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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

This game deserves another chance


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but D3 is a POS and everyone who could think knew that before it came out. Blizzard has not made anything decent since TBC and that was 2006/7



GW2 might not be better then SWTOR on the PvE side but it will crush it when it comes to PvP.


Starcraft 2 ?!?!?!

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Well, I just recently started playing this game. So... this is my initial pass at it. However, I did go back to my older pastime this week, to check in and play with friends. And... I couldn't get back to SWTOR fast enough.


I'm not a fan of EA, but this game is far from "crappy". Level set your expectations,spend some time away from the game, and I think, like the OP, you will come back with renewed interest and appreciate what they have done here.


Just my 2 cents.


BTW, I just thought I should add: Unsubbing and resubbing is exactly how MMOs should work IMO. Some are in for the long haul and some leave swearing to never come back. For me, I opt for continuing while it is fun and interesting but never closing the door if I decide to leave. These games evolve. Their seems to be some type of stigma around unsubbing, as if people are walking away in disgust. I certainly don't view it that way. I can walk away from a game with fond memories hopeful to return again later.

Edited by Qarran
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SWTOR is fun in the lower levels. But after a while the pointless travel problems and endless load screens get old. And the endgame sucks.


PvP on older machines just isn't possible, so a huge part of the game is out of reach for a large portion of the mmo playerbase. One of the major reasons WoW is so successful is because it runs well on just about anything (I'm not a WoW fanboy, never liked it, but I can see it's positives in the marketplace).


SWTOR still has a lot going for it. But if I were running the show, I'd focus on making the engine run better, make travel faster (eliminate redundant load screens), and give something meaningful to the level 50 players to do (connected to the storylines). Those would be the highest priorities, there are countless other things that also need attention but the majority of the dev time should be spent on the biggest issues.


As for GW2. Many players will be going there. But it is a F2P game. Lots of players will still keep their subs here and play GW2.

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THIS! I don't understand why the mini-games like Pazaak are not in the game yet. Also, swoop racing and much more. Man, I will spend tons of hours on my ship and in cantinas playing Pazaak against other players haha


BioWare needs to add tons of "fluff" to the game now, and give us some content that's not raiding or dailies


I have to agree with you. I did the dailies and raids for years in other games, and it was bearable because of the the variety of non-raid, non-daily content. And I say this as a huge fan of this game (SWTOR). I love the game. But I'm weary of raiding and combat-oriented dailies. Plus, I just don't have a regular play schedule to take advantage of that sort of content. What I'd like to see more of:



  • Exploration - Sometimes it's fun to go places in the game just fof the heck of it.
  • Puzzle Solving - Datacrons have been an excellent facet of this game. More puzzles / treasure hunting would be greatly welcomed.
  • Achievements - I understand they are working on this. Hopefully, it will not unbalanced and include plenty of non-combat achievements and rewards.
  • Fleshed-out crafting and gathering system - While it is a convenience to have companions gather, it really takes away any challenge in finding and mapping nodes, etc. Currently, is mostly automated and quite uninspiring.
  • Special events - Like the rakghoul thing.
  • Holidays / Festivals - I've always enjoyed these sorts of events. Lots of once a year quests, events, and achievements.
  • Mini-games - Lots of folks have been asking for these. This game just begs for some sort of gambling mini-games on the Hutt planets. Pod racing holds the possibility of being multi-faceted, in that you can either race or spectate and bet. I suspect this may be difficult to implement, but still worth having on a wish list.
  • Changing environment - I know some players don't really care about this, but I think it enhances the game to have day-night cycles and weather events. Dust storms on Tatooine. Blizzards on Hoth... etc.

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I got a free week to test out the game and I must say I'm impressed with how much they improved and polished everything. Now this looks like a finished product. I subbed again, because I believe quality games should be supported. Game is so much more enjoyable now and I think people like me, who left after the first 2 months, should give it another go. :)


I can only take so much of this game and the company and employees before I go nuts. I subscribe for 1 month out of every 6.

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Oh please. Star Wars games are not known for their success. I only played a handful of them because the rest well sucked. Name one of the best Star Wars game ever made: KOTOR. Who made that?


I have only 2 things to say to you about the best ever star wars game. One is X-wing and another is Tie Fighter :)

Edited by vandana_
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I have to agree with you. I did the dailies and raids for years in other games, and it was bearable because of the the variety of non-raid, non-daily content. And I say this as a huge fan of this game (SWTOR). I love the game. But I'm weary of raiding and combat-oriented dailies. Plus, I just don't have a regular play schedule to take advantage of that sort of content. What I'd like to see more of:



  • Exploration - Sometimes it's fun to go places in the game just fof the heck of it.
  • Puzzle Solving - Datacrons have been an excellent facet of this game. More puzzles / treasure hunting would be greatly welcomed.
  • Achievements - I understand they are working on this. Hopefully, it will not unbalanced and include plenty of non-combat achievements and rewards.
  • Fleshed-out crafting and gathering system - While it is a convenience to have companions gather, it really takes away any challenge in finding and mapping nodes, etc. Currently, is mostly automated and quite uninspiring.
  • Special events - Like the rakghoul thing.
  • Holidays / Festivals - I've always enjoyed these sorts of events. Lots of once a year quests, events, and achievements.
  • Mini-games - Lots of folks have been asking for these. This game just begs for some sort of gambling mini-games on the Hutt planets. Pod racing holds the possibility of being multi-faceted, in that you can either race or spectate and bet. I suspect this may be difficult to implement, but still worth having on a wish list.
  • Changing environment - I know some players don't really care about this, but I think it enhances the game to have day-night cycles and weather events. Dust storms on Tatooine. Blizzards on Hoth... etc.


I agree with this fully all of these changes are exactly what we need in this game.

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Story is one thing TOR beats other MMO's with hands down. So yeah, BioWare has allways had great story writers.


The idea is/was good and some of them are pretty nice. But I wouldn't call any of the story's good!

Everyone of them is flawed, be it a forced twist (Quinn) that destroys the story and upsets the apple cart or as pointed out before, a player (sorry can't remember the persons name) said that he had all set up his legacy with his mar. alt as his main's (a Jug.) son, only to meet... Baras... Dead Baras? His twin? A clone? ...So no! The story lines are not very good. :o

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How many of these doomsayers didn't renew their subs and are venting on the forums whilst they wait for their subs to run out I wonder... :rak_02:


The doom already happened. I think the population numbers they have now are probably close to what it will be for a while. The six month subs run out soon but that is a relatively small portion of the playerbase.


They need to find a way to keep the players they have happy. A meaningful and enjoyable endgame experience would do wonders.

Edited by --Grim--
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The doom already happened. I think the population numbers they have now are probably close to what it will be for a while. The six month subs run out soon but that is a relatively small portion of the playerbase.


They need to find a way to keep the players they have happy. A meaningful and enjoyable endgame experience would do wonders.


At this point the only significant feature I can think of that can do really amazing things to the game and completely change its reception and turn the tide is proper space combat .


Imagine the current travel system replaced with Eve travel and sandbox elements (but not too hardcore, 1 jump between destinations is enough) minig&scanning stolen from Eve and guild capital ships with guild members in turrets/officers in the bridge helping the guild fighter pilots in the X-Wing/Tie Fighter style dogfights and watching the sky burn... that would do even more wonders.


Oh and steal the EVE engine for that part of the game. God forbid you use hero for that.

Edited by vandana_
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At this point the only significant feature I can think of that can do really amazing things to the game and completely change its reception and turn the tide is proper space combat .


Imagine the current travel system replaced with Eve travel and sandbox elements (but not too hardcore, 1 jump between destinations is enough) minig&scanning stolen from Eve and guild capital ships with guild members in turrets/officers in the bridge helping the guild fighter pilots in the X-Wing/Tie Fighter style dogfights and watching the sky burn... that would do even more wonders.


Oh and steal the EVE engine for that part of the game. God forbid you use hero for that.


Hero engine can't handle all of that and I doubt Bioware would be willing to admit Hero Engine was a mistake and use something else so kiss that hope goodbye, at this point I don't even think that secret space project is still in the works. Probably got cut like half of Bioware's staff

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I got a free week to test out the game and I must say I'm impressed with how much they improved and polished everything. Now this looks like a finished product. I subbed again, because I believe quality games should be supported. Game is so much more enjoyable now and I think people like me, who left after the first 2 months, should give it another go. :)


Yeah, group finder alone was like fixing a important broken bridge.


They still have a long way to go, swtor is still like a barren yet freshly constructed highway.

Personally i want to take a right turn and do some swoop racing and compete that would be really really fun.

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I really like the state of the game right now. Right now they have the opportunity to steer the game away from WoW, gameplay wise. They should not have followed the same formula anyway. Of course people will get bored from PvE and PvP, they have been doing exactly the same kind of PvE/PvP in WoW for many years. I hope the game will look less like WoW with each following patch. But that's just daydreaming on my side. :)


Anyway I was just contemplating, that I've spent much more money on less deserving games lately, and for once I feel the devs I give my money to deserve it. It's a god damn shame the game didn't launch in this state.

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The idea is/was good and some of them are pretty nice. But I wouldn't call any of the story's good!

Everyone of them is flawed, be it a forced twist (Quinn) that destroys the story and upsets the apple cart or as pointed out before, a player (sorry can't remember the persons name) said that he had all set up his legacy with his mar. alt as his main's (a Jug.) son, only to meet... Baras... Dead Baras? His twin? A clone? ...So no! The story lines are not very good. :o


I thought the story for the Jedi Counselor was excellent. Even the ending was well done. Sure there some flaws in it. Namely it does not matter which choices you make ( other than light/dark side points and companion interest ) the end result will be the same. And I have not got that far with the Smuggler story quests, only up to level 28, but the whole idea he has to remain so loyal to the Republic is a immersion breaker for me. Made sense with the Jedi Counselor however.

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I got a free week to test out the game and I must say I'm impressed with how much they improved and polished everything. Now this looks like a finished product. I subbed again, because I believe quality games should be supported. Game is so much more enjoyable now and I think people like me, who left after the first 2 months, should give it another go. :)


Well mate they shouldnt release it in that stage in the first place. You see the devs didnt give ToR a chance at first hand, why should players paying for do so?


To give or not to give? Now that is the question

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