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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Biggest in-game fear


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What's your biggest in-game fear?


Mine is to send 99 kits MK-6 to someone else by mistake (e.g. typing Johm instead of my alt name John) and then, that other player refuses to send back all those kits even if I keep begging. :eek:

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one of my favourite companions pulling a quinn latter on when they finally add more class story ;;

2) Corso's former fiance shows up in the later class story

3) Playable ewoks and wookies

4) Cross server LFG

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That PvP generates nerf which impacts PvE hard.


Oh wait.


PS : And no, Kephess is not a problem for a shadow in 1.3, you just need to make a good use of your out of combat ability :)

Edited by Nolenthar
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Getting drunk and becoing angry that becuase i lost a warzone because my motor skills were god awful then in a drunken rage deleting all of my characters. Then telling customer service about this hear them saying that they cant assist me with this.


Oh wiat that actually happened.:(

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My biggest fear is that I will never learn how to heal or tank properly for groups.


This is a problem for me because it puts me into a catch 22. I don't want to mess up in the group, especially if it's a group of strangers, but as long as I don't group because of this fear, I'll never learn how to do the jobs well enough that I'm comfortable enough to help in groups.


~ Cerilynn

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Getting drunk and becoing angry that becuase i lost a warzone because my motor skills were god awful then in a drunken rage deleting all of my characters. Then telling customer service about this hear them saying that they cant assist me with this.


Oh wiat that actually happened.:(


Is it terrible that i found this funny as hell?

This is exactly why I stopped drinking a year ago.

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