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Does poetry count?


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I consider poetry a method of story-telling (think heroic or prose poems such as Beowulf, Iliad, and Odyssey), so I count poetry as fan-fic material. Ballads and dramatic monologues could work well too to foster character development, plot, and other elements of a good story.
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Now you're on the hook to write some.


Grr...I shouldn't have said anything. Anyway, here's the best I can come up with, despite being tired and uninspired:


The shadow stood upon the stairs

Vengeance held in human form

Silently he sped along

An omen of the coming storm


The door he reached, and there was stopped

The guards would keep him from his goal

The saber flashed, the crimson fang

Destroying life, consuming soul


The empty hall he entered then

The red death stilled and put away

He knew his foes waited for him

But where and when, he could not say


From the darkness leapt a man

A knight of order old and great

Yet confidence the shadow had

Pride in unrelenting fate


As the knight faced down his doom

Through the door he saw a blur

A flicker from his vision’s edge

The end of hope began to stir


Blasting like a cannon shot

As transport crashed, defenses fell

From one red tree a forest grew

The day descended into hell


The end of tale you all must know

How city fell to lightless foe

How warships blotted out the sun

How Malgus fought, and duel was won.

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That was really good. It did very much read like a poem that gets told by candle light and a pint. Only one thing I would say is that "He knew his foes waited for him" might have flowed better as "He knew his foes awaited him", but that's just a personal preference. I never got into poetry as I have no rhythm.
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