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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Classes' Most Realistic Form (May Contain Spoilers)


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I don't really think there's any viable deduction one could make considering the game was specifically written in a way that allows all races to somewhat apply to the role you play.


When it comes to personal 'most probable' guess' I'd have to go with this:


Warrior = Human. Mostly because of the beginning and the favoritism, and darth baras' remark that your instructor considered you like his son. That kind of flows for me as if my character is a human. Plus, the voice strikes me like one with a slight 'english' accent, which in SW are considered Coruscanii I think. Or Corellian, don't remember.


Inquisitor = Sith race. Again, the voice and background just flow naturally for the sith race, especially if you pick the darkside choices. The Sith race in itself was known to be 'very' tenacious and straight-cut evil when it came to their personalities, and the Inquisitor has some of the most 'jerk' like darkside choices after all. The Warrior on the other hand always has this 'touch of honor' to it, whereas the Inquisitor just seems straightout evil, sometimes even when you pick lightside choices. If you go with the darkside routine, Rattataki makes sense aswell. Zabrak not so much as they're known to be more like warriors. However, the lineage angle simply hints at either Human or Sith, as those two are the most renown to produce actual lineages of force users.


Now, there's also alot of it depending whether you pick the lightside or darkside routine. Sith race characters are extremely rare to hit the lightside mark, i'd be even inclined to say that they're inept to be darksided creatures due to natural allignment and cultural background. So if you go with the lightside routine neither of these classes would fit the Sith race. So given both options (lightside/darkside), some plot aspects and overall probabilities, you'd really have to go with both classes being tailored for humans, with alot of margin force the sith race within the Inquisitor storyline.


The others are pretty much open season for anyone, considering they're written in an open fashion that allow any race.


When it comes to the Jedi, it's pretty much the same, Jedi could be about any race except borderline darkside figures like the rattataki or Sith. I exclude Chiss from this considering it's more then rare for a chiss to be one of the force user classes, as chiss FS are more then rare, and considering most Chiss hail from the chiss ascendancy (not sure if it applies during this timeline however) they dont have real ties to the Jedi/Sith cultures.

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As far as inquisitor goes, we know it grew up in the empire because of the accent. But the empire has a law requiring all force sensitives to be trained as sith. Typical force sensitive races would have been tested at a young age for force sensitivity, but the inquisitor started at a late age. Therefore, the most likely race is the one that is least likely to be force sensitive, rattataki.
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As far as inquisitor goes, we know it grew up in the empire because of the accent. But the empire has a law requiring all force sensitives to be trained as sith. Typical force sensitive races would have been tested at a young age for force sensitivity, but the inquisitor started at a late age. Therefore, the most likely race is the one that is least likely to be force sensitive, rattataki.


They have only recently begun to test slaves to be force sensitive. Because they want to build up numbers for the upcoming war. When the first war started they thought they had enough numbers to annihilate the jedi and republic very quickly.

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For the inquisitor, they can be any species because as far as the slave thing goes-



It is not very clear how they become a slave, but if you get far enough into the story line (cant remember if this is talking to a companion or not) you learn that the reason you are a slave is because you killed someone important and was forced into it. You you were not really born into it. Therefore i cant inquisitor could be any species even the sith pure blood they have there, im butting my bets on human though.


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Sith Warrior: Most likely Pureblood, gender uncertain.

Reason: There's a thread around here saying how Purebloods were treated better than humans in the Empire for a while, as also shown with Ffon in the early Inquisitor storyline. This is very similar to the beginning of the Warrior. You were transfered to Korriban, you never had to struggle to get what you needed, your Warblade came early, etc. Vemrin (remember him?) hates you for that. He's human, and if you are too, it never should have happened. Remember that, at first, everyone thought that Vemrin was stronger than you.


Inquisitor: Most likely female, species uncertain.

Reason: The Empire enslaves aliens. Therefore you must be an alien. When you find out you are related to a certain person, his mask looks like it was made for a human as there are no holes for Zabrak horns or Twi'lek lekku. Rattataki is the most human-esque of all the aliens. So, unless he had his cranial appendages sawn off, that Lord must have been Rattataki, meaning you are too. However, it has been said that you could be human or Pureblood, due to the fact that your ancestor was Sith. It does make sense, because it was only recently that the Empire started straining slaves as Sith. As for the female part, at the end of the storyline, you are given a Darth name. If you are DS, you become Nox. Nox sounds somewhat more feminine than it does masculine, so female is more realistic.


Imperial Agent: Leaning towards Chiss, gender uncertain.

Reason: There is Chiss specific dialogue in the storyline (if you are Chiss) (original post page 1, second to last post.)


Jedi Knight: Leaning towards male, species uncertain.

Reason: See 2nd post, page 3.


Jedi Consular: Leaning towards female, species uncertain.

Reason: See 2nd post, page 3.


I haven't gotten far in other storylines to make guesses, so that's where you come in. Please state your guess along with reasoning.


I am not saying that your compeletely wrong however at least on the Inquisitor you are partially incorrect. If you havent read it Read the Book Revan. You will find that even humans were slaves in the Empire especially humans decended from families of fallen Sith Lords like the Inquisitor (this part was not mentioned in Revan, however I do know that the Sith Lord the Inquisitor is decended from is human all of the Exiles were except for one and that one was female species unknown). The name given to the SI after Thanatons death also leads me to think the SI is female. As to the Sith Warrior I havent played much of it except on Korraban and it could be human, or pureblood. Even with Vermin talking down to you. Remember that all newcomers to the Sith Academies have been treated this way even the reformed Revan in KOTOR was treated this way by the other students at the academy on Korraban. The agent in my opinion is definately either Human or Chiss for shure the dialog is best suited for those races and could be either gender. The Jedi knight I am leaning toward Human for shure but gender unknown. Consular for shure either Human or Mirilan (if misspelled apologize), as to its gender I am uncertain, however the type of dialogue could point to either gender.

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As far as inquisitor goes, we know it grew up in the empire because of the accent. But the empire has a law requiring all force sensitives to be trained as sith. Typical force sensitive races would have been tested at a young age for force sensitivity, but the inquisitor started at a late age. Therefore, the most likely race is the one that is least likely to be force sensitive, rattataki.


Not entirely true considering that when you first arrive on Korraban it is mentioned that you have been a slave your entire life. Also the Sith Lord your decended from is human, Lord Kailig (if name misspelled I apologize). He was one of the original Exiles from the Jedi along with Ajunta Pal, Tulak Hord, and Karness Mur (however I could be wrong). All thats known about him is that he was one of the first Lords of the Sith and that Tulak Hord was his main rival and Hord defeated him forcing his bloodline into slavery. His ghost tells you this when you meet him the first time. This is the other reason I think that the Sith Inquisitor is human and female.

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