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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

How Bioware got me a shock collar


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I just wanted to take a moment to comment on how Bioware has adversely affected my relationship with my girlfriend.

I wanted her to play because guys usually get their girlfriends to play and be their follow along healer, which worked well until we started datacron hunting. She said she was good at mario but when it came to platform jumping, or pipe running to jump to smaller pipes, w discovered that she is very short tempered when lag begins to play its part.


Next came heroic quests and flashpoints. All we would require would be two people, but no one ever wants to do heroic quests, and we end up just duoing them, which is fine, because I've discovered when we do flashpoints, she becomes angry when other people break CC. She turns to me and says "why did that guy break my whirlwind, how can he not see a big purple tornado." i shrug and say i do not know but i'm sure it was an accident, which in turn gets me smacked by a newspaper.


Finally we reach the culmination, we reached 50 and we partook in operations. We defeated Soa, attempted to steal Karagga's pimp hat, because she said it was cute, but to no avail, he didn't give it up. And so that was our first few months of The Old Republic. We laughed and we had fun wondering why people call East/West Alderann Snow and Grass, were they underground dwarves with no sense of direction ? we didn't know but it was fun to hypothesize what people were thinking.


Then i quit. i left her to own devices in tor and moved on to sunnier pastures, with EvE online and a little bit of diablo 3. I would still hear her say "***" or "HOW DID THAT [insert FOTM class] DO THAT" "WHY IS COVER SO OP" " WHY DO I NEED A LEGACY NAME TO HAVE A LEGACY" etc etc, i just muse to myself about how bad things have gotten, which i have now concluded wasn't a good idea to look smug. She now believes she is a Sith Warrior and i am Vette, and she chose to keep the shock collar on.



Envy In'a'snuggie Legacy


P.S. She still won't call me Soa in the bedroom. :(


P.S.S. Sh still enjoys the game and i enjoy watching her play :) Keep up the work Bioware

Edited by FB_Envy
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My wife, her brother, and my daughter all play here with me. I never "get" them to play anything, other than what they enjoy. Though we do sometimes join other groups for flashpoints, we mostly keep group runs to ourselves, because we all know our roles in a group. When we run together as a group, no one gets defeated.
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