMR profile as well. Just if anyone comes and reads this thread and sees me spouting crazy stuff like how my Bonus Damage and Tech Bonus damage are higher than yours, I would like to not be considered a liar. The rest of the For the Record stuff, which admittedly came off way more adversarial than I intended, was to point out that your aim increases your Tech Bonus damage too, and I guess I thought you didn't think so based on your higher Tech Bonus damage so I wanted to break down the differences, both for you and for anyone reading this thread.

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That profile has some pretty big problems in my opinion.

For one the assault cannon mods don't exist yet, at least actually in game. They might be present in the gear that they supposedly plan to release with Nightmare Mode Denova, but they don't exist yet.


Yes they do, as my assault cannon in game has those same stats (unless the 1st post has since been changed).


But in order to get them, you need to take the campaign vanguard DPS rifle, then pull out the barrel/mod/enhancement and move them into your AC.



As a comparison, here is my current build.



I decided that I wanted my armor to look like I wanted (and it does look good), over going for BiS for each slot. If I switched back over to rakata shells for a few pieces I could use the reflex armoring 26's again and add 33 more aim to my build. I still need 1 more reflex 26 for the belt, and campaign boots, when I get them it will add 18 more aim.


As far as what the OP is asking.

You can get almost full BiS for a commando by using rakata shells with the armoring/mods/enhancements pulled from BH gear. The only items you would be short on, would be the reflex barrel 26, and reflex armoring 26's for your chest, belt and bracers (which all come from HM EC). The BH gloves, legs and boots (medic) are good to get and use as is. After that you need the helmet for the armoring, then extra boots and gloves for the mods/enhancements. You can skip getting the chest (unless you like how it looks), as it using commando armoring. Then make sure you get the ear, implants and medic offhand (more aim and power then the boltblaster one).

Edited by Flying-Brian
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My current setup. There's the 3% accuracy buff that isn't present anymore, and judging from my last parses, I don't care about getting it fixed anytime soon, I have a 0.79% miss rate on denova SM.


Columi pants aren't augmented because I'm getting to either drop rakata pants or BH pants, whichever comes first. I plan also on removing the campaign relic (yeah, i know...) and the matrix cube and replace them with 2 of the +power pvp relics (silly, but they're just better).

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Yes they do, as my assault cannon in game has those same stats (unless the 1st post has since been changed).


But in order to get them, you need to take the campaign vanguard DPS rifle, then pull out the barrel/mod/enhancement and move them into your AC.



As a comparison, here is my current build.



I decided that I wanted my armor to look like I wanted (and it does look good), over going for BiS for each slot. If I switched back over to rakata shells for a few pieces I could use the reflex armoring 26's again and add 33 more aim to my build. I still need 1 more reflex 26 for the belt, and campaign boots, when I get them it will add 18 more aim.


As far as what the OP is asking.

You can get almost full BiS for a commando by using rakata shells with the armoring/mods/enhancements pulled from BH gear. The only items you would be short on, would be the reflex barrel 26, and reflex armoring 26's for your chest, belt and bracers (which all come from HM EC). The BH gloves, legs and boots (medic) are good to get and use as is. After that you need the helmet for the armoring, then extra boots and gloves for the mods/enhancements. You can skip getting the chest (unless you like how it looks), as it using commando armoring. Then make sure you get the ear, implants and medic offhand (more aim and power then the boltblaster one).


Yeah the profile he originally posted had the reflex 27 barrel, hence my corrections and whatnot.

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